ResearchersLinks - Advisory Board


ResearchersLinks Ltd is an academic open-access publisher and is registered in England and Wales, United Kingdom under Company Registration No: 08492932. The company infrastructure and major management are based in the UK, however, we do receive services from developing countries, for example, manuscript formatting and website maintenance whilst still under quality control of British standards. This model has been adapted primarily to provide an economical platform to the scientific community and to facilitate the research dissemination in the most cost-effective manner possible.
ResearchersLinks publishes 10 peer-reviewed, scientific, open-access, electronic and print journals, which are supported by 5 research societies and academic institutions. Until December 2017, more than 1000 articles and 4 books have been published. Publishing activities of ResearchersLinks are supported by more than 5,000 active researchers in our author, reviewers and international editorial boards databases.
Coverage of ResearchrsLinks Journals in Leading Indexing Databases

ResearchrsLinks aims to include all on-going and future journals in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), PubMed and Scopus indexing systems. Some journals are currently being covered by the SCIE for many years and have received official Impact Factors other journals are being considered by the PubMed/MEDLINE and will be archived through PubMed Central (PMC).
ResearchrsLinks Journals: Open Access and Free for Readers


All journals operated and run by ResearchersLinks alone or in association with societies or institutions are fully open access and all contents are freely available to everyone. In order to achieve this goal, some of our journals are financed by their institutions or societies, other are self-sustained (see our Financial Policies) and rest are financed by the article processing charges (APC). Financial support for APC is usually provided by the authors' institutes or research funding bodies. Read more about our Open Access and Public Access Policy.


Managers and Advisors

The members of the advisory team are experts in their respective fields and have a range of experiences while working with ResearchersLinks. They help us making important academic decisions, and suggestions to improve our services. Members of the Academic Board are not owners and therefore are not responsible for any logistic issues of ResearchersLinks.

Muhammad Munir, PhD
Lancaster University
United Kingdom
Email: (official email address will follow)

Ashley C. Banyard, PhD
Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA)
United Kingdom
Email: Ashley.Banyard/at/

Suresh Varma Kuchipudi, PhD FHEA
Penn State University, United States
United Kingdom
Email: skuchipudi/at/

Gregg D. Caruso
Chair of Humanities Department
Corning Community College, SUNY (USA)
Email: gcaruso/at/

*List of our Academic Board members will further extend as we proceed and will continously be updated here.

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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