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N. Mandi and A. K. Senapati 

Integration of chemical botanical and microbial insecticides for control of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli
Lu Liu1, Sher Khan Panhwar2, Tianxiang Gao3, Zhiqiang Han3, Chunhou Li4, Dianrong Sun4 and Na Song1,*
...iza klunzingeri from coastal waters of China and Pakistan, respectively. Sequences of L. carinata were obtained from GenBank. A neighbor-joining tree showed the specimens to form a strong monophyletic group. The mean within-species genetic distances for L. affinis, L. carinata, and L. klunzingeri were 0.26%, 0.52%, and 0.47%, respectively. The mean genetic distances among L. affinis, L. carinata, and L. klunzing...
Carolina A. Bonin1,2, Eric A. Lewallen2,3, Andre J. van Wijnen3, Marta Jussara Cremer4 and Paulo C. Simões-Lopes5*
...iv>Recent extinctions of coastal dolphin species indicate that marine mammal populations are susceptible to rapid decline. Yet, effective conservation efforts depend on population-level ecological data. To obtain principal baseline data that will inform management efforts, we characterized the habitat and recorded the behaviour of a Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) population within one of the most well-preserved estuaries off southern Brazil. Monthl...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

...ost per annum. While, in coastal and desert areas of Sindh, and mountainous - AJK wheat straw is the major cost item and shares more than half of the total feeding costs per annum (51 - 58 %). Mean milk productions per lactation of Red-Sindhi breed were 1845 lit and 1590 lit in the irrigated and coastal areas of Sindh, respectively. Productivity of Thari breed in desert areas of Sindh and that of non-descript cow breed in AJ...

