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Weam Mohamed Baher*, Gamilat A. El said 

...east) was done using the bacteriocin, nisin, and gingerol at two concentrations (1%, and 2%). The achieved results indicated an unsatisfactory hygienic status of the retailed chicken meat in the study area, in terms of high microbial counts. Chicken breast collected from rural areas had significantly (p< 0.05) the highest counts. A significant reduction of the microbial load of chicken breast was achieved after treatment with nisin, and gingerol, particular...

Yusmarini Yusuf*, Usman Pato*, Shanti Fitriani, Emma Riftyan, Evy Rossi, Diky Arma Fauzi, Ghina Ismadiah, Miftahul Hidayah, Windy Sabiliani

... chitosan (P3), and 0.6% bacteriocin (P4). All samples were stored at freezing temperatures for 30 days. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance, and differences between treatments were analyzed using DNMRT at the 5% level. The results showed that the application of various preservatives might impact the quality of fishballs during the first 30 days of frozen storage. Even though the chemical and sensory parameters of fish meatballs without...

SHEIKH AJAZ RASOOL1*, MUNAZZA DANISH AJAZ2, MUHAMMAD SALMAN RASOOL3, AHSAN SATTAR SHEIKH4 & FIRDAUS KOUSAR BUKHARI5, and vaccination and bacteriocins. These approaches have shown successful results towards lowering the occurrence of Campylobacter-associated ailments in humans and for bioclustering in the poultry houses and animals.


Shanti Fitriani*, Usman Pato, Yusmarini Yusuf, Emma Riftyan, Evy Rossi

... proper concentration of bacteriocin to preserve the fishballs and extend their shelf-life without compromising on quality. In a randomized design, five different concentrations of bacteriocins were used. The treatments in this study were the addition of the bacteriocin concentration, namely B1 (0%), B2 (0.15%), B3 (0.3%), B4 (0.45%), and B5 (0.6%). Samples were stored in a cold environmen...

HANNANA MARYAM, SANA MAQSOOD & SIKANDER ALI* better potential for bacteriocin. A significant (p≤0.05) increase in laterosporulin biosynthesis was observed when the parameters like medium volume, buffer pH (7.0) and incubation temperature (37°C) were optimized. Antimicrobial potential of laterosporulin was also exploited using various techniques. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and critical dilution assays (CDAs) were performed for exhibiting bacteriocin

Indah Nurfauziah1, Lovita Adriani1*, Rahmad Fani Ramadhan1, Andi Mushawwir1, Safri Ishmayana2

...dy aims to determine the bacteriocin activity of probiotic yogurt and the effect of giving probiotic yogurt on the feed conversion ratio and total production of laying hens. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and twelve replications. Treatment consisted of T0: basal feed (BS), T1: BS + 4% WSPE B1 yogurt (Bifidobacterium spp. and L. acidophilus), and T2: BS + 4% WSPE B2 yogurt (L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, L. acidop...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Vol. 12, Iss. 9, pp. 1622-1845


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