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Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...y and economic return of fodder maize cultivar Kissan. The experiment was conducted on silt loam soil at Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2011. Six nitrogen treatments (80, 120, 160, 200, 240 and 280 kg ha-1) and a control one were studied in this trial. Growth and yield traits and quality such as plant height, stem diameter, leaf area plant-1, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, green fodde...

Mazhir Nadeem Ishaq, Li Cui Xia, Rukhsana Rasheed, Zeeshan Ahmad, Muhammad Abdullah

...and used more nutritious fodder (silage), as compared to non-members. The findings of study also provided the evidence that establishment of milk marketing cooperatives foster more economic opportunities to female dairy smallholders and assist them in rural development. Based on study findings certain policy options has also been suggested to extend the farmer cooperative activities over different aspects of agriculture sector.


Nighat Sultana1,2,*, Shazia Iftikhar1, Nafeesa Qudsia Hanif2 and Iffat Tahira2

... fresh and ensiled maize fodder using a model fermentation system and raw materials from different areas of Punjab, Pakistan. A. niger, A. flavus and A. fumigatus were the most dominant followed by A. terrus and A. ochraceous in fresh and ensiled maize fodder. Total fungal counts ranged from 1×103 to 4×103cfu/ml for all species in both fresh and ensiled maize fodder. Total afla...

Neelum Andaleeb and Munir Khan

...n analysis show that dry fodder, green fodder and daily labor hours have positive significant effect on milk production, while herd size has negative significant effect. Furthermore, the addition of estimated coefficients is less than 1, indicating a decreasing return to scale in milk production. These results suggest that small sized dairy farms are more productive and profitable; however, farmers need to utilize each input...

 Abdul Wajid Khalil and Zafar Iqbal

...or human diet as well as fodder for livestock. Detailed studies on amino acid of roots are recommended to determine and isolate compounds responsible for the specific therapeutic properties.


Wazha Mugabe1,2, Lawrence Akanyang1, Mackenzie Nsinamwa1, Batanani Moatswi1, Naledi Matthews1, Kealeboga Dipheko1, Imtiaz Ahmed Ujjan3 and Assar Ali Shah2*

...egradation or changes in fodder tree species composition caused by grazing pressure is critical since fodder trees form the base diet for browser such as goat as well as maintenance purposes for cattle in the dry season. Thus understanding the dynamics on rangeland response to grazing could prove worthy in finding an equilibrium point for optimizing animal productivity, with limited range degradation. Therefore, the current ...

Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Control of cowpea (Vigna sinensis) root and collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani) with some organic formulations of Trichoderma harzianum under field condition
...d as an important legume fodder and green manure crop during pre-kharif and kharif season. It has been considered even better in performance than maize. In some parts of India it is also used as green vegetable and pulse. The crop is known to suffer from a variety of diseases. Among those root rot and collar rot are important and R. solani has been an important factor behind these two main diseases. A field trial was conducted during pre-kharif season of 2011 ...

Attaullah Ansari* and Nasreen Memon agriculture crops and fodder crops, respectively. 

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz
...Scarcity of the feed and fodder availability in winter season has been considered as the foremost bottleneck in harnessing the potential of the livestock sector in Pakistan. In this perspective a field study was conducted for three consecutive years (2013 to 2015) at Soil Salinity Research Institute, PindiBhattian, Hafizabad, Pakistan to evaluate different nitrogen levels and the cost-effective sowing technique for oat forage production under salt affected con...

Waqas Liaqat1, Mohammad Akmal1* and Jawad Ali 

... every year for food and fodder in Pakistan. Nonetheless, its yield is low with almost half of the national average in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. The study aims to find outoptimum sowing time for a suitable variety (OPV or hybrid) in Peshawar. Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar during summer 2016. Experiment was a randomized complete block with split plots in three replications. Factor one was...

Shahid Iqbal1*, Amir Nawaz Khan2, Mushtaq Ahmad Jadoon3 and Intikhab Alam3 

...area under sugarcane and fodder had also decreased to some extent. Similarly, the use of chemical fertilizers and farm yard manure was also decreased due to decrease in the income of the households after the floods-2010 while an increase, though non-significant, was reported with respect to use of agricultural chemicals. The floods-2010 has also had adverse effects on crops production where significant decrease has occurred in wheat, sugarcane and maize produc...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

...livestock population and fodder production are inversely related. The fodder area per adult animal unit has significantly declined from 0.067 ha to 0.035 ha and production declined from 1.31t to 0.80t from 1986 to 2006. Inadequate nutrition is one of the major constraints limiting livestock production in the country. Feed accounts for almost 70% of total cost of production of milk or meat. The trend for concentrate feeding t...

 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan**

...eaves, wheat and mustard fodders in winter season and ber leaves, sorghum and bajra fodders in summer. Groundnut and wheat straws were main dry fodder. Wheat grains, oil seed cakes, wheat bran (choker), grams and left over dry breads were the concentrates fed to goats. On the whole about 30% metabolizable energy requirements of non-milking goats and 34% of does were fulfilled by supplement...

 Nadeem Akmal, Hassnain Shah*, Muhammad Azam Niazi** and Waqar Akhtar*

...itability of Beetal with fodder and forage in the area, majority of the farmers (73%) considered it more suitable. There was a price difference of Rs. 1277 for male kids and Rs. 697 for female kids of the same age than the kids from local buck crosses. The farmers believed that the price difference was not only due to the higher weight but a better look and better structure of the Beetal goat. Farming community showed keen interest in using this intervention o...

Imtiaz Hussain*, Hassnain Shah, M. Azeem Khan, Waqar Akhtar**, Abdul Majid*** and M. Yaqub Mujahid*

Corresponding author:[email protected]

PRODUCTIVITY IN RICE-WHEAT CROP ROTATION OF PUNJAB: AN APPLICATION OF TYPICAL FARM METHODOLOGY cultivated on 87% and fodder on 8% of the total area during kharif while wheat on 75% along with berseem on 14% of total area during rabi season. Almost 81% rice and more than 50 % wheat is harvested with combine followed by burning of residues that not only create environmental pollution but also affect the productivity of the cropping system. Stagnation in yield of rice and wheat is reported mainly due to uninterrupted sequential rice-wheat cropping which...

 Parvez Khaliq*, Muhammad Azim Malik**, M. Aslam Gill*** and
Nasir M. Cheema*

Corresponding author: [email protected]

...manure (RF+FYM) on maize fodder yield was studied under rainfed conditions of Pakistan. It was observed -2 that the emergence count m , maize fodder biomass, plant height, number of leaves per plant and maize fodder yield enhanced, with the application of RF+FYM. However, the effect of FYM+RF and recommended dose of fertilizer was statistically non-significant and on average basis RF+FYM t...

 Parvez Khaliq*, Azim Malik**, Nasir Mahmood Cheema* and Muhammad Umair***

...the improved wheat-maize fodder-wheat (W-MF-W) and wheat-mungbean-wheat (W-MB-W) cropping systems. Two tillage practices, i.e. shallow tillage with cultivator and deep tillage with moldboard; and four fertilizer treatments viz., control (C), recommended dose of fertilizer for each crop (F), farmyard manure (FYM) @ -1 5 tha . The recommended doses of fertilizer for individual crop with FYM (F+FYM) were also included in the study to know their impact on the crop...

