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Aqeel Ahmad, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed, Irfan Aziz*


...ainfed cultivation under lentil (lens culinaris) based cropping systems field trials were conducted at University Research Farm, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi during 2007-2009. Lentil was planted in winter and during summer sorghum (sorghum bicolor) and mung bean (vigna radiata) followed lentil. Five different fertilizer treatments i.e. farmyard manure (FYM) 30 ...

Neerja Agrawal, Mukesh Srivastava, Akhilesh Tripathi and Amrendra Singh

Survey and monitoring of pests, parasites and predators of pulse crops in central and eastern Uttar Pradesh
... chickpea, pigeonpea and lentil crops in different districts of Uttar Pradesh.Atotal of 22 districts were surveyed to record gram pod borer Helicoverpa armigera, Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilarctia obliqua, plant hopper of Pentatomorpha group, termite Odontotermes spp, and cut worm Agrotis ipsilon in chickpea whereas Campoletis chlorlidae was recorded as natural enemy feeding on H. armigera larvae. In pigeonpea crop, mainly H. armigera, leaf webber Grapholita ...

 Ashiq Saleem, Muhammad Ashraf Zahid, Habib Iqbal Javed*, M Ansar**, Asghar Ali, Rashid Saleem* and Noor Saleem***

...g rates on seed yield of lentil. Field experiments were conducted for three consecutive years (2001-02 to 2003-04) at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan during the lentil growing season. An improved medium-grain size (1000-grain weight. around 25 g) variety Masoor 93 (18-12 x ILLP 4400) was used in these experiments. Eleven seeding rates i.e., 14.0, 21.25, 28.50, 35.75, 43.0, -1 50.25, 57.5...

 Asghar Ali*, Muhammad Tahir**, Shahid Riaz Malik* and Muhammad Hanif Munawwar*

...ify;"> The weeds in lentil are one of the major constraints in obtaining maximum yield. The manual weed control is simply not feasible because it is time consuming and costly. The chemical weed control is the effective method of weed management. A field study was conducted to evaluate pre and post-emergence herbicides for weed control in lentil. The experiment comprised eight treatments including three herbicides, manua...

Wiqar Ahmad1* and Farmanullah Khan

...aestivum L.) CV Uqab and lentils (Lense Culinarus M.) CV NM-89 were cultivated in rotation. Results revealed that during 2006, maize yield did not improve significantly, however, during 2007, grain yield (GY) increased by 17% with N1/2PKF over the RD. Similarly, the cropping pattern effect was significant during 2007 only and the cereal-legume rotation showed 9 and 12% higher GY over the cereal-cereal+legumes intercrop and cereal-cereal rotation, respectively....

Muhamad Jawad*, Shahid Riaz Malik, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, Muhammad Asadullah, Israr Hussain and Rabia Khalid 

...netic diversity among 36 lentil genotypes for mechanized harvesting. Analysis of variance for qualitative and quantitative traits showed significant variability among the genotypes. Correlation analysis indicates negative correlation of yield with lowest pod height and highly significant correlation between lowest pod height and plant height. Cluster analysis performed for qualitative and quantitative traits separately. It was observed that genotypes with suit...

Gulnaz Saleem1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Nouman Rashid2 and Mehar un Nisa Narejo3 

...its produced from wheat; lentil flour was investigated in this study. This study showed significant (P<0.05) variation in physico-chemical characteristics of four lentil varieties. The NIA-Masoor variety showed higher values for ash, fat and fiber (3.02%, 3.02% and 10.99%) respectively. Whereas; PM-09 possessed higher moisture (13.89%); though Masoor-93 was higher in protein content (25.16%) than all other varieties. The ...

Imdad Ali Mahmood1, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Sarwar1, Matiullah Khan1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2, Shoaib Ahmed1 and Shahid Riaz Malik

...;">A field experiment on lentil was conducted to see the effect of Zn application alongwith PGPR on growth and yield under rain-fed conditions at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad during 2016-17. Split plot design (main plots with and without inoculation and Zn application in sub-plots) with three replications was followed. Agronomic data i.e., plant height, pods per peduncle, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, total biomass and grain yield ...

Amjad Ali1*, Wiqar Ahmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Motasim Billah1 

...zote-N and Rhizogold to lentils during Winter 2015 in an RCB design and the residual effect was evaluated on soil micro-nutrient status and chemical properties after maize harvest in Summer 2016. Particle sizes in the above order showed 3, 2 and 2% increase in soil pH over the control (7.63) and 15, 10 and 6% increase in soil EC over the control (125 mS cm-1), respectively. Their OM contents (1.73, 1.68 and 1.67%) registered 98, 93 and 91% increase over the O...
Wiqar Ahmad1*, Farmanullah Khan2, Muhammad Sharif2 and Muhammad Jamal Khan2
...s viz wheat after maize, lentil after maize and wheat-lentil intercrop after maize in main plots and four fertilizer treatments viz the control, farmer’s practice (FP) (N:P2O5 @ 60:45 and 15:30 kg ha-1 for cereals and lentils), recommended dose (RD) (N:P2O5:K2O @ 120:90:60 and 30:60:0 kg ha-1 for cereal and ...