 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

...htunkhwa (KPK) province, coastal zone of Sindh and mountainousAJK. Of these, 155 and 64 were Nili-Ravi and Kundhi buffalo breed farmers, respectively. The study revealed that among the structure of cost components, feed cost occupied the major share in total cost of milk production. Milk production of buffaloes of Nili-Ravi and Kundhi breeds were 2889 and 2375 liter per annum, respectively. Total costs of milk production of Nili-Ravi and Kundhi buffalo breeds ...
Liqin Liu, Maoting Wang, Zhenming Lü, Li Gong*, ChangWen Wu, Baoying Guo and Lihua Jiang
...tributed in the tropical coastal waters of the Indo-pacific region. In this study, we developed twenty-one microsatellite loci for S. pharaonis through next-generation sequencing technology. A total of 100 alleles were detected, and the number of alleles per loci ranged from 2 to 9. The observed and expected heterozygosities per loci ranged from 0.000 to 0.531 and from 0.031 to 0.751, respectively. Polymorphism information content (PIC) showed that six ...
Tianlong Cai1, Falk Huettmann2, Kisup Lee3 and Yumin Guo1,*
...le for stopover: (i) the coastal area of the Bohai Sea, (ii) the Three Rivers Plain-Amur River Basin, (iii) the Torey Lake Basin and the (iv) Zeya River-Heilongjiang River. The gap analysis revealed that existing nature reserves conserve merely 16.7% of the suitable habitat and 26.7% of the core habitat. However, much more suitable habitat is still located widely outside nature reserves. Based on our predictions, a total of 22 priority areas should be consider...
Bingbing Gao1, Na Song1, Zhonglu Li2, Tianxiang Gao3 and Liqin Liu3,*
...population expansion and coastal currents may be responsible for the homogeneity among the six populations.
Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny1,2,*, Reny P. Devassy1, Erinn M. Muller3, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani1 and Ali M. Al-Aidaroos1
...hic conditions along the coastal waters of Gulf of Aqaba, Saudi Arabia during the summer period. Conspicuous stratification was evident in the water column while nutrient distribution highlighted the oligotrophic nature of the region. Nitrate showed a notable increase in the deeper layers of almost all the stations and towards the south. Chlorophyll a was low throughout (0.05-0.27 mg m-3) though a small peak was observed at a depth of 70m. Di...
Jie Zhang1,2,*, Baradi Waryani3,4 and Qihai Zhou2,*
...Chinese waters including coastal waters, inland lakes, and outflowing rivers south of the Yangtze River and its delta. In order to maintain stable high production of salangids, fertilized eggs from native or introduced populations of icefish were frequently introduced to various types of water throughout China mainland except for Tibet Plantae. The genetic diversity and molecular invasive mechanism are urgently needed for both native and invasive populati...
Hui Wang1, Lin Wang1, Xuanlu Li1, Shanshan Li1, Yongqiang Zhao2, Shicheng Lv2, Xinrong Xu1, Guang Yang1 and Bingyao Chen1,*
...e Reserve is the largest coastal nature reserve in China. The environmental capacity of its core zone of 225.96 km2 area is approaching saturation, and more and more birds have begun to utilize the buffer zone. We conducted a line transect survey in December 2010 to estimate bird density and evaluate the importance of the buffer zone. As a result, 34 protected species among the 4975 individuals were sighted, including 127 red-crowned cranes (Grus...
Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1
...igated zone) and Thatta (coastal mangroves zone) of Sindh province. The attributes like major nutrients (moisture, dry matter, total organic matter, inorganic/mineral matter (ash), ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract and total carbohydrate contents) were included. Comprehensive survey indicated year round availability of 19 different vegetations at study areas whereby dry matter contents in Calligonum polygonoides (93.63%) r...
Jiantong Feng, Xueping Wen, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo
...important species in the coastal regions of China. In order to characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of M. lamarckii, a 750 bp region of mitochondrial COIII gene and an 822 bp region of 12S rRNA gene were sequenced and analyzed for 118 and 105 individuals from five populations (ZS, WZ, ZP, ST and ZJ) in the Southeast coastal areas of China, respectively. Results revealed that 33 haplotypes were d...
Yunfang Tian, Zeqin Fu, Jiantong Feng, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo
...uaculture species in the coastal regions of China. However, the previous studies of genetic information about M. meretrix were vague. None integrated research to reveal the population genetic and structure of M. meretrix in China from north to south. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation of seven location samples distributing the China coastline from north to south by mitochondrial DNA (COI and Cytb genes). The geneti...
Xiuqing Hao1, Zhe Hong2, Huili Gao1, Fumin Tian1, Hongke Zhang3, Yu Zhou3, Yuming Guo3, Guang Yang1,* and Bingyao Chen1,*
...icted extensive suitable coastal habitat of seabirds in northern Beibu Gulf. The present study provided valuable baseline information and a new perspective in protecting and monitoring seabirds.

 M. Ihsan Ul Haq1, Ahmad Hussain2*, Farzana Yasmeen3, Shafiq R. Qureshi4

...ecially remote rural and coastal areas. About 97% of water on earth is comprised of seawater. Desalination of
saline water is a prominent approach to handle the problem of water scarcity. Conventional desalination technologies
cause economic and environmental problems due to their dependency upon fossil fuels. Solar flash desalination
is one of the best desalination techniques in the developing stages. Solar energy, passive vacuum and reco...

Sikandar Khan*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Abdul Shakoor*

