Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of FAQs for easy understanding of our missions:

Q: What are the article processing charges?

ResearchersLinks run journals on two-model system. (i) All "ResearchersLinks Journals" providing services to scientific community free of cost. This mean there is no article processing charges for authors and no subscription fee for the readers on ResearchersLinks journals. (ii) "ResearchersLinks Associated Journals" may have publication or processing charges, independently decided by the editorial board or their institutions/societies without any involvement of ResearchersLinks. Please ensure the fee structures at the "Processing Charges" page of the journal before proceeding for submission, or visit our collated information at:

Q: Is ResearchersLinks an Open Access publisher?

Yes, all contents published by ResearchersLinks are Open Access.

Q: How ResearchersLinks sustainably publish without publication and subscription fees for ResearchersLinks Journals?

We are using following measures to manage running expenses: 1-Book section of the ResearchersLinks publishes quality books and the generated revenue is being used in the journal section, 2-We have developed online manuscript submission system (called Manuscript Handler). Generated revenue is being back-invested in ResearchersLinks. 3-Because most of IT and publishing are being managed online by third parties, the running expenses are kept lowest possible.

Q: What is the Privacy Policy and would ResearchersLinks shares personal information with others?

We never share your email addresses with other organisations. Your contact and profile information is only saved online in the ResearchersLinks databases, which can be deleted anytime upon your request.

Q: How come my Username and Password do not work?

Usernames and passwords can be different depending on the site you are trying to access. If may be helpful to know that the ResearchersLinks Journals website and the ResearchersLinks manuscript submission system (Manuscript Handler) have their own set of credentials and are different from each other.

Q: What is browser support for ResearchersLinks?

The ResearchersLinks site is built to be compatible with the most recent versions of Netscape, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and OmniWeb browsers. It is typical for incompatibilities to surface when new versions are released. However, our website currently is not compatible with Internet Explorer. If you encounter a technical problem in this regard please let us know the nature of the problem.

Q: Report a plagiarised article!

If you come across any article published by ResearchersLinks that breaches the publication ethics, please do let us know by clicking on the Contact Us page (right top corner of every page of the website).

Q: Suggest a new journal

ResearchersLinks aims to expand its Open Access publishing portfolio in all disciplines of science and technology. Scholars interested to launch a new journal and publishers intended to transfer existing journals can contact us at [email protected]. We also welcome societies to publish their existing journals from our established web platform. You will be allowed to have access to our state-of-the-art publishing platforms with tools that have been optimised to run your journals professionally and economically while you focus on the quality of the contents. Team of ResearchersLinks will support you with cutting-edge publication tools as well as unmatched expertise and experiences. For further details please contact our Managing staff at [email protected]

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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