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İbrahim Aytekin1,*, Ecevit Eyduran2, Koksal Karadas3, Rifat Akşahan4 and İsmail Keskin1
... prediction equation for fattening final live body weight from several body measurements and fattening period of native, crossbred and exotic breeds. For this aim, a total of 103 young bulls were used. In the prediction of fattening final live weight as an output variable, several continuous predictors evaluated in the current study were: withers height (WH), back height (BH), front rump h...
Yakup Erdal Erturk1, Adem Aksoy2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
...s that influence average fattening final live weight (AFFLW) per enterprise for crossbred cattle reared in beef cattle enterprises in North East Anatolia region (comprising Erzurum, Igdir, Kars and Agri provinces) of Turkey. For this goal, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), a-non parametric regression technique, was used to develop a respectable prediction equation that can denote interaction effects of influential predictors in the definition of...
Yakup Erdal Ertürk
...nificant impact on final fattening weight (FFW) as an output variable at domestic beef cattle enterprises from the Eastern part of Turkey. Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) as a non-parametric analysis technique was preferred in the description of the influential factors and their interaction effects for each gender. Some probable factors such as age, province, education level, experience, social security, lands, and the reason at performing anim...
Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4,*
...e vital factors on final fattening live weight (FFW) on cultural beef cattle enterprises from Eastern region of Turkey. Predictive performances of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and Chi-Square Interaction Detector (CHAID) were evaluated comparatively in the definition of significant factors and interaction effects between the factors. Before the definition process, the data on socio-economic (age, province, educational level, experience, socia...
Nihat Tekel1, Ilkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Sireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3,*
...ucted to investigate the fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 crossbred male lambs. In the study, seven male lambs whose weaning weights were almost similar were included in the experiment. The lambs were weaned at 2 months of age. They were fed with ad libitum concentrated feed and 100 g/day wheat straw was given to each animal during the fattening period of 64 days....

Jong Ho Ahn1, Jang Hoon Choi1,2 and In Sik Nam1,3,*

...0.85–31.52 months (fattening period, F). They were separately fed concentrate and forage (C) or total mixed ration (TMR, T) in the growing and fattening periods. The treatments were GCFC (Concentrate feeding in the growing and fattening periods), GCFT (Concentrate feeding in the growing period and TMR feeding in the fattening period), GTFC (TMR fee...

Md. Enayet Kabir1, Md. Jahangir Alam1*, Md. Mosharaf Hossain2, Zannatul Ferdaushi3 

..., and faecal bacteria of fattening cattle. A total of eighteen crossbred male cattle of 14-16 months were divided into three equal groups at random. Cattle in the control group (C) were offered ration containing 40% untreated rice straw, 20% green fodder, and 40% concentrate mixture (dry matter basis) fed separately as a conventional feeding system. Cattle in the other two treatment groups were fed TMR, where one fed TMR (TMR1) with control ration and the othe...

Murat Durmuş* and Nazan Koluman was to compare the fattening performance and carcass characteristics of the offsprings obtained from meat-type crossbreed sheep and goats. For this purpose, 10 head of lambs of the Cukurova Assaf type (75% Ost-Friz + 25% Awassi) and 10 head kids of Improved Cukurova Boer type (10% Native Hair Goat + 90% Boer) were used as animal material in the experiment. Kids and lambs were housed in two different paddocks during the eight-week trial period and perform...

Kamel Etman Ibrahim Etman*, Salah Kamal Sayed, Farouk Amin El-Sayed, Abd-Alghany Hasaneen Ghoniem, Mostafa Mohamed El-Nahrawy, Mona Ahmed Alsayed Farag 

...y male buffalo calves in fattening trial. Rumen and blood parameters were also studied. First group (10 animals) were received control ration which contains 60 % concentrate feed mixture (CFM), 30 % corn silage (CS) and 10 % alfalfa hay (AH). The 2nd and 3rd animal groups were fed control ration supplemented with 5 gm probiotics bacteria and 10 gm fibrolytic enzyme per head , respectively. The experiment lasted about 180 days. Animals fed rations B and C app...

Khalid Farooq, Muhammad Tahir and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...ify;">The growth rate of fattening animals under smallholder production systems in Pakistan is very low, partly because of the scarcity of good quality forages, and no or insufficient feeding of concentrates. The present study was carried out to address this issue, by developing maize silage and ryegrass forage blend based fattening rations. Five diets containing maize silage and ryegrass in the ratios of 30:70; 40:60; 50:50...
Aulia Evi Susanti1*, Rudy Priyanto2, Muladno2, Dewi Apri Astuti3, Lucia Cyrilla2
...sive breeding. Intensive fattening cattle are given an additional marketing frequency concentrate twice with an interest rate of 6%. The feed application experimental design used a factorial 3x2 Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 10 replications. A descriptive analysis was conducted to evaluate the corporate model’s production system and business management. Production analysis was analyzed using ANOVA and data were processed using R studio software vers...

