Composition of the Phytoplankton Population of the Ouladine Lagoon South of the City of Grand-Bassam
Composition of the Phytoplankton Population of the Ouladine Lagoon South of the City of Grand-Bassam
Koffi Komoe1, N’Guessan Roméo Lozo1*, Estelle Sévérine Konan2
Location of the Ouladine lagoon with sampling stations.
Proportion of different phyla observed from January to June 2027. Chloro: Chlorophyta; Cyano: Cyanoprokaryota; Eugleno: Euglenophyta; Hetero: Heterokontophyta.
Distribution of taxa by type of water.
List of taxa inventoried for the first time in Côte d’Ivoire. A, Chaetoceros lauderi; b, Melosira italica; c, Pleurosigma angulatum; d, Pleurosigma normanii; e, Closterium pronum; f, Euglena mutabilis var. lefevrei; g, Anabaena azollae.