ResearchersLinks - Reviewers

Though sometimes tedious and time consuming, reviewing a manuscript is also a privilege. ResearchersLinks, on behalf of its editors, authors and readers appreciate your willingness to accept the reviewer’s roles and the amount of time and energy you dedicate to review a manuscript. We have provided the following guidelines to help make your job easier.

Specific information about how to submit your report will be available in your Reviewer’s Panel once you have accepted the role as Reviewer and logged in to your panel (by invitation only).

After a manuscript submission via eSubmit, the Editorial Office will screen it for relevancy to the journal and may contact the Editor-in-Chief if needed. The manuscript may be suggested for transfer to another relevant journal or declined on the ground of its scope. If retained, the manuscript will be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal who will invite reviewers or will send to the Associate Editors to do so.

Once an invitation is sent to reviewers, you are requested to “Accept” or “Decline” the invitation. You are permitted to download and view the full manuscript before making any decision. The information about this download will be stored in eSubmit. If you have “Declined” the invitation, you will not be able to login to your Reviewers Panel, however, if you selected “Accept” the eSubmit will take you to the Reviewer’s Panel directly. You can save the login information for later use.

To submit your report, please login to your Reviewer’s Panel complete the following three assessment points:

(i) Assessment Score to each sections of the manuscript (you can choose one button out of Excellent, Very Good, Good, Bad or Not Applicable against each section). You just need to click on appropriate button within eSubmit system.
(ii) Confidential Comments to Editor
(iii) Comments to Authors

You can also upload a review report in the form of an attachment if the suggestions were made in a word document or in the manuscript directly. Once all fields are completed in the online form, click on “Approve Submission” to complete the process. An acknowledgement email will be sent to you, which will confirm the successful submission of your report. You will be informed about the final decision of the Editor by an auto-generated email.

While reviewing the manuscript please do consider the following points:

(i) Please keep the manuscript information confidential.
(ii) The sent document is a privileged document, which is prepared by years of hard work and may have involved huge resources. Please don’t exploit the information presented in the manuscript and don’t use any information before its publication.
(iii) Reviews should be made as honestly as possible purely on the merit of the science described and should leave out all personal and professional bias.
(iv) If you require more time please contact either Editor-in-Chief to Editorial Office at [email protected]

Please read detailed instructions from COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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