 Safdar Ali, Sahiba, M. Azim Malik, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan and M. Ansar*

...n: justify;"> Maize fodder yield was determined under various nitrogen and phosphorus doses under sub-humid rainfed conditions during 2009 at PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The annual rainfall at the experimental site during 2009 was 685.9 mm. The -1 experimental soil was of loamy texture having E.C. of 0.48 dscm , pH 7.7, -1 organic matter 0.65%, saturation 30%, available phosphorus 5.7 mg kg -1 and available potassium 78 mg kg ....

 Muhammad Zubair Anwar, M. Azeem Khan, Ikram Saeed, Akhtar Ali*, Shafique Zahid and Abdul Majid**

...stress, lack of improved fodder varieties and lack of fodder preservation techniques for lean period. To resolve this issue improved fodder varieties and forage species were introduced. About 52 % women were of the view that in rabi season 50% grain yield was increased and 44% said that the increase in dry stalk was about 50%. While in kharif 72% respondents pointed out 55% increase in gra...

 Wabekwa, J.W., I.A. Sodagni and F.K. Mohammad*

...ically influenced higher fodder yield 2 5 -1 -1 (4112.60 kg ha ) in 2010 rainy season; while 60 kg P O kg ha yielded 2 5 -1 statistically higher fodder values during 2011 (1873.00 kg ha ) and -1 -1 combined analysis (2393.30 kg ha ). Application of 60 kg P O ha also 2 5 -1 increased the biological yield statistically in 2010 (3709.70 kg ha ) and -1 -1 lower P O rate of 40 kg ha statistically yielded 3980.80 kg ha in the 2 5 ...

 Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar*, Maqsood Ahmad*, Gulshan Riaz* and Sartaj Khan*

PERFORMANCE OF SUMMER FORAGE LEGUMES AND THEIR RESIDUAL EFFECT ON SUBSEQUENT OAT CROP IN SUBTROPICAL SUBHUMID POTHWAR, PAKISTAN reference to a cereal fodder reference crop of millet (Pennisetum typhoides) and their residual effects on the succeeding oat crop at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, under rainfed conditions without application of fertilizers in Randomized Complete Block Design. The highest dry matter yield was obtained from millet (8.9 -1 -1 -1 tha ), followed by cowpeas (4.5 tha ), sesbania (4.4 tha ), rice beans (2.9 -1 -1 tha ), lablab be...

 Muhammad Arshad Ullah*, Nazir Hussain**, Helge Schmeisky*** and Muhammad Rasheed**** 

...and high priced feed and fodder and limited chances of increasing area under fodders due to competition for food crops. Intercropping (33%, 50% and 67%) of Panicum maximum grass and legumes (Vicia sativa and cowpeas) coupled with inoculation was studied under rainfed conditions at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan. Intercropping significantly increased tillering of grass. Seed inoculation of le...

 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

...vealed that use of green fodder and concentrates contribute positively and significantly to milk production.


 Muhammad Arshad Ullah*, Nazir Hussain**, Helge Schmeisky*** and Muhammad Rasheed**** 

...ation to investigate its fodder quality. The study clearly indicated that quality of fodder increased significantly both with the legumes and inoculation. The intercropping of Panicum grass with 67% inoculation proved the best combination. The 6-7% higher crude protein (CP) of mixed fodder was recorded from 67% intercropping in comparison to grass alone while inoculation increased it by fu...

 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...hich give low achene and fodder yields. The issue related with these hybrids ascribed to lack of information about use of inputs and cultural practices. Judicious nitrogen use and suitable high yielding hybrid play key role in increasing sunflower productivity. Protein is the basic requirement of the metabolic processes for the vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of the crop. The protein is wholly dependent upon the amount of nitrogen fertilization avail...

  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**

...tilization of grasses as fodder and forage is the most important source of nutrition for cattle as it provides them with metabolizable energy, carbohydrates, proteins and other important minerals. As global warming is increasing, overall water scarcity is resulting in deterioration of natural resources, and it is need of the hour to find fodder crop resources which are more accustomed to change climatic conditions. Hence, di...

 Muhammad Tahir* and Nawal Zafar* 

...d significant effects on fodder yield and quality traits. -1 The maximum number of tillers, number of leaves plant , leaf area, crop growth -1 -1 rate, fresh weight plant , dry weight plant , green forage yield and dry matter yield were obtained in plots where barley was sown alone at 100% seed ratio. The highest crude fiber and total ash percentage was observed in plots where oat was sown alone at 100% seed ratio and crude protein percentage was highest when ...

 Tassadduq Rasool*, Ali Zohaib*, Ehsanullah*, Riaz Ahmad*, Tasawer Abbas*, Tahira Tabassum*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan*

FORAGE YIELD AND QUALITY IN PEARL MILLET-SESBANIA INTERCROPPING SYSTEM UNDER VARIOUS GEOMETRICAL PATTERNS improved quality of fodder mixture, compared to sole-cropping. Crude protein (84%) was improved most by cross planting over sole pearl millet, while, crude fiber (36%) and ash contents (20%) were improved by blended seed sowing, as compared to sole cropping of sesbania. Potential benefits of forage pearl millet can be acquired by intercropping with sesbania and following the planting geometry of sesbania intercropped in 45 cm apart two-row strips of pearl...
Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Abdul Wasay2, Tariq Ali1,*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Khisrao Kalim1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3, Muhammad Mobashar2, Nazir Ahmad2, Abid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1 10% LBW + CSR + green fodder (GF) was fed. Then, from 64-77 days they were fed milk at 5% LBW + CSR + GF. From 78-90 days milk at 2.5% LBW + CSR + GF. Calves in groups B and C were also fed with same feeding regimen with the corresponding age adjustments. The results showed that mean feed intake in weaning age groups-A, B and C was 5.71, 4.34 and 6.02 kg, respectively. Mean weight gain was 5.56, 5.02 and 6.70 (kg/15 days), respectively. Whereas, mean feed e...

Shaista Naz1*, Noor Paio Khan1, Naveed Afsar2 and Ashfaq Ahmad Shah3

...he outdoor activities of fodder cutting and marketing of dairy products due to their restricted mobility. Costly veterinary services and feed items, credit need for feed and livestock purchase, and training in animal health care were the major reported constraints in livestock management. Provision of credit, training in animal health care, and increasing women’s livestock possession are suggested not only for the increased participation of women in live...
Ghazunfar Rashid1, Muhammad Avais1, Syed Saleem Ahmad1, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq2, Rais Ahmed3,*, Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque4, Mehtab Ahmad5Mumtaz Ali Khan1 and Naimat Ullah Khan6
...Dairy animals fed with a fodder containing a balanced nitrogen contents produce high quality milk. Excess use of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil cause excess accumulation of nitrates in fodder, which is the main source of nitrate poisoning in dairy animals. In the present study nitrate contents in fodder crops, viz., Sorghum bicolor (Jowar), Pennisetum glaucum (Bajra)...

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 wheat weeds as animal fodder and the hand weeding affects crop stand and its tillering which ultimately reduces the wheat yield of the pothwar region. So, chemical control of weeds was hypothesized to be the best solution for winter weeds of rainfed wheat’s weeds and for this purpose, a field study was carried out from October, 2010 to April, 2011 at University Research Farm Pir Mehr Ali Shah-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan to evalua...