.... However except for the coastal areas, wind speeds available in various areas of Pakistan are low to medium, especially in the northern areas. It is possible to produce significant power from a small wind turbine at low wind speeds provided the turbine can be started. In this paper “BEM function” and “Aerodynamic function” are used based on the Blade element momentum theory. These Matlab functions calculate the wind turb...
...atus in the southern coastal waters of Oman of the Arabian Sea. A single specimen was captured using a bottom set gill net at a depth of 12 m on 26 March 2019. It was male measuring 42.0 cm in total length, 17.2 cm in carapace length and weighed 3.15 kg. Description of morphological characters and illustrations are presented.
Suwati Suwati1, ErniRomansyah1,*, Syarifudin Syarifudin1, Yahya Jani2, Agus Heri Purnomo3
Damat Damat4 and Erkata Yandri5,6
...improving the welfare of coastal communities. As a source of nutrition, seaweed consists of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and ash, vitamin, and beta-carotene. Right drying methods are needed to preserve the quality of dried seaweed. This study aims to compare the trend of weight reduction in seaweed during drying by natural and cabinet methods. The methods were used experimentally in the field and laboratory. And the data were analyzed using simple linear ...
Dia Mamadou1,2*, Meissa Beyah1, Sow Amadou Harouna1, Ba Samba Alassane1, Bouzouma Moustapha1, Braham Cheikh Baye1 and Beibou Ely1
...such an extent that some coastal cephalopods fishing vessels are being transformed into lobster vessels and European chartered vessels are arriving in Mauritanian waters. Therefore, in order to make the exploitation of this species biologically, economically and socially sustainable, a monitoring of landings of this species were undertaken from 2015 to 2018. From February 2015 to June 2018, on a regular basis and at each landing of vessels targeting pink lobst...

Mukhlisi Mukhlisi1,*, Tri Sayektiningsih2 and Ishak Yassir1

...n hill karst forests and coastal karst forests. We employed a point count method by following transects. Observers walked constantly along transect and stopped every distance of ±200 m to record all sighted birds for 10-15 min. We found 89 bird species: 67 bird species were identified in hill karst forest and 33 bird species were recorded in coastal karst forests. Eleven bird species were found in both study sites. Th...

Mohammad Mahmudi1,2*, Muhammad Musa1,2, Sulastri Arsad1,2, Evellin Dewi Lusiana1,2, Alamanda Bunga1, Nur Azlina Wati1 has destroyed coastal environments due to land conversion, particularly mangroves. Recently, the concept of eco-green aquaculture by integrating mangroves and shrimp ponds has been discussed as an attempt to preserve mangrove forests as well as using them as wastewater treatment for aquaculture sewage. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of integrated super-intensive shrimp aquaculture with mangroves in terms of water quality characteris...

Huahua Fang, Daquan Zhou and Xiaoyu Dong*

...rom the Yellow Sea along coastal waters of Shandong province, China were estimated. Ninety-one samples were collected from March to June 2019 through trawl nets in the Yellow sea area (36°27′02″N 121°08′68″E). The length-weight relationships of Lepidotrigla microptera, Liparis tanakae and Trachidermus fasciatus can be expressed as WL.microptera = 0.0123L2.92, WL. Tanakae = 0.0848L3.46, WT. fasciatus = 0.067L3.06, respectively. T...

Lei Zeng1,2,3,4, Pimao Chen1,2,3,4, Zhenzhao Tang1,3,4, Jie Yu1,2,3,4 and Guobao Chen1,2,3,4*

...ustaceans resourcs along coastal water, given the rapid establish of AR around the world.


Vetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov1, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov2, Kerim Khasanovich Bolatchiev1, Kamilla Gadzhimuradovna Alieva4, Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov2,3* 

... sectors, and reverie of coastal areas of were contaminated with invasive material of from nematodes of the species Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Bunostomum phlebotomum, which indicates of a high level of contamination of biotopes of pasture with eggs. The current sanitary condition of the mountainous territories of Kabardino-Balkaria under the conditions of soil contamination with eggs of the nematodes genus Bunostomum necessitates urgent measures to organiz...

Sajid Mehmood Shahzad

..., fisheries are the only coastal resource used nowadays. The maritime sector of Pakistan’s economy is becoming less viable as rising maritime vulnerabilities lead to decreased commerce and taxes. Here we look at Pakistan’s maritime industry and see how it stacks up to those of its land and maritime neighbors, i.e., India, Iran, and maritime neighbor Oman. 
Novelty Statement | This stu...

