A Comparative Histophathological and Biochemical Study Between Crude Methanolic and Watery Extracts of Eggplant for Treating Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
A Comparative Histophathological and Biochemical Study Between Crude Methanolic and Watery Extracts of Eggplant for Treating Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
Hanadi J. Al-Zubaidi1*, Shatha Mousa Mlaghee Al-Safi2, Asseel Abdulateef Abdulzahra1, Saadia Saleh Mehdyal-Zeiny2, Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah2, Zainab Abbas Al-Asadi3
Watery extract of Eggplant enhanced marked decrease in liver Function Enzymes.
Significant decrease of bad lipid flowing treatment with Watery Extract of Eggplant.
Microphotograph of liver negative control: No pathological changes. Observed in hepatic tissue (H and E,400X).
Microphotograph of liver positive control: severe hydropic degeneration and necrosis, Liver cells appear empty with destructed nucleus (Observed in hepatic tissue (H and E,400X).
Microphotograph of liver treated with crude Methanolic Extract of Eggplant (MEE) group rat: fatty change that appear as vacuoles in liver parenchyma. (H and E, 400x).
Microphotograph of Liver treated with crudeWatery Extract of Eggplant (WEE) group rat showed normal architecture of hepatic tissue. (H and E, 400x).