Fraza Ijaz1*, Umair Riaz2, Shazia Iqbal3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Muhammad Furqan Ijaz5, Hina Javed1, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Zuhra Mazhar3, Ahmad Hassan Khan6, Hassan Mehmood7 and Ijaz Ahmad8 

Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad2 

...n used for production of fodder and forages in many countries. Managing soil and water salinity under prevailing conditions of Pakistan is very important subject. Use of brackish water increased the salt concentration of soil. Resultantly, the growth of plants and yield becomes at threat. The salt stress is translated into decrease in growth rate and resultantly, biomass production decreases significantly. This reduction is gradual, depending upon increase in ...

Muhammad Abdul Rahman1*, Abdul Saboor1, Gulnaz Hameed1, Ghulam Bilal2 and Farooq Tanwir3 

... of genetic research and fodder security on top among various critical factors that drive and increase occurrence of security hazards to health and production of dairy animals. Lack of labs to identify diseases, sensitiveness of buffaloes to temperature, slow and reduced weight gain and effect on birth and death rate are weighted high as threat to farm animal health while India-Pakistan ties on water, water scarcity, high water requirement for buffaloes and la...

Aftab Shaukat1,2,*, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Rizwan Shukat4, Shahid Ali Rajput5, 

Shadab Shaukat6, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem2,5,8, Mubashar Hassan2,5, Tabassam Fatima2,5
Fayyaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Usman Saleem7, Fatima Arooj1, Ashar Mehfooz2 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi2
...nt for grazing of jantar fodder for four hours daily and were sheltered during the rest time in different pens with separate feeding during the whole experimental period. Ad libitum supply of fresh clean drinking water was made available round the clock. Exposed does were mated naturally and bucks were inducted to the exposed does for 30 minutes at morning and evening daily for teasing purpose to identify does in estrus, while separate them for breeding...

Ghulam Murtaza1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Fakhar Mujeeb2, Sher Muhammad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Ayesha Zafar1  

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2
... (OGS) and feeding green fodder in the stall-feeding system (SFS) as cut and carry system on the growth of male camel calves. Fourteen Marecha male camel calves were either grazed/browsed (n=7) on natural pasture and were offered seasonal green fodder (lucerne) ad lib in the manger (n=7). The calves were kept on these treatments for 4 months. Initial body weights of the calves were recorded at the start of the trial a...
Jun Yan Bai*, Hong Deng Fan, Shuai Yang, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Xiao Hong Wu, You Zhi Pang and Kun Peng Shi
...c of quick growth, small fodder consumption, early sexual maturity, big egg output and short production period. To recognize molecular markers of egg quality of quail, SNP in control regions of cytogenin gene (MyoG) 5’ in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail, Korean quail detected by PCR-SSCP method in this study. Moreover, correlations of control regions of MyoG 5’ with egg quality of quail were analyzed. Results demonstrated that: In egg quail...
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Khurram Shehzad2, Muhammad Luqman3 and 
Sher Muhammad Shahzad2
... (i.e. sugarcane, fodder and rice-wheat fields, intercropped and non-intercropped citrus and guava orchards, natural grassland, bare land and wetland peripheries) using population abundance and dynamics of edaphic springtails (collembola) and mites (acari) as bioindicators. Using metallic soil corer (10 cm length and 10 cm diameter), extensive random soil sampling was carried out from selected localities in district Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan) and soil ...

Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir1, Muhammad Faheem2, Asad Rajput1, Junaid Ahmed Soomro1, Saifullah Kunbhar1, Abdul Samad Mirwani1, Tanzeela-ul-Zahra1, Ghulam Sarwar Mastoi3 and Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito

... damage status of FAW on fodder and grain corn along with sorghum and millet. The presence of FAW was confirmed from all corn growing districts of Sindh except Jacobabad, Larkana and Shikarpur districts of upper Sindh. The identification of FAW was done based on its morphological characters. More damage was recorded in fodder corn than grain corn. The presence of FAW was also recorded from sorghum and millet. The 100% damage...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

... survey, availability of fodder (grasses) at the pastures, ban on cutting of grasses and grazing in the village, management of land at pastures, refuge from scorching heat of summer are the major causes of seasonal migration. There used to be a time when almost every household use to move to pasture before the onsets of summers, but today in Utla out of total 745 households, only 40 households practice seasonal migrations. Though seasonal migration in village ...

Nasrullah1*, Ahmad Nawaz Khoso1, Jamila Soomro2, Ilahi Bakhash Marghazani1, Masood-ul-Haq Kakar1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Sarfaraz Ahmed Brohi1 and Muhammad Asif Arain1* 

...ecorded higher on millet fodder compare to other fodders. The digestibility of various nutrients such as CP, NDF and ADF were significantly higher (P<0.05) in sheep compared to goat. Daily weight gain, feed efficiency and cost of production were recorded similar in both species. Conclusively, both species of small ruminants showed significant weight gain and different feeding behavior of the consumption of various summer ...

Muhammad Usama Hameed*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Sajjad Khan and Allah Bakhsh 

...uring, and high-yielding fodder oats variety developed at Fodder and Forage Research Program, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad, Pakistan. This variety was selected from material imported from New Zealand for better agronomic characters and improved fodder yield. For initial two years (2006-07 and 2007-08) selections were made, and head-to-row method was used to reduce...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...tragalus genus used as a fodder, fuel wood, miswak, fatigue, tooth ache, Crotalaria juncea forage for goats and cattle and also toxic alkaloids, particularly in the seeds and pods, Lathyrus cicera is used as a green manure, soil cover for preventing erosion and in breeding program for the plant species, Medicago minima is rich source of vitamins A, C, and E, green manure and fixes atmospheric nitrogen, Robinia pseudo-acacia is astringent, diuretic, emetic, emo...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Aqib Riaz4, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi2, Bushra Zulfiqar2, Waqas Naseem2, Humara Umar3, Ahmad Hussain1 and Mazher Iqbal

...>Sorghum is an important fodder crop of Pakistan and weeds infestation reduces its yield and causes harvesting losses upto 20%. Current research aimed to investigate the efficacy of various weedicides to eradicate weedy grasses (S. brevifolius, D. aegyptium, C. dactylon, S. halepense, and P. hysterophorous) in multi-cut sorghum sudan grass hybrid (S.S. Hybrid). Four herbicides namely Clodinafop-propargayl (Clodinafop) @ 0. 25 and 0.375 kg...
Babar Zahoor, Basharat Ahmad*,Riaz Aziz Minhas and Muhammad Siddique Awan
...tity of maize grains and fodder damaged during the years 2013-2015 was 40280 kg and 149300 kg, respectively. The total estimated cost of damages due to crop raiding (grains & fodder) during 2013-2015 was $22042.31, and the crop raiding intensity during 2015 was significantly higher than 2013 and 2014 (χ2=376.16; df=2; p≤0.001). Among livestock (n=304), goats, sheep and cattle were reported killed betwee...
Xuya Zhou1, Ying Liu1, Deqin Xu1, Jie Bao1, Yaru Cao2 and Yong Jin3*
...ced through feeding with fodder containing high sugar and lipid and intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. The adjuvant-induced arthritis model was established by Paraffin/BCG. We used western blot to explore the protein expression levels of COX-2 and cytochrome P450 (CYP) 4A1. The expression of CYP4A1 was detected by immunohistochemistry. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) was used to detect the prostaglandin E2 (PGE-2), 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoi...