Imtiaz Kashani and Sher Khan Panhwar*

... Bay and Pasni along the coastal belt of Pakistan. Size frequency distribution based on normal distribution demonstrates that individuals of 13 cm total length were common in all groups. Some fifteen morphometric and six geometric variables were used to develop Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that revealed (76%, 13.9% and 9.8%) variation deduced from first three components. The population sampled from Karachi fish harbors showed significant taxonomic variab...
Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2*, Basanti Mondal3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Ganesan Nagarajan4,5,6, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman3, Md. Mostafizur Rahman7, Adnan Alhajji1 and Md. Moshiur Rahman3,8*
...ell or eventually die in coastal regions where salinity changes happen regularly because of different natural calamities. This study was conducted to explore the effects of periodic changes of salinity on different phenotypic traits in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in order to find out any traits that can be expressed through compensatory growth. Equal sized juvenile Nile tilapias were randomly assigned into two treatments including control treatment (C...

Maria Endo Mahata*, Yose Rizal, Zurmiati, Sepri Reski

...widespread in Indonesian coastal waters. We aimed to reduce the salt concentration of the brown seaweed P. australis by immersing it in flowing water. We used a completely randomized design (CRD) with different immersion durations (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h) of P. australis in flowing water. Each treatment received four replications. We evaluated dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ash, salt, and alginate contents. The results reveale...

Faisal Alsaaq

...t stations, encompassing coastal and offshore locations. A total of 117 fish species belonging to 31 families were identified during the survey, with an overall abundance of 20,810 individuals observed. The fish assemblages in the area exhibited a balanced representation by all functional groups across different trophic levels, indicating a healthy state. Of particular interest were the families Chaetodontidae (butterfly fishes) and Serranidae (Groupers), know...

Skeikh Mustafizur Rahman1*, Mst. Shirin Sharmin Khan1, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis2,3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Md. Moshiur Rahman1, Mohammed Monirul Islam4, Md. Asadujjaman5 and Md. Golam Sarower1

... consumed by the general coastal inhabitants in Bangladesh.


Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

... surveyed farmers in the coastal region of Tanzania based on their rearing characteristics. It also aims to evaluate their productivity by establishing an operating account for one broiler per group of identified farmers. Additionally, the study seeks to identify the factors that may influence the productivity of broiler farms. To this end, 78 broiler farmers were selected using a non-probability snowball sampling method. Information was collected on farmers, ...


...ted at Buleji, the major coastal site of Karachi which harbours a huge and varied number of gastropods. The body muscle was dissected out of the shell and used for molecular identification and biochemical analysis (Amino acid profiling). Macro/micro morphology of the shells was also studied by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The analysis of nutritional status of the three Siphonaria sp. revealed quite similar profiles amo...


...listic steps towards the coastal habitat conservation through mangroves plantation in Keti Bunder (Indus delta), Thatta district, Sindh province, Pakistan. From the visual interpretation of repeat terrestrial photographs and Google Earth high-resolution satellite images, healthy growth of mangroves plantation was observed on previously barren mudflats. Even the canopy of sparse mangroves trees became enriched in various areas. In a small area of 372 km2 around...

Chengrui Yan1, Jing Miao1, Jiantong Feng1, Liping Xia1, Yingying Ye1,2*, Jiji Li1 and Baoying Guo1,2

...gastropod species in the coastal regions of China. Compared to other molluscs, T. clavigera has a long planktonic larval period (i.e., ~ two months). In order to identify the relevant factors affecting the genetic structure of T. clavigera, a total of 147 T. clavigera individuals distributed along the Chinese coast from 9 populations were analysed genetically on the bases of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analysis of the COI genetics indicated a high level o...
Mohsen Dehghani
...ts are among the richest coastal ecosystems which provide a wide range of economic and ecological advantages services. The mangroves are sources of highly valued for developinga commercial products and fishery resources and also as sites burgeoning eco-tourism. Yet despite their ecological and economic importance, the rate and magnitude of mangrove conversion is relatively unknown. These forests can be considered as exceptional wetland ecosystems in southern <...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Iftekhar Ahmed
... on tides and erosion of coastal banks, environment apiculture and eco-tourism respectively.

