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Justin P. McBrayer better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, interpersonal relationships, and charitable giving. Hence, most people have a strong reason to believe in God regardless of the evidence.


Justin P. McBrayer better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, inter- personal relationships, and charitable giving. Hence, most people have a strong reason to believe in God regardless of the evidence.

Lingtong Ye1, Chao Cao1,2, Bin Tang1,2, Tuo Yao1, Ruixuan Wang1 and Jiangyong Wang1*
... the shape of the major spines on chaetiger 5, and the shape of the pygidium. The COI gene sequence demonstrated that the intraspecific distance of P. websteri was 0.33%, whereas the interspecific distance of P. websteri ranged from 18.88% (with P. brevipalpa) to 24.79% (with Boccardia proboscidea). The intraspecific genetic distances of polydorids examined in the present study ranged from 0.33% to 1.67%, whereas the interspecific d...

 Md. Nazirul Islam*, A. K. Azad**, Leon O. Namuco***, Teresita H. Borromeo***, Maria Lourdes O. Cedo*** and Edna A. Aguilar***

... University of the Philippines, Los Baños, was assessed using morphometric characters from March 2004 to October 2005. Shannon 2 Weaver Diversity Index and Chi-square (÷ ) tests were used to analyze variation in both the qualitative and quantitative characters. Substantial variation in crown shape, bole category, color of young fruit, petiole and inflorescence pigmentation, shape of stem base, fruit characteristics, and leaf structure was observe...
Dachuan Cheng1,2, Md Mahbubul Hassan3, Zhenhua Ma1, 2, 3,*, Qibin Yang1 and Jian G. Qin3
...ertebral fusion, neural spines bifurcation, connection of adjacent pterygiophores, haemal spine anomaly, neural spines anomaly, anomaly in pterygiophores and supernumerary neural spines. Results from this study add new knowledge to functional morphology of crimson snapper that would be useful to larval aquaculture of marine teleosts.

 Muhammad Moosa Abro1, Ali Murtaza Dharejo2, Muhammad Munif Khan2, Nadir Ali Birmani2, Saima Naz2*

Description of first record of Petasiger exaeretus Dietz, 1909 (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in avian host from Pakistan.
...r level, 27 head collar spines, long fore-body, well
developed pharynx, pre-acetabular cirrus sac, tandem and contiguous testes, short uterus, spherical and pretesticular
ovary. P. exaeretus is a common parasitic species of Cormorants. However, it has not been reported from
Pakistan in Little Cormorant, Phalacrocorax niger prior to the present study.


 Bushra Siyal1, Sanjota Nirmal Das1, Rafia Rehana Ghazi2, Aly Khan3

Heterotestophyes gibsoni sp.n. (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) from the bird little tern (Sternula albifrons) in Sindh, Pakistan
...arated from acetabulum, spines in the crown are 57-60 in
number. Ovary pre-testicular, sub median, equal in size to anterior testis. Uterus profuse with loops in hind body,
between the genital atrium and anterior testis. Vitellaria follicular, commence at little distance below the genital
atrium, extend up to the hind body above the testes, eggs are oval shaped and double walled.

Owen Flanagan, Mona Letourneau and Wenqing Zhao
...imes for the study of happiness and well-being. Philosophers and social scientists are attempting to provide precise definitions of ‘happiness’ and ‘well-being’, distinguish between happiness and well-being, taxonomize the varieties of each, and develop useful metrics for measuring happiness and well-being. The 2018 World Hap

 Ellen Y. Zhang

...gzi’s notion of happiness or a well-lived life by ascribing to his concepts of forgetfulness and flow. The paper aims to show that Zhuangzi’s idea of flow, from an experience-process perspective, resembles a certain aspect of the flow defined by Csíkszentmihályi’s motivational psychology, but it is more complicated and more difficult to be conceptualized due to the employment of negative expressions in his philosophy. Zhuangzi&r...

 Sasha S. Euler

...ptions regarding what happiness is and how it can be achieved. Mainly research on Subjective Well-Being (SWB) has identified many cultural differences in the pursuit of happiness, often described as East-West splits along categories such as highly expressed affect vs. quiet affect, self-assertion vs. conformity to social norms, independence vs. interdependence and the like. However, it is the overall goal of this articl...
Daniel Cocan1, Vioara Mireşan1, Florentina Popescu1, Radu Constantinescu1, Aurelia Coroian1, Călin Laţiu1, Romulus Valeriu Flaviu Turcu3, Alexandru Ştefan Fărcăşanu3 and Cristian Martonos2,*
... of pectoral and dorsal spines and also of their afferent venomous glands represents an efficient defensive mechanism against aquatic, terrestrial and aerial predators. Using MRI techniques for anatomical investigations of venomous glands in Brown bullhead proved to be very precise both in identifying the shape and the topography of the venomous glands. Also by using MRI techniques we highlighted the complex defence mechanism that Brown bullhead has developed ...