Iqtidar Hussain*, Muzafar Ali, Imam Bakhsh and Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik

Effect of Different Levels of Naphthalene Acetic Acid at Various Phenological Stages of Hybrid Sorghum to Enhance Fodder Productivity
...h stages to increase the fodder productivity of hybrid sorghum. A field trial was carried out in RCBD having 3-replications with split-plot arrangement at Agriculture Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP during 2017. Sorghum hybrid cv. “Jumbo+” was used as tested plant material. Four levels of NAA (40, 80, 120 and 160 ml ha-1) were kept in main plots, while three crop growth stages (seedling, tillering and b...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1*, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi1, Aaqib Riaz2, Waqas Naseem1, Ghulam Muhammad1, Mazher Iqbal3, Humara Umer3 and Inam ul Haq3

Apposite Sowing Techniques to Optimize Productivity and Profitability of Berseem
...inum L.) is an important fodder crop of Pakistan that provides nutritious and palatable fodder in repeated cuttings. Gap in its yield is required to be addressed, which is aim of the current study. This study was carried out to select an appropriate sowing technique for optimization of fodder and seed yield as well as to maximize the net return. The experiment was conducted using five sowi...
Sheza Shehzadi1, Mohammad Umar Farooq2*, Rukhsana Kausar1, Ijaz Ali1*, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Maqbool Shahbaz4
...r month gave the maximum fodder (7.0667 AU/M/Ha) that proposed to be grazed for large ruminants and then 21 small ruminants on the same biomass and also maximum forage production recorded 3882 kg/ha and it sequester carbon to up to 3560 kg C/ha in the given interval. Increase in fiber and ash content also justify the increase in biomass yield of the plant after interval of 60 days. The study indicates that Mott grass or Napier grass based on its high biomass y...
Sana* and Abbas Ullah Jan
...em were animals grazing, fodder cutting and carrying, crops weeding, harvesting and firewood collection. Multinomial Logistic analysis revealed that a child’s age, gender (male) and school distance (more than walking distance) were found positively associated with a child’s involvement in agriculture. Household characteristics, such as head’s education, monthly income and ownership of agricultural land were important negatively affecting...

Muhammad Musa1*, Muhammad Riaz Gondal2, Aaqib Riaz3, Sikander Hayat2 and Iftikhar Haider1

...nutritious and palatable fodder in repeated cuttings during winter and early summer. However, its seed yield per unit area in Pakistan is relatively low as compared to other countries. The present study was aimed to evaluate the influence of climate on fodder production, seed vigour, seed yield and total income ha-1 of three berseem varieties and to enhance the production through management of harvesting at
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 
...rtions the ratio between fodder (lucerne) and crop residues (gram crop residues) was 70:30. They were fed two isocaloric diets with different protein levels viz: one group with 18% CP and other group with 22% CP. Daily feeding allowance (@ 3% body weight) was calculated and adjusted according to fortnightly live weights. Water was provided twice a day. Daily weight gain was 953±50 and 996±40 g/d with 18% and 22% levels of protein ration, respecti...
Ghulam Raza1*, Maqsood Anawar2, Muhammad Akbar1, Muhammad Ali1, Alamdar Hussain1, Azhar Hussain3 and Tanveer Hussain4
...uring winter to cope the fodder shortage after heavy snowfall. This may expose the ibex to potential threats of predation by predators, poaching and competition for food with livestock during winter season. Therefore, the study was conducted to analyze the characteristic habitat feature and preference of Himalayan ibex during winter season in Hushe valley of Karakorum range.

Syed Muhammad Sulaiman, Nazir Ahmad and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...ld of high quality wheat fodder. Other cultivars which combined similar desirable characteristic were ranked in order of merit as PS-15, PS-2000, NARC-11 and Zam-04.

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3 (DMI) of concentrate, fodder and gram straw was 2.9±0.15, 3.0±0.16 and 1.5±0.08; 2.9±0.07, 3.0±0.07 and 1.3±0.03 kg/d with diet 1 and 2, respectively. Haemoglobin concentration (P<0.05) was found to be 16.4±0.14 and 16.8±0.09 (g/dl) with diet 1 and 2, respectively. Cu and Mn concentrations in wool also differed significantly (P<0.05) between two groups and were found to be 7.4±0.3, 8.1&plu...

Aftab Ahmad Sheikh1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Belqees Akhter1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Hafeezullah Rafa1, Abdul Wakeel1, Abdul Manan Saeed2

... plant height, fresh/dry fodder yield, nitrogen free extracts (NFE), crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, phosphorus, and calcium contents were envaulted at the physiological maturity of crop, four months after the sowing of crop. Results revealed that water salinity adversely affected the quantitative and qualitative attributes of sorghum crop and negative effects were more pronounced with higher level of salinity ECiw (10 dS m-1). Irrigation with higher le...

Ijaz Rasool Noorka1,2*, Bilal Ahmad Khan3*, Kafeel Ahmad4, Zafar Iqbal Khan4, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Amer Nawaz2, Tasneem Ahmad5 and Humayun Bashir4

...d even used as food. The fodder and forages are the major nutritional items along with other supplements. In Pakistan and sub-continent, the shortage of fodder and forages is very common particularly in kharif season because shortage of the fresh water resources. The waste water is manly passed down as supplemental irrigation source to irrigate field crops including fodder and forages. The...

Abdul Jabbar*, Anees-Ul-Hussnain Shah, Abdul Basit, Ghulam Ahmad, Aftab Ahmad Khan, Suleman Raza, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi, Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi and Ahmad Hussain

...y;">Berseem, a multi-cut fodder, is the best source of nutrition for animals. Seed is a key to get optimum yield of any crop. There are many factors affecting seed production but the sowing method is a major one. A study to assess the consequence of different sowing methods on seed production of berseem (SB-11) was directed at Fodder Research Institute, Sargodha, Pakistan during 2017-18 and 2018-19. Different sowing methods,...
Ranjhan Junejo1*, Shahabuddin Memon1, Muhammad Usman Shar2, Ayaz Ali Memon1 and Fakhar-un-Nisa Memon3
... dosages, effect of date fodder, trap density, the effect of trap color and seasonal changes have been optimized. From the results, it has been revealed that the traps baited with 300 g of date fodder, captured more adult red palm weevil as compared to the traps without date fodder. In addition, 3 mg/trap/day pheromone dose and 5 mg/trap/ day EA captured the maximum number of adult red pal...

Muhammad Hanif Khan1, Syed Muhammad Suhail2, Hayaz uddin1, Aitbar Khan3, Rashid Ahmed Magsi3, Rajwali Khan2*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Asim Ijaz2 and Khalid Khan2

...iet, comprising of green fodder, wheat straw and compound concentrate as per their maintenance and production requirement twice daily. Group A animals were considered as control with no supplementation of yeast culture, while Group B and C animals were supplemented with 20 g/day and 40 g/day of yeast culture respectively and were considered as treatment groups. Water was provided ad libitum to all groups. Yeast culture (YC) supplementation significantly (p<...
Mubashir Ali Rather1, Ambreen Hamadani2*, Syed Shanaz2, Nusrat Nabi2, Showkat Ahanger1, H. Hamadani2, Ruksana Shah2
...ashmir Merino sheep. The fodders scarcity during winters, lack of awareness among farmers, non-availability of proven sires, small flock size, lack of infrastructure, and non-availability of digital records were reported among major constraints in exploiting the genetic worth of Kashmir Merino sheep. However, owing to the high production potential of this breed, its conservation, and selective breeding are highly recommended and there is a need for further res...