100% of the respondents were in favor of social forestry schemes in the area and 92% of them were willing to plant coconut or date palm at their village, otak or house. Only 4% of the respondents reported that mangrove deterioration is severe due to livestock pressure and decreased fresh water flow downstream in Indus Delta; which resulted in high salinity a...

Maqsood Anwar1, Abdul Wahid Jasra2 and I. Ahmad3
...hese regions include the coastal mangrove forests of the Arabian Sea as well as some of the highest mountains of the world. This diversity contains variety of habitats and landscapes that support a rich faunal and floral biodiversity. During the last two-three decades, a number of animal and plant species have become threatened or endangered mainly due to over-exploitation and loss of natural habitat. Deforestation, overgrazing, soil erosion, salinity and wate...
Md Golam Moula
...nting in the established coastal plantation. Nine major mangrove species namely Ceriops decandra, Aegiceras corniculatum, Phoenix paludosa, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes, Lumnitzera racemosa, Xxlocarpus mekongensis, Cynometra ramiflora and Bruguiera sexangula were tried. The highest survivability was found in A. corniculatum and P. paludosa (87.67%) and lowest in L. racemosa (61.33%). The maximum and minimum diameter ...
Kabir Dihider Shahriar, Mahmood Hossain and Ripon Kumar Debnath
...eas Thana Sonagazi being coastal area possessed the highest number of betel nut and coconut trees whereas Thana Chandina was dominated by tal (Borassus flabellifer) species.

Key word: Home garden, Community Forestry, Social Forestry

Md. Serajuddoula, A. S. Khan, M. R. Islam and M. A. H. Shahjalal
...stal belt....
S.H. Bangash and F. W. Khan
...rests (1.7m ha); and the coastal forests (0.35m ha). Besides these natural forests, there were sizeable contribution of wood from man-made forests in the riverain belt and plains, canals, road-side plantations, and also from some scattered plantations of Farm lands. Thus, the country had no critical shortage of wood; of course, there has still been dependence on selective importing of assorted timber wood from abroad....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...untry, starting from the coastal zone to the Alpine pastures has continued unabated since ages. The process has not only destabilized the fragile ecosytems but also has resulted in steep decrease in the wildlife population. As a matter of fact several species of flora and fauna are on the verge of extinction. All wildlife in Pakistan as to lean so heavily on assorted vegetation for shelter, food, survival and multiplication. The article brings into sharp focu...
M. I. R. Khan
...y high especially in the coastal belt throughout the year on account of the close proximity of the Gulf. From May to October temperatures range between 35°C to over 50°C in the middle of the day and they vary between 20°C to 35°C at mid-day during winter months. The lowest minimum temperatures may go down well below 0°C in the desert areas away from the coast.

Strong winds and severe sand storms are of common occurrence throughout...

Mohammad Amin Siddiqi and the Mediterranean coastal regions. It is a strange coincidence that both the species have been found growing not far from each other. E. australis was found growing in Risalpur near Nowshera in a field and E. spinosus was collected from a field between Akora Khattak and Khairabad, Peshawar District N. W. F. P. For the reference of Pakistani research workers generic description, key to the species, and detailed descriptions of the plants wi...

