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Additional Open Access Resources and Information
ResearchersLinks is a RoMEO green publisher — RoMEO is a database of Publishers' copyright and self-archiving policies hosted by the University of Nottingham.
Following resources have been collated for those who are new to this concept or requiring more information on this model:
Information Platform Open Access [in English, in German ]

Defining Open Access
The concept of Open Access is explained in this short video on YouTube.

Advantages of Open Access for Authors
The Open Access model of publication offers several advantages to both authors and readers and few of these are briefly outlined here:
Accessibility and Reflectiveness: Due to unrestricted access to contents under open access umbrella, the research outcome reaches to audience without any barriers and covers broader audiences. Everyone with access to internet can freely obtain contents immediate to their release, further facilitate their inclusion in search engines and obtaining attentions of readers that are true beneficiaries of these national and international investments.
Enhanced Achievability and Impact: One of the primary objectives of research investments is to advance our understanding on matters that safeguard humanity. Owing to public availability, freely available contents are by nature achieve high impact.
Financially Competitive: Since the cost of publication is being paid “once-for-ever”, the net investment on publication of an article under open access is fractional to the subscription charges that require continual renewals. Additionally, open access journals provides publication of unlimited experimental procedures and full results, access to these contents further encompass barriers.
Matter of Public Right: Subscription-based article access can only be made by institutions or now by individual subscription or pay as you go. While research funded by public funds, subscription implies an additional layer of financial burden to general public in gaining benefits of research that matters the most to them.
Timely Information: Open access articles, as that of all journals operated by ResearchersLinks, are made available online immediately after their acceptance. The research findings reaches to audiences rapidly compared to traditional and printed journals.

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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