Md. Enayet Kabir1, Md. Jahangir Alam1*, Md. Mosharaf Hossain2, Zannatul Ferdaushi3 

...ed rice straw, 20% green fodder, and 40% concentrate mixture (dry matter basis) fed separately as a conventional feeding system. Cattle in the other two treatment groups were fed TMR, where one fed TMR (TMR1) with control ration and the other fed TMR (TMR2) with the same feed ingredients in the same quantity except probiotic fermented rice straw instead of untreated rice straw of TMR1. The trial lasted ninety days. Feeding of TMR2 improved the growth rate (P&l...

Soliman Mohammed Soliman1*, Mohsen Mahmoud Shoukry2, Ahmed Mohammed El-Okazy1, Ahmed Mahmoud El-Morsy1, Mahmoud Mohammed Soliman1

...t protein source used to fodder mixtures. However, more than 60% of the protein is degradable in the rumen. Several attempts have been made to reduce protein degradation. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different supplementation levels of pomegranate peel (PP) on the in situ degradation of soybean meal (SBM) by using three ruminally cannulated. In order to determine the optimal levels of PP to reduce the degradation of SBM, for ev...

Muhammad Zeeshan Nadeem1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1 and Muhammad Anwar ul Haq2

...xt-align: justify;">Less fodder yield with poor quality cannot fulfill the livestock fodder and nutrition requirements in semi-arid regions, particularly during lean period. To improve initial stand establishment and the fodder yield and quality in pearl millet cultivars through seed priming, a two years field study was conducted at research area of department of agronomy, University of Ag...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...% of plants were used as fodder, 29% fuel, 20% medicinal, 17% construction, and furniture, while 8% were used for ornamental purposes. The majority of the plant species were used as multipurpose. The most important medicinal plants were Caralluma edulis (Pamana), Withania ovata (Aspeghol), Pla- ntago ciliate (Aspeghol), Tribulus terrestris (Maklindey), and Fagonia indica (Spelaghzaie). Leaves and shoots were frequently utilized as remedies. We conclude from th...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin2, Asad Ali Khan2, Dawood Ahmad4, Ikram Ullah5, Faiq Ahmad2, Sajjad6 and Sikandar Azam1

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Sobia Ijaz1, Nauman Ali1, Muhammad Saeed Ashraf1, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Arif1, Jamil Akhtar4, Naeem Iqbal1 and Bushra Zulfiqar5

... recorded at each cut of fodder and grain tonnage at harvesting were evaluated and documented. Data of agronomic characteristics and economic returns from all planting densities revealed significant differences. The results indicated that 15 kg ha-1 seed rate produced maximum values of heads m-2 (462.50) which was at par with 17.5 kg ha-1 (450.0 m-2), tillers m-2 and enhanced forage production 2.85% over control (i.e. 20 kg ha-1). Higher grain production (0.85...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3, Asad Ali Khan2, Sajjad Khan4, Dawood Ahmad5, Faiq Ahmad2, Maaz Khan2, Sikandar Azam1, Siddique Ahmad2 and Bismillah Khan2

Sajjad Khan, Fahad Karim Awan*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Muhammad Usama Hameed, Allah Bakhsh and Kainat Bibi

...dy was conducted at NARC fodder laboratory to study the response of two oat cultivars namely NARC and PARC Oat against drought and salinity stress. Salt concentration of 80 mmolLˉ¹ showed non-significant effect on germination % and shoot length of both oat cultivars except salt concentration of 120 mmolLˉ¹, but tolerance in NARC, Oat is higher than PARC oat. Salt concentrations positively increased root length, except in PARC oat at 120 mmolLˉ&sup...

Fawziah M. Albarakaty* 

...els cаn bе usеd аs a fodder аdditive in the аnimal rаtion.

Keywords | Plum, Antimicrobial, Prunus domestica L., Fruits peel, Plum peel, Animal. 


Sherif Abdelghany1, Hossam Mahrous Ebeid2*, Ahmed Abdelkader Aboamer2, Mohamed Ali Radwan1, Rania Agamy1 

...rus-galli) was the major fodder in both districts, followed by corn fodder and clover. The feed intake of concentrate and green fodder for fed buffaloes and cows was higher (P < 0.05) in Nile Valley district. A significant difference (P < 0.05) observed in daily milk and fat-corrected milk (FCM) yields between both districts. Cattle in all areas under this study showed a lower Fat : ...

W. M. El-Nagdi,1†, Z. , E. Ghareeb2 and E. M. Zayed3

...onducted to evaluate six fodder beet genotypes for their resistance to infestation under naturally infected root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita during the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons in Nubaria region, El-Behera Governorate, Egypt. Highly significant differences among the genotypes were detected for all studied traits except for fresh foliage weight. The relative susceptibility to root-knot nematode parameters (gall index, gall size, gall area and da...

Shaista Naz1*, Muhammad Arif2 and Akhtar Ali3

...tdoor activities such as fodder cutting, marketing of animals and its produce like milk and milk products due to their restricted mobility, patriarchy, low technical know-how, social, cultural, and religious constraints. The study identified various determinants of women’s participation in livestock like herd size, size of landholding, family type, educational status of the respondents, and household head as the negative and significant ones, while lives...

Muhammad Iqbal Anjum*, Shahbaz Javaid, Agha Waqar Yunus, Faisal Ashfaq and Javed Iqbal along-with 5 kg green fodder to each calf for 100 days. Daily feed intake, body weight gain and nutrient digestibility during last 5-days were recorded of individual animals. The calves fed TMR with 25% MC attained significantly higher weight gain (830 g/d, P<0.05), followed by the calves fed TMR with 35% MC (760 g/d) whereas, those fed TMR with 35% MS got lowest weight gain (687 g/d). Similarly, better feed conversion ratio (6.63) was observed in calves...

Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Mudssar Ali1*, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...multi-cut, winter annual fodder crop in the South Punjab region of Pakistan. Being cross pollinated crop, better seed production of T. alexandrinum depends upon insect pollinators. Current study was planned to find effective native insect pollinators which play a crucial role in enhancing seed production of T. alexandrinum. The goals were achieved by recording the diversity of insect pollinators, abundance, foraging activity and most importantly pollination ef...

Asim Zubair1*, Anam Farid Chishtti2, Zohaib Atta Mehdie3, Aamna Arshad3, Ghulam Akbar Malik4 and Iffat Batool5

...t tasks, such as cutting fodder, watering and feeding animals, cleaning animal pens, and milking. In order to ascertain the involvement of women in livestock husbandry, a survey was carried out in the area of Dera Ghazi Khan. A well-structured questionnaire was utilized to collect data from female respondents during face-to-face interviews, a random selection approach was employed to choose a sample of 100 livestock farm homes from the research area. To gauge ...

Muhammad Umar Farooq1, Kashif Ishaq1*, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Jamil Akbar1, Asim Fraz2, Sara Naeem1 and Aansa Latif1

... found most efficient in fodder-scarce areas of Pakistan. However, the economic worth of the system is questionable due to the high feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the goats. The current study was planned to improve the Beetal male kid’s performance using a compensatory growth tool. A total of twelve male Beetal kids with an average weight of 20±2 kg and approximately 6 months old were randomly selected and kept for 85 days including 15 days of an ...

