Livestock products are essential commodities in the agricultural sector that play a crucial role in maintaining global food security. Along with the increase in population growth, the need for the fulfillment of protein sources and animal origin is also increasing. This study aims to identify and analyze the main factors that influence people’s interest in raising livestock in Aceh Tamiang District. Using the Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) approach, this study analyzed the influence of various factors, such as infrastructure, knowledge and information, initial capital, challenges, and risks, as well as psychological and motivational factors. Data was collected through a survey of 100 respondents using a questionnaire. The results show that infrastructure is the most important factor influencing community interest in animal husbandry (0.277), followed by challenges and risks (0.255). Further research is needed using other variables that are thought to motivate people in raising livestock to produce a better model and increase the production of livestock products in Aceh Tamiang District.
Keywords | Aceh tamiang, Challenges and risks, Infrastructure, Interest in farming, SEM-PLS