Anup Sarker1, Dibyendu Biswas1, Md. Fakruzzaman2, Gautam Kumar Deb3, S.M. Jahangir Hossain4, Md. Ashadul Alam2, M.A.M. Yahia Khandoker5, Ashit Kumar Paul1*

...uly 2023 in the selected coastal area of Bangladesh. Sums of 75 adult female buffaloes were selected. Age, breed, parity, and others were recorded during selection. The animals were grouped into three experimental groups (group A: natural service, group B: conduct AI only, group C: using penis-like device-PLD following AI) and each group consisted of 25 animals. It was found that the average rate of pregnancy was 46.6%. The rate pregnancy in group A (64.0%) wa...
José J. Cedeño-Díaz1, Caridad A. Torres-García1, Marina García1, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes1, Naga Raju Maddela2* and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos3*
...onditions at the Pacific coastal Ecuador. Unfertilized and urea-fertilized plants were used as controls in both environments. Under the greenhouse conditions, different phytometric characteristics were evaluated at 21 days after sowing (DAS). In the field conditions, the incidence (%) and severity (%) of Curvularia leaf spot (Curvularia spp.), Diplodia leaf streak (Diplodia sp.), and leaf blight (Bipolaris sp. or Exserohilum sp.), a...

Hina Jabeen*, Usman Irshad, Kainat Azhar, Alisha Fatima, Asma Zaheer Abbasi, Tayyaba Sadia and Jaweria Aqeel

...e collected from Karachi coastal region. The concentrations of cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead and iron were analyzed in the fish muscles by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Among metals, the highest concentrations of Pb (3.391 ± 0.002 µg/g) followed by Cr (0.311 ± 0.001 µg/g) were estimated in the freshwater fish species L. rohita collected from Rawal Dam and W. attu from River Chenab, respectively. The maximum concentrations of ...

Iftakher Alam1,2, Biswajit Das1,3*, Kazi Md. Younus Tanim1, Rafiat Zannat1,3, Amiya Das Hridoy1,4, H.M. Fahad Hossain1,4, Tarikul Islam1 and Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan1

...tions, especially in the coastal region and salinity level, pose threats to achieving optimum productivity. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate morpho-genetic variability finding an appropriate genotype in rice breeding for these regions. This study focused on evaluating the morphological differences among ten local and modern genotypes in Noakhali, a coastal region of Bangladesh, using a randomized complete block design ...

Ehsan Elahi Valeem1, Quddusi B. Kazmi2*, Farhana S. Ghory2 and Shazia Sadiq2

Imtiaz Kashani1*, Asadullah Ali Mohammad2, Abdul Hameed1, Ali Jan3, Nazeer Ahmed4 and Kishwar Kumar Kachhi1

... the way for sustainable coastal management and conservation of the diverse communities that call them home.



Jonathan D. Hulse

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 606-612
...rasslands, wetlands, and coastal zones. Chaetomium sp. plays an important ecological role as a saprophyte, but also shows strong anti- microbial activities which allow its use as a biological control agent (BCA). Chaetomium sp. has been recorded on the seeds and within the rhizosphere of a variety of genera of the family Cucurbitaceae including; Citrullus, Cucumis, Cucurbita, Lagenaria, and Luffa. Within the genus Cucurbita, Chaetomium sp. has been documented ...

Md. Roies Uddin, Shib Shankar Saha*, Khondoker Jahengir Alam, Md. Shah Alam and Shampa Rani 

...d Bhola districts in the coastal region of Bangladesh. Hemoprotozoa were identified using Giemsa staining. For Giemsa-stained positive cases, total RBC count, PCV, Hb concentration, and urinalysis were performed using traditional method. The overall prevalence of tick-borne diseases was 14.74%, with cases of babesiosis, theileriosis and anaplasmosis accounting for 6.45%, 5.06% and 3.23% respectively. The prevalence of blood protozoa was analyzed concerning sea...


Tran Thi Hong1; Ngo Van Anh1; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh2; Nguyen Van Phuong3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2694-2711
...f microbial diversity in coastal lagoons remains untapped because of the difficulty of culturing many microorganisms under laboratory conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to decipher the structural and functional diversity of microbial communities, including un-culturable species in lagoon sediments collected from Tam Giang, Nai, and Thi Nai lagoons, which were located in the central coast of Vietnam using metagenomics approach. The results showed that all ...

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal


Vol. 9, Iss. 1


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