Maria Kikelomo Adegun1*, Femi Godwin Ekundayo1, David Daisi Ajayi2 

...nts of Gliricidia sepium fodder (GSF). Sixteen yearling WAD rams with an average weight of 12±1 kg was randomly assigned into four treatments (T1, T2, T3, and T4) in a ten-week trial. The rams assigned to T2, T3, and T4 were fed 90% UTCP+10% GSF, 80% UTCP+20% GSF, and 70% UTCP+30% GSF, in that order while T1 served as the control group. The data did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05) among any of the treatments in feed intake. T...

Ram Prasad Ghimire

...n order to determine the fodder quality of some common pasture browse species among them. The study included the analysis of fodders in the laboratory for nutrient composition, the feeding experiment determining fodder intake and weight gain monitoring in the goats, and a subsequent in-vivo experiment determining the apparent digestibility of fodder nutr...

Shahabaz Ul Haq1, Khurram Ashfaq1, Arsalan Khan2*, Adeel Khalid1, Shahrood Ahmed Siddiqui3,4, Raheela Taj5, Asad Ullah6, Hidayatullah Soomro7 and Muhammad Wasim Usmani8*

...age and Barseem alone as fodder. Chronic mastitis was identified as a significant complication in goats with udder edema. The study concluded that breed, age and specific dietary practices are key factors in the development of udder edema in goats. The findings underscore the need for tailored management strategies, particularly in terms of nutrition and monitoring of high-risk groups. 


Elie Brigitte Mawussi1*, Arnaud Koffi Assah2, Essozimna Abalo Kulo1

...table and fed with local fodders. They are subjected to veterinary care against trypanosomiasis and parasites. The mineral supplement was provided by the lick stone. Water was constantly served to the animals. The kids are fed with powdered milk replacing their mother’s milk until weaning to avoid the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus. They are fed with local fodders after weaning. Were collected through regular con...

Faisal Ali1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ghazanfar Ullah1, Atiq Ahmad Ali Zai2, Moneeza Abass3, Zuhair Hasnain4* and Sara Zafar5*

... area index (LAI), green fodder yield (t ha), plant height (cm), net photosynthesis rate (u mole m-2 sec-1), crop growth rate (g cm2 day1), (%), brix (%), bagasse (%), purity (%), reducing sugars and pol (%). Though, there was not a noticeable impact on the amount of chlorophyll (u g cm3) or the number of leaves on the plant. The most significant interaction between the Sudan grass hybrid and fertilizer increased the crop growth rate (16.43 g day), leaf area i...

Hussain Shah1, Hamida Bibi2, Ali Hazrat1and Khan Sher3

...sed as a timber wood, as fodder and as a fuel.
Muhammad Arif, Fazal Munsif, Muhammad Waqas, Ibni Amin Khalil , Kawsar Ali
Nabeel Ahmad Ikram , Asif Tanveer, Muhammad Asif Shehzad, Tasawer Abbas and Rao Muhammad Ikram
Ashraf Khan1, Muhammad Waseem Khan2,3, Imrana Niaz Sultan2, Abdul Manan Kakar4, Saad Ullah5 and Afrasiab Khan Tareen2*
...y environmental factors, fodder contents used for animal’s nutrition and water used for animal’s water intake use.

Syed Farooq Shah1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
...ncluding food, fuelwood, fodder, fiber, timber, non-timber forest products, supplementary income, etc. Agroforestry systems' potential to provide farms with environmental services protecting soil erosion, bioenergy, the effects of trees in agricultural landscapes on carbon sequestration, sustainable land management techniques, pest control by natural enemies, and the global habitat for biological variety are all important. According to the study, cultivators i...
Muhammad Umar Atique1, Sanam Zarif Satti1, Muhammad Ilyas1*
...was determined for three fodder tree species including Acacia nilotica, Bauhinia variegata, and Ceratonia siliqua. The leaf samples of the selected species were collected with replication of ten (10) from the Range Research Garden of Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI), Peshawar, and brought into the Forest Chemistry Laboratory of PFI in polypropylene woven bags for chemical analysis. Quality parameters including moisture content, ash, protein, fat/oil, fiber, and...
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...d water flow regulation, fodder, etc) are still not accounted properly. Therefore, this study was conducted to ascertain the carbon stock of Pinus gerardiana at the landscape level. The study was conducted in Chilghoza Forest of Suleman Range. Systemic sampling approach was adopted. The circular plots with a radius of 17.84 (0.1 Ha area) were used. In each plot, diameters at breast height (DBH) and height of trees with DBH more than 5 cm were measured. ...
Kaleem Mehmood1, Sultan Muhammad2 and Altaf Hussain3
...the study area increases fodder production to fold for livestock for fulfilling their daily needs. Firewood is the main source of fuel. Average fire wood consumption per day per household is procured from these plantations. The trend of more firewood use is also observed after plantation. Some portion of population also obtain low quality timber from these plantations such as small ballies etc. which is used in kacha, semi paka houses and sheds for livestock b...
Mohsen Dehghani
...carried out to determine fodder harvest value as one of the direct use values based on data collected from questionnaire and sampling throughout Hara Protected Area during all seasons of 2011 and 2012. The results reveal that the poor pastures and economically undeveloped infrastructures in the region have led the local communities on the coastal areas to supply the livestock's fodder from mangrove leaves. Hence, the hou...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad1, Syed Ajmal Rahim2, Junaid Mumtaz3 and Syed Akmal Rahim4
...uses (timber, fuel wood, fodder) with preferred rotation age, expressed by 80% as 6-10 years. Out of total farm tree produce, 30% consumed for domestic fuel, 12% for roofing windows, poles etc. and 58% sold to get cash for family. 92% used standing sale procedure.

The nursery or trees have proved profitable economic activity for them. The 80-84% respondents perceived that the tree planting trend would increase in future. 78% showed their willingness ...

Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Abid Hussain
....6% reported for forage, fodder and minor timber production and 16.6% respondents reported for timber (packing and casing wood industry). According to ecological requirement of Babul, respondents and personal experience confirmed that Babul can survive with occasional irrigation in water poor areas, less supervision and management practices. It increases the soil fertility and rehabilitates the land for raising agriculture crops in due course of time. Based on...
Amjad Ali Ch., Mansoor Ali and Aurangzeb Ashraf Awan
...odesta are excellent fodder for livestock. The samples of Acacia modesta were collected bimonthly from Rakh Dagar Kotli for two years i.e. during 2007 and 2008. The proximate analysis indicated 30.72-47.48 percent dry matter (DM), 17.37-19.38 percent crude protein (CP), 35.5-39.95 percent crude fibre (CF), 3.49-3.99 percent ether extract (EE), 7.35-10 32 percent ash and 28.31-35.91 percent nitrogen - free extract (NFE). It should be advised on the b...
Malik Mahboob ur Rehman1, Muhammad Rafiq2, Amjad Ali Ch.3, Tariq Mahmood4, Javaid Ahsan5 and Shahzad Fazal6
... untreated area provides fodder to 944 Animal Unit/5664 Sheep Unit while that of treated area to 1700 Animal Unit/10200 Sheep Unit....
A. W. Jasra and I. Ahmad
...ting opportunities, high fodder prices, social intolerance and disease incidences are the other important issues. Multipurpose plant species like seabuckthorn and fourwing saltbush together with improved irrigation system and urea molasses blocks as supplemental feed have been identified as viable interventions for livelihood improvement. A policy dialogue is needed to resolve the problems of nomadic community.

Key Words: Pastoralists, livelihood, Junip...

Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan and Shahzad Fazal
...lotica are excellent fodder for livestock. The samples of Acacia nilotica were collected bimonthly from Rakh Dagar Kotli for two years. The proximate analysis indicated 32.86 - 40.72 percent dry matter (DM), 11.18 - 15.29 percent crude protein (CP), 22.36 - 30.78 percent crude fibre (CF), 2.88 - 3.62 percent ether extract (EE), 5.18 - 10.02 percent ash and 42.16 - 53.99 percent nitrogen - free extract (NFE). The data so collected suggest that leaves...
Sardar Muhammad Rafique
...e form of crop residues, fodders, grazing and concentrates. However, there is shortage of feed amounting to 2508 DM, 231.4 CP and 1115.7 TDN thousand tones. This deficiency in food results in low production per unit area and/or per livestock head. To tap maximum economic return and sustainable livestock production range improvement activities like application of fertilizer, conversion of vegetation, exclosure, grazing management, introduction of nutritious and...
Altaf Hussain and Raja Muhammad Zarif
...of timber, fuel-wood and fodder. Out of 700 alien species 2 forest tree species viz Broussonetia papyrifera, and Prosopis juliflora were recognized as high impact invasive. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is another example highlighting the invasive behaviour. In addition, Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima and Leucaena leucocephala are also aggressive in nature and may pose threat to the local flora and fauna in the future. ...
Shams-ur-Rehman, Altaf Hussain and Riaz A. Khattak reduce the problem of fodder and fuel wood to certain extent.

Key words: poverty reduction, salinity, choice of species.

The paper was presented in an Asia-pacific regional workshop on Forests for poverty reduction can community forestry make money?

Sponsored by Chinese Academy of Forestry & APAFRI: Sep, 2003.

Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan
...or their food, shelter, fodder, health care and other cultural purposes. However, encroaching industrialization and the accompanying changes in their life styles are responsible for the decline in the local practice of uses of these plants before the information is lost. About 100 informants were interviewed in this regard. In total 27 species of trees and 24 species of shrubs were recorded as used medicinally by inhabitants of the park. Among these 10 specie...
...owth data of 40 fuelwood/fodder species was made under eight barani and irrigated conditions in Pakistan. The results revealed that the Eucalyptus camaldulensis provenance originating from Australian Northern Territory of Alice Springs, E. nucrotheca and AY-48 clone of Populus deltoids gave the best growth. For fodder, Acacia nilotica, Albizia procera, Leucaena leucocephala and Robinia pseudoac...
Mohammad Noor and Bashir Hussain Shah
...nts of each of the five fodder tree species were planted in each of 6 replications on RCB design. Survival, growth and airdried biomass data were collected in January, 1994 on each tree species, and analyzed statistically. Acacia modesta, Prosopis cineraria and Acaica albida had substantially higher survival percent than Acacia tortilis and Acacia victoriae. Acacia albida and Acacia tortilis showed significantly highe...
Rash Khan and Faridullah Khan
...ew the acute shortage of fodder and forages in northern Areas of Pakistan, an experiment was conducted in Karakoram Agricultural Research Institute (KARINA) in late November, 1984 and continued for 3 years to evaluate the performance of Dactylus glomerata under two temperature regimes. The treatment included covering the plots with polyethylene sheet and without cover. The covered seed took 19 days to germinate whereas the uncovered seed took 89 ...
*Muhammad Iqbal, James A. Moore and ***Charles R. Hatch used as fuel wood and fodder. The objective of this study was to developed simple and practical prediction models using linear regression to estimate crown biomass. Models were developed for green and air-dried branch wood and fodder crown biomass components under different lopping intensities. Tables were produced to formulate management, planning and marketing strategies. Diameter at breast height squared (Dbh
Mohammad Rafique Sardar
...estimation of biomass of fodder tree species during December, 1991 to January, 1992. Selective parameters of growth of all the sample trees of different fodder tree species were measured. Green weight of stem wood, branch wood, leaves and pods were recorded separately for biomass calculation. Dry weight after 6 weeks was also measured. The results showed that 12 years old Ceratonia siliqua yielded the highest ...
K. M. Siddiqui and Fazli Subhan Khan
...for their energy needs, fodder, food and wood based industries. This has necessitated growing of trees not only on marginal lands but farmlands as well....
K. M. Siddiqui
...e.g. timber, fuelwood, fodder, wildlife, water and recreation. Their voice was truly one in the wilderness. They did not receive any particular attention and political support for a long time. The forestry problems were given a very low priority in national and international development programmes especially in the developing countries. On the other hand, agricultural and industrial development started attracting the attention of planners in the sixti...
... Willows are grown for fodder, basket-making, roof construction and for timber; whereas Lombardy poplar is a major timber species. Both the crops are raised vegetatively. A general practice with the locals is that they use willow cuttings (3.04 to 3.65 m long), obtained from the pollarded trees, for planting. The cut ends provide infection courts for many bacteria and decay fungi....
K. M. Siddiqui
...ts for timber, fuelwood, fodder, watershed protection, water, grazing, recreation etc. Later, the idea of community forestry, social forestry and farm forestry was put forward. This was due to realization on the part of developed countries and the international donor agencies that social and economic benefits of development of state forests are not reaching small farmers in developing countries. Further, with increase in population, the pressure on natu...
M. B. Bhatti, M. I. Sultani, M. Aslam and Ehtesham Ali Syed
... m producing 48.66% more fodder than at the wider spacing of 0.3 x 1.5 m. While the per plant height differed significantly, plants being taller under closer spacing, the variations in per-plant fresh weight were found insignificant....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ert vegetation for fuel, fodder and food....
Qaisar Ali, Mohammad Yousaf Wazir and Mirza Hakim Khan
...enix dactylifera and fodder plants like Diplachne fusca and Juncus maritimus can be tried successfully in the area for land reclamation and range management....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...h of agricultural crops, fodder trees and leaf fall of fruit trees are important sources of livestock feed. The availability of winter feed is a limiting factor in the production of livestock. In Northern Areas 100,125 metric tonnes of air dry feed is available annually against a requirement of 1,212,439 metric tonnes. The harvesting and storage practices are faulty. Soil erosion is common on steep slopes. Scare scientific data is available and no orga...
Abdur Rashid Tariq and Haji Moosa A. Tayab
...e purpose was to provide fodder for the rapidly developing livestock population of the country. In the beginning an area of 200 hectares was brought under a crop of Pioneer Rhodes grass on sprinkler system of irrigation. The irrigation water of these sites was drawn from the subsoil and it contained 3500ppm of dissolved salts. This project went into full production within three months of its initiation. Thereafter this programme was extended further over an ar...
S. Rehman
...March 1982 and produced fodder at the rate of 19.7075 metric tons per hectare and seed collected from the crop was 600.96 kg. Per hectare. It was observed that plant can withstand high rate of soil moisture stress and is suited to arid conditions prevailing in Mastung Valley. ...
M.I. Sheikh and Sultan Maqsood Khan and no watering on 4 fodder species viz. Leucaenea leucocephala, Robinia pseudocaeia, Ceretonia siliqua and Tecoma undulate during July, 1982. By November, 1982 it was found that species differ appreciably in the survival percentage as well as the average height of survived plants. The irrigation frequencies had a differential effect on the biomass production of leucaenea and the height of trees but not on their survival percentage.
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...soil and is a nutritious fodder. The plants in the first instance were raised in Silvicultural Research Nursery, Lahore and planted in different climatic zones in the country. The sites include Bhurban in Murree hills, Islamabad, Peshawar, Changa Manga etc. The plant seems to have responded well to its new environment with luxuriant growth producing abundant seed and good natural regeneration at favourable site (deep sandy loam, 1000 mm rain or ir...
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...ild trees are lopped for fodder. Spirit is extracted from leaves which is used in checking the sick- ness of pregnancy. Bark is used to clean the teeth and strengthen the gums. It is also used as an astringent, anthelmintic and lactifuge. Outer bark is used as a dye in Kashmir. An oil is extracted from the fruit which is used internally as a teanicide especially for tapeworms and is a mild laxative. Externally it is used in in case of dimness of vision. (4)...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Lubna Ansari1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2 were used to grow the fodder crop such as Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum). 1 kanal was used for livestock and poultry, to generate income through dairy and poultry products. The results showed that multifunctional agroforestry system yielded more than the agricultural crops through graphs and charts. This strategy supported sustainable land management and provides livestock farmers with a number of advantages. By enhancing the diet’s nutritional valu...

