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Editorial Workflow


All submitted abstracts and manuscripts undergo an editorial process of review before consideration in the proceedings.

Editor Decision
Based on the quality of the contents, Editor recommends one of the following options:
(i) Accept, (ii) Reject, (iii) Minor revision, (iv) Major revision, (v) Returned.
The rejected manuscripts are closed, whereas, manuscripts with minor or major revision are require appropriate actions from the Author for re-consideration by the Editor.
In case of acceptance, Authors are notified and the Publisher initiate the production process that include copy-editing, language editing, proofreading, reference linking, metadata generation for indexing and publication purposes. Immediately after the acceptance authors are invoiced for article processing charges if applicable. Authors are also requested to improve the language if required before the initiation of production process.
The Role of the Editor-in-Chief
Editor in Chief is a final and decisive authority to make any recommendations on submitted manuscripts without involvement of the Editorial Office. This is mainly due to the fact that Editors are leading personnel in the field and they make their recommendations on the bases of reviewers’ assessment. Also Editor can’t play external reviewers’ roles, except in occasional cases, to have fair, highly professional and dynamic peer-review system. Editor in Chief also approves the editorial board members and mainly involve in the selection of the special issues in the journal.
Publishing Standards and Guidelines
Following guidelines and standards are practiced by the ResearchersLinks for its journals:
ICMJE: Medical journals follow the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Exhaustive guidelines and recommendations are available that range from peer review process to handling complaints. These guidelines and recommendations are mainly focusing medical journal, majority of these recommendations are generic and are followed by all our journals.
The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement deals inadequate reporting of randomized and controlled trials. Authors are encouraged to liaise with CONSORT statement, crosscheck their work against the checklist and flow diagram of the CONSORT and finally upload them during the submission process of the manuscript.
TOP (Transparency and Openness in Promotion) has set out community-driven guidelines to align scientific ideals with actual practices. ResearchersLinks aim to achieve level 1 or 2 in all TOP guidelines for all our journals. Depending upon the nature and scope of the journal, specific requirements differ between different journals. Should you need information on journal-specificity please contact for detailed information?
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Authors are encouraged to liaise with PRISM items, crosscheck their work against the checklist and flow diagram of the PRISM and finally upload them during the submission process of the manuscript.
ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) has set out guidelines to improve the reporting of research using animals – maximising information published and minimising unnecessary studies. Authors are encouraged to liaise with ARRIVE items, crosscheck research work against their checklist and finally upload them during the submission process of the manuscript.



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