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...otential mutant lines of lentil against their parent (M-85) and two check varieties (NIA-Masoor-05 and NIA-Masoor-16). The pooled data of the crop, after two years of evaluation, indicated the earliest maturity in the mutant AEL-40/30 (92.0 days). Plant height was observed to be low in all the studied mutant lines (AEL-40/30, AEL-13/30 and AEL-12/30) against the parent and the control varieties. Important yield contributing traits like number of branches plant...

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali and nodulation of the lentil cultivars. Different cultivars were used in this experiment; Markaz 2009, Masoor 2009 and NIA 2005 treatments were used viz BS0 (control), (Pseudomonas stutzeri), BS2 (Lysinibacillus pakistanensis) and BS3 (Pseudomonas stutzeri + P2O5@40kg/h). Application of BS3 enhanced the plant height (31.423 cm), leaf area plant-1 (15.459 cm2), leaf area index (1.9323) and leaf area duration (110.84). Among the different

Mohammad Mohsin Faqeer1, Muhammad Aquil Siddiqui2*, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shameem Raja3, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2, Fareen Deeba Soomro4 and Muhammad Mahran Aslam2

Impact of Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield Parameters of Lentil (Lens culinaris L) under Semi-arid Region of Pakistan
... and yield parameters of lentil varieties. Three lentil genotypes (M-85, NIA Masoor 2005 and NIA Masoor 2016) were evaluated at three spacing treatments (15, 30 and 45 cm) under the RCBD. The morphological characteristics of lentil genotypes depicted that maximum germination, plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, weight of 1000 seeds, seed yield, and early days ...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies
...allenge to all the major lentil-growing nations. It induces partial to complete foliar damage and results in about 3/5th to full failure of the lentil yield. The molecular study for the recognition and delineation of species is inevitable as high complexity is seen due to environmental concerns and contrasting morphological characteristics among species. The frequency and intensity of this disease depends on environmental an...

Serdar Eratak1, Metin Çabuk2,* and Ahmet Alcicek3

...s of different levels of lentil byproducts on the growth performance, relative weight of internal organ and carcass traits of growing quails. Day-old quails (240; Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 4 treatments, each with 4 replicates: control, 10%, 15% and 20% lentil byproducts—fed to the quails between 1 to 35 days of age. The mash experimental diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. No signific...

Junaid Ali1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Muhammad Ilyas3, Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha4*, Muhammad Arshad5, Muhammad Akram6, Mina Kharal7, Ehsan Ullah1, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Fareeha Athar1, Ayesha Mustafa1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1 maximum production of lentil crop. Therefore, this study was conducted in RCBD with a two-factor split plot to determine the impact of various levels of irrigation and sowing methods on the growth and yield of lentil. Crop was sown by three sowing methods; flat, bed and ridge and with four different irrigations levels; I1: one irrigation, 60 days after sowing (DAS), I2: two irrigations 30 and 60 DAS, I3: three irrigations...

S. A. Montasser1†, N. A. Mahmoud2, A. F. El-Mesalamy2 and M. A. A. Abdel-Mageed2

...iza-51 of broad bean and lentil were regarded as resistant hosts to nematode infection with (Rf)
values 0.59 and 0.80 folds, respectively.

I. K.A. Ibrahim1, Z.A. Handoo2† and A. B. A. Basyony1

... grass, H. lespedezae on lentil, H. goldeni on
qasabagrass, H. schachtii on cabbage and sugar beet, H. zeae on corn and wheat and Globodera rostochiensis on
potato. The cyst nematodes H. leuceilyma and G. rostochiensis are new records of the country and H. lespedezae on
lentil is a new host plant record in Egypt.
...chondria in cytoplasm of lentil leaf cells infected with PMoV. Effect of environmental factors and populations of insects on virus infection.
Mohga A. El-Tahlawey1, Samah. A. Mokbel1, A.M. Mandour1,and H. A. Mohamed2
...(PMoV) was isolated from lentil cv. Giza 51. The infected plants feature severe mosaic on lentil cv. Giza51. mottling on cv. Giza9. mild mottle on cv. Giza4, yellow mild mottling on cv. Giza370, Seed transmission tests Of PMoV confirmed of the virus transmission through Lentil seeds.


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