Mahfuza Ferdous1, Sabuj Kanti Nath1 and Mustasim Famous2*

...s 21% produced their own fodder, and 36% supplemented fodder by purchasing. 71% of farms were found feeding raw fodder to the cattle without any kind of processing, and only 29% of farms used chopped fodder before feeding. In feeding concentrate feed, almost 50% of farms mixed the feed ingredients manually, the rest (21%) farms used commercial feed, 29% ...

Nasir Ali Tauqir1*, Asim Faraz2, Muhammad Imran Babar3 and Irfan Shahzad Sheikh3

...igestion kinetics of oat fodder in Nili Ravi buffalo bulls. Four cannulated buffalo bulls were used for in situ screening of oat fodder harvested at 100 days of age sown using different levels of phosphorous and phosphorous plus nitrogen fertilizers. Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) content were higher (p<0.05) in oat fodder supplemented with P and NP fertilizer as compared to con...

Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...water, resulting in less fodder and reduced livestock sales. To improve the situation, better coordination between forest authorities and local farmers is necessary. Forest authorities should address misconceptions about agroforestry, educate farmers on the benefits of various tree species, including environmental benefits, fruits, and fodder, and provide tree saplings. Additionally, new plantations should be established to ...

Razaq Animashahun1, Funmilayo Okeniyi1, Olayinka Alabi1, Samuel Olawoye1, Precious Oluwafemi1, Princess Odhe1, Oluwatola Akintola1, Adedeji Animashahun2

Muhammad Nauman Khan1*, Fazal Hadi1, Maryam Bibi1, Naushad Khan1 and
Syed Mukaram Shah2
...d for grazing animals as fodder. The present study was aimed to screen out the ecological aspects of weed flora in wheat crops of Charbagh. The recent work is the first report on the weed ecology of Charbagh Valley. This may help for future intensive and extensive researches on weed diversity in the area.


Mushtaq Ahmad1, Hikmat Ullah Jan2, Kanwal Raina3, Nazara Shafiq3, Syed Mukarram Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim4, Shaha Buddin1 and Gulnaz Parveen3*

...6%) species were used as fodder followed by, 30 (32.27%) weed species were used as medicinal and 17 (18.27%) species were utilized as vegetables. The collection and documentation of weed flora from the area highlights the rich weed diversity in maize and wheat agroecosystems.


Elkhan Rajaf Allahverdiyev1*, Azer Agazade Khalilov2, Araz Mustafa Gasimov2, Zahid Gurban Khalilov2, Parvana Bahlul Bayramova2, Kamala Fatiaga Abilova2 and Sait Engindeniz3

...on quality indicators of fodder obtained from mixed sowing was studied. It was found that the amount of crude protein, absolute dry matter, yield of feed unit, amount of digestible protein in the green mass product increased significantly. The most important criterion in terms of quality in forage plants is the crude protein content in the dry matter. There is a positive relationship between nitrogen fertilization and the crude protein content of plants. At th...
Anum Razzaq*, Tariq Mahmood, Ammara Saman, Ammara Baig, Nadeem Munawar and Muhammad Farooq
...bia etc. along with some fodder crops like Sorghum bicolour (Sorghum), Zea mays (Maize), Brassica campestris (Mustard) etc. The summer diet (non-crop season) was comparatively less diversified than the diet of the cropping season (spring) and there was a significant difference in the diets of this rat species during cropping and non-cropping period. The gerbil also supplemented its diet with insects (animal matters) in higher quantities highlighting its positi...

 Saranyah Sathiaganeshan1,2, Nur Aina Natasha Yusoff1, Siti Juzailah Zuraimi1, Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,3, Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,4, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati⁵, I Wayan Karyasa⁶ and Connie Fay Komilus1*

...i>Triticum aestivum) fodders on growth performance and meat quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). This research aims to determine nutrient compositions in organic wheatgrass fodder (OWF) and to evaluate the effect of organic wheatgrass on the growth performance and meat quality of quail. Wheatgrass fodder was grown using organic fertilizer which is goat dung. Then, prox...
Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,2, Nurhadirah Hairil1, Nurafiqah Anis Ismail1, Putri Athirah Zamrifana1, Lina Nadhirah Abdullah1, Muhammad Afiq Zabhin1, Ariff Imran Alkaf1, Farrah Izzuanie Zainudin1, Hanisah Basir1, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati3, I Wayan Karyasa4 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
...constant supply of green fodder for livestock year-round. It involves growing plants without soil in water or a nutrient-rich solution in a greenhouse. All parts of the hydroponic fodder (leaves, stems, roots, and grain) are fed to livestock by the farmers. This experiment aimed to identify the effect of goat manure liquid fertilizer on growth performance, production yield and proximate composition of all four parts of wheat...

Saima Bibi* and Nazir Ahmad

...digestibility of berseem fodder in three non-lactating ruminally cannulated Holstein cows at the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. The cows were fed a diet of 90% fodder and 10% concentrate on a dry matter basis. Five Plant-derived phenolic compounds and commercial tannic acid at concentration of 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5% were used. The phenolic extracts were prepared by treating plants in hot water, allowing biologica...

Achmad Firman1*, Lilis Nurlina1, Diky Ramdani2, Yayan Rismayanti2

...utside the farm, limited fodder forage, farmers lose but traders gain, lack of sheep farming skills, limited land and capital, no parental support, farming is not a prestigious profession and uncertain income. The nine are spread into two quadrants, namely symptom, and critical elements. Therefore, the local government continues to maintain the continuity of livestock contests and agility fights of Garut sheep. These events are proven to encourage farmers to k...

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1, Ambo Ako1, Syahdar Baba2, Zulkharnaim1, Sri Gustina1, Laode Alhamd3, Indrawirawan2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah1, Arif Rahman4,5, Siti Annisa Sukri5, Rara Mufliha5, Zyahrul Ramadan5 and Purnama Isti Khaerani6

...d nutritional quality of fodder (Maize or Corn). The research was arranged according to a randomized, complete factorial design. Factor A was PGPR levels (0, 5, 10, and 15 ml/l) expressed as P, hereafter and Factor B was the density (0.26, 0.33, 0.40, and 0.47 g/cm²) hereafter refers as D. Parameters observed in the research included germination percentage, plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, and proximate analysis. Results indicates that both level o...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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