Jan Clyden B. Tenorio

...iewing NTDs in the Philippines, an appreciation of veterinary public health as veterinary medicine’s entry point to One Health, the importance of effective communication, collaborations and partnerships within the paradigm are subsumed herein.
Keywords | Community Health, Environmental Health, Neglected Tropical Diseases, One Health, Veterinary Public Health

Seok-Jun Son1,3, Sung-Kyung Lee1, Jung-Woo Oh1, In-Kyu Kim2, Dal-Ho Kim2, Bo-Ra Hyun1 and Jung-Hoon Kang1,*

... then moved to the Philippines for winter. The home ranges of the two birds were reported using kernel density estimation (KDE). During the post-fledgling stage, the results showed KDE 95% (90.46 km2) / KDE 50% (26.29 km2,) and KDE 95% (45 km2) / KDE 50% (5.56 km2). While during the pre-migration stage, it showed KDE 95% (34.40 km2) / KDE 50% (8.84 km2) and KDE 95% (43.98 km2) / KDE 50% (5.92 km2). In the Philippines winteri...
Gamalat Y. Osman1, Elham M. Hassan1*, Tarek A. Salem2, Azza H. Mohamed1
...corrosions with reduced spines density and abnormal spine tubular shape. Treatments of infected mice with FEW or PZQ significantly reduced hepatic and intestinal total egg count, while showed a significant increase in dead egg percentages and reduced mature egg count in oogram pattern as compared to infected control mice. Hepatic granuloma diameters in FWE treated infected mice were significantly reduced when compared to the infected control group. FEW also re...
Genevieve R. Tabon1,2, Noraine P. Medina2, Mary Rose D. Uy-De Guia3, Claro N. Mingala2,3*
... ESR1 gene, PvuII, Philippines

Michelle Anne Diano1,2, Loel Dalan1,2, Neil Pep Dave Sumaya3 and Nanette Hope Sumaya1,2*

...E) of the southern Philippines. This species was identified by morphological characterization and analysis of the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S rDNA sequence. The D2-D3 rDNA sequence alignment of the four isolates, B2R1 (MT459236), B2R2 (MT459237), B2R3 (MT459238), and B3R1 (MT459239), do not exhibit any nucleotide differences with each other or with previously described populations of C. briggsae from China (MN519141), Germany (EF417140), and the USA (A...

Khushdil Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zafar1, Khafsa Malik2, Shazia Sultana1, Shabir Ahmad1, Fawad Khan3, Asif kamal1, Kalim Ullah3

...s width, colpus length, spines number, length and width of spines were examined with the help of light microscopy and all these values were analyzed statistically using software SPSS. This research provides a data to the optimal utilization of bee foraged weed plants by honeybees and identification of bee flora for the beekeeping business and honey production. Results revealed that weedy melliferous flora of study area is ve...
Muhammad Shabbir Mughal
...iption, Leaves, Thorn / Spines, Flowers, Fruit and Seeds were compared and highlighted in the text for easier identification on the spot in the field. In Prosopis glandulosa leaflets are light green in colour, 6-17 pairs arranged distantly with single thorns/spines, very rarely two whereas, the leaflets of Prosopis juliflora were dark green in colour, 13-25 pairs arranged closely with a pair of thorns. The seed...
Abdul Ghani Awan, Sohail Jamil Qureshi, Mir Ajab Khan and Sofia Bano
...inal outline, length of spines, number of spines between colpi in each species were recorded for comparison. At species level, micromorphological differences and distribution of surface pattern, shape and size of pollen have been found to exist. The pollen grains are consistently echinate, trizonocolporate but in Tragopogon dubius these are tetrazonocolporate. Maximum equatorial view, polar view, equatorial diameter (...
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo
...g the eucalypt were the pines. Roots of all trees studied at Nimbia grew better than those at other locations. This was attributed to the pisolitic nature of the Nimbia plinths which can go soft when wet but hard when dry as opposed to the continuously hard plinth types at the other localities. The relationships between root penetration tree growths, and the tree abilities to harness soil water during the dry season at different localities are discuss...
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
...rous forest trees (e.g., pines, fir, spruce, junipers, larch) while Viscuni spp. infest deciduous trees in parks, boulevard plantings, natural forests and orchards (e.g., olives, apples, almonds, cherries) (Gill and Hawksworth, 1961). Witchweeds, Striga spp., mostly damage graminaceous plants (e.g., sorghum, corn, sugarcane, pearl millet) (Greathead and Milner, 1971) while broomrapes, Orobanche spp, attack crucifers, eucurbits, potato,...
K.M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Parvez
...the important indigenous pines of Pakistan with a very large range of natural distribution. Its altitudinal range varies from 1500 to 3040 metres and longitudinal and latitudinal distribution extends over 69° 33' to 75° 35' east and 31° 22' to 36° 10' north respectively in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. The over all range of this species is 25° 30' to 36° 10' north latitude and 69° to 98° east longitude in the countrie...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
... 100% mortality of porcupines. Cyanogas A dust applied at the rate of 225 grams in hilly areas and 450 grams in plains gave 50% kill of porcupines hence required 2 to 3 repeated treatments for complete control. Potassium cyanide applied to apples in cuts at the rate of one gram also proved very effective. Poison baits prepared with Zinc phosphide, sevin and Recumin were not eaten at all. ...

Wirokartiko Satyawardana1,4, Umi Cahyaningsih2*, Fadjar Satrija2, Safika Safika3, Arifin Budiman Nugraha2

...rael (U26740), the Philippines (JN121380), India (MK281328), America (MH620196), Brazil (EF195135), and Egypt (MG564254). This implies that parasites and rickettsia may have originated from a common ancestor.
Keywords | Anaplasma platys, Babesia canis vogeli, Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon canis, Haemoparasites

Eman Wahsh1, Tarek M Ibrahim2, Mirna E. ElAwady3* substances benzodiazepines. The major objective of the current study is to explore anxiolytic drugs that are devoid of the addicting properties. The cardiovascular drugs, calcium channel-blocker (CCB), nifedipine, and beta-blocker, propranolol, are currently investigated for their possible anxiolytic effects. Anxiolytic properties of CCBs are attributed to inhibition of brain calcium transportation. Propranolol reduces the physical signs of anxiety by bloc...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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