Faradji Khalil1*, Slimani Noureddine2 and Senoussi Abdelhakim3

...ts rusticity and ease of fattening.


Chang-Man Kim1, Sam-Churl Kim2 , Young-Ho Joo2, In-Hag Choi3*

...A total of 360 crossbred fattening pigs ([Landrace × Yorkshire] × Duroc]) with an average body weight of 60.5 ± 1.21 kg, were randomly divided into nine-floor pens (40 pigs/pen) in a single facility for a month. Aluminum chloride was added weekly to pig slurry pits (3.5×9.0×1.5 m) at 0, 0.05, and 0.1% AlCl3 on a volumetric basis determined by the estimated final manure volume for each flush cycle. Ammonia levels were measured twi...

Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

...d out to assess the beef fattening practices and management in the Wolaita zone, southern Ethiopia. Three districts representing three agro-ecologies were selected purposively based on their higher potential for beef cattle fattening and marketing. A cross-sectional study design was used to obtain data from local cattle fattening farmers (n=306) using a semi-structured questionnaire. The m...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

Pedro Nunes1*, José Teixeira1,2, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Divanildo Monteiro1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3 component in rabbit fattening diets, serving as a substitute for dietary fiber in traditional formulations and contributing to reduced feed expenses.
Keywords | Exhausted olive cake, Rabbit, Carcass characteristics, Growth performance, Visceral development

Ho Xuan Nghiep1,2, Nguyen Binh Truong1,2*

...ges maize in the diet of fattening Charolais crossbred cattle to improved feed, nutrient intake, nutrient digestibility and daily weight gain.
Keywords | Supplement, Rumen, Ruminants, Waste, Energy feed, Crossbred cattle

Efi Rokana1, Iin Rohmatul Fatimah1, Brilian Desca Dianingtyas1, Niswatin Hasanah2, Wulandari3, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,3* 

...d ingredients to support fattening has become increasingly expensive in recent years. One potential breakthrough is utilizing waste from various agricultural fiber sources in remote villages. This study aimed to investigate the impact of feeding different types of forage in the ration formula on sheep feedlot performance. Twenty-seven female local sheep (fat tailed) were utilized as research subjects. The study involved sheep rations comprising various ingredi...

Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 

...roduction costs in sheep fattening systems. This research aims to determine the effect of utilizing beer waste on the performance and health of sheep. The study involved 24 female thin-tailed sheep, each approximately 7 months old. They were divided into four groups: a control group and three groups that received beer waste at 5%, 10%, and 15% of their ration. Feed consumption was measured by calculating the difference between the amount of feed given and the ...

Mahmoud Saber1, Sabry A. Mousa2, Hisham A. Abdelrahman3, Eman Rashad4, Ramadan Sary5, Meray N. Ramsis5*

...defaunation using SLS in fattening ruminants, to maintain sustainable production in goat’s flocks.
Keywords | Goats, Rumen ciliates, Rumen papillae, Bodyweight, Defaunation, Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate, Sodium lauryl sulphate

Lahbib Cheikhi, Hafidha Boucherit* and Abdelkrim Benaradj

... sheep are separated for fattening, while goats and ewes are tangled for giving birth and milking, and chickens are raised for laying. Oasis livestock farming occupies a prominent place on the socio-economic level for local populations in order to satisfy the family’s needs for milk, meat and eggs; and to provide manure for maintaining the fertility of the farms’ soil.


Esdinawan Carakantara Satrija1, Sri Murtini2, I Wayan Teguh Wibawan2, Okti Nadia Poetri2*

...but may not be ideal for fattening cattle, which are reared for a shorter period (90–150 days). The study aimed to assess the immune response in fattening cattle following two-dose FMD vaccination, specifically the dynamics of white blood cell (WBC) and FMD antibody titer. Thirty healthy fattening cattle were divided into two groups: one receiving two vaccine doses and the other rece...

Tesfaye Edjem1,2, Yisehak Kechero2*, Asrat Guja2

... This study investigated fattening practices and market dynamics in three production systems—pastoral, agro-pastoral, and mixed farming systems—in the Southern Ethiopian Rift Valley. Data were collected from 371 participants using a structured questionnaire, multi-stage sampling, and field observations. Farmers selected cattle for fattening based on traits such as breed, sex, age, conformation, reproductive perfo...

Csongor Demeter1, Zoltán Német2, Zsolt Gerencsér1, Róbert Juráskó1, András Mayer1, Boróka Bárdos1*, Anett Demeter-Jeremiás3, Erika Lencsés-Varga4, Zsolt Matics4

...bserved until the end of fattening period. The exponential smoothing model estimated the onset of Eimeria infection at 38-40 days of age (p=0.023). The proportion of P. ambiguus eggs positive samples reached 50% already in the lactation period. From day 29 to slaughter age, a relatively low rate of infected samples was detected. For P. ambiguus, the model estimated 7 days of age as the increase (p=0.001) of infection. It can be concluded that P. ambiguus eggs ...


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