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Iracema Nunes de Barros1,2, Luciane Dubina Pinto3, Rosely Bianca dos Santos Kuroda1, Sheila Oliveira de Souza Silva1, Leonardo José Richtzenhain1,2, Cláudio Wageck Canal3 and Paulo Eduardo Brandão1,2* 

...membrane (M), spike (S), nucleocapsid (N) and non-structural protein 3b genes. Out of the samples collected, 40.17% were positive for CCoV; 57.45% of CCoV-infected animals showed enteritis and most of these (76%) were younger than 3 months and unvaccinated. Distance genealogy using CCoV sequences from GenBank for M gene showed that eight strains were CCoV-II twenty-six were CCoV-I. These findings show some genetic features of CCoV in Brazil and may require fut...

Saad A. Moussa1, Ahmed F. Afify1*, Suzan Salah2 and Ayman Hamed3

...on by RT-PCR targeted to nucleocapsid protein gene (N-gene) was carried out followed by phylogenetic analysis. Positive samples were isolated on Vero cell culture and identified by TEM and immune-peroxidase technique. Betacoronavirus 1 was detected by ELISA in 6 out of 20 fecal samples (30%), PCR detected 4 out of 6 ELISA positive samples at specific M.W. band of 236 bp by electrophoresis, and one sample was sequenced and submitted on Genbank with MW17...

Ehab M. El-Nahas1, Hemat S. El-Sayed2, Sawsan S. El-Basuni3, Gabr F. El-Bagoury1

...ime RT-PCR targeting the nucleocapsid (N) gene with further genetic and antigenic characterization. Methods: Beside a real time RT-PCR; sequence analysis of partial S1 gene, cross-neutralization and the challenge experiment for H120 vaccinated broiler chickens were also performed. Results: Egypt/Qal/014p had close relation with that of the Massachusetts prototypes. Comparisons nucleotide and amino acid sequence of partial S1 gene showed that the recent isolate...

Muhammad Altaf1* Arshad Mahmood Abbasi2, Muhammad Shoaib Amjad3, Sadia Naseer1 and Muhammad Umair4

...ns i.e. envelope, spike, nucleocapsid and membrane. Coronaviruses are classified into 4 genera: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus. Betacoronavirus most probably originated from bats and the virus may have jumped to avian species and evolved as Deltacoronavirus group. The avian coronaviruses jumped among other avian species, giving rise to Gammacoronavirus from Deltacoronavirus, while Betacoronavirus may have given rise to...

Hayam S. Abdelkader1; Gamalat M. Allam1; T. A. Moustafa2; and M. El-Hanunady2

...ers complementary to the nucleocapsid protein gene (NPs) were used to detect two isolates of TSWV from Lycopersicum esculentum and Physalis peruviana plants. Total nucleic acids were reverse transcribed using Retrotool reverse transcriptase enzyme and the PCR reactions were performed for 30 min in a capillary thermal cycler.  RFLP analysis of the PCR products was performed using Msel restriction enzyme. The results showed a dimorphic restriction digestion...

Amer, H.M.; Hussein, H. A.; El-Sabagh, I. M.; El-Sanousi, A. A. Saber,M.S. and Shalaby, M. A.

...bovine coronavirus (BCV) nucleocapsid protein was carried out in a baculovirus expression system. The specific RT-PCR product of N gene was cut and extracted from gel using DNA gel extraction kit (Millipore). Eluted DNA was successfully cloned in pBlueBac4.5N5-His TOPO TA baculovirus transfer vector and transformed in chemically competent E. coli. A modified colony PCR assay was utilized to identify the positive bacterial colonies that harbor the recombinant p...


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