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A Step towards the Sustainable Wheat Production with Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies under Pothwar Conditions





Research Article

A Step towards the Sustainable Wheat Production with Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies under Pothwar Conditions

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1*, Abid Ali2, Manzoor Hussain2, Saadia3, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Sohail Latif6

1Crop Sciences Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan; 2Groundnut Research Station Attock, Pakistan; 3Gram Breeding Research Sub Station Attock, Pakistan; 4Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, Bahria University, Islamabad; 5Ecotoxicology Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan; 6ARO, Research Farm Crops, Baldmas, District Kotli, AJ and K, Pakistan.

Abstract | Greater productions of cereals with excessive use of chemical fertilizers bring forth higher production cost and pollute the soil environment. Therefore, some alternative but sustainable, environment friendly and cost effective approaches of nutrient management can be a possible solution for these problems. So the present study was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, Groundnut Research Station Attock, Pakistan during rabi 2013-14 to check the effect of different integrated nutrients management strategies on the yield and quality of wheat. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with factorial arrangement by using three replications. Treatments included different fertilizers combinations i.e (F1) control, (F2)100% recommended dose of NPK, (F3) 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure(PM), (F4) 75% of recommended dose of NPK +3 t ha-1 farmyard manure (FYM) and(F5) 75% of recommended dose of NPK + 4.5 t ha-1 press-mud (PrM) along with seed inoculants (I1) Azospirillum and (I2) Azotobacter separately for each plot. Data regarding yield, quality and nutrients use efficiency parameters were collected and analyzed. Results depicted that interactive effect of both the factors was non-significant for all the observed parameters. Considering the individual effect of fertilizer combinations, maximum number of productive tillers m-2 (392.3), number of grains per spike (45.27), 1000-grain weight (44.04 g), biological yield (14.11 t ha-1), grain yield (5.40 t ha-1) protein contents (12.52%), nitrogen (28.22kg kg-1), phosphorus (34.85 kg kg-1) and potassium (47.40 kg kg-1) use efficiency were obtained with the treatment F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK).While in seed inoculants, maximum values of yield and yield contributing parameters were obtained in I1 (Inoculation with Azospirillum). However despite the better performance of F2, economic analysis showed that maximum net income and benefit cost ratio were obtained where (F3)75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure was applied. Therfore, it can be concluded that 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 PM along with Azospirillum seed inoculation could be a better management approach for sustainable wheat production.

Received | September 12, 2017; Accepted | October 03, 2017; Published | March 13, 2018

*Correspondence | Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, Crop Sciences Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Sarwar, M.A., A. Ali, M. Hussain, Saadia, M.K. Abuzar, I. Ahmad and S. Latif. 2018. A step towards the sustainable wheat production with integrated nutrient management strategies under pothwar conditions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 31(1): 7-14.


Keywords | Poultry manure, FYM, Press-mud, NPK, Wheat yield



Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an imperative staple food around the world (Wajid, 2004). Its importance has risen even more due to frequently experienced food shortages and its role in world trade. Among all the cereal crops it ranks first, contributing about 30% of all cereal food globally that makes available almost 20% of overall food calories directly or indirectly for the human body (Lal, 2007). Increasing wheat production is a challenge for the nations to fulfill food requirements by growing populations of the world (Abedi et al., 2012; Campuzano et al., 2012). Intensive production of food crops for this growing demand required increasing amounts of chemical fertilizers (Zhang et al., 2010). Modern agricultural practices have highlighted the widespread use of fertilizer and this technique has certainly increased economic yields in many countries in the last three decades (Jilani et al., 2007).

There are some problems associated to inorganic fertilizer such as their unavailability of fertilizer at the right time, ruining and high cost. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer causes soil, water and environmental pollution associated with health hazards (Elhassan et al., 2010). The use of natural fertilizers (organic manures and biofertilizers) is the need of time to sustain the crop productivity as there is gradual increase in prices and pollution caused by chemical fertilizers (Zaki et al., 2007). Being a renewable source of energy, organic fertilizer use has been revived worldwide. The nutrients release from organic manures is very slow but stored in the soil for a long time, that’s why having residual effects for succeeding crops (Mahmoud, 2006; Bakry et al., 2009). On the other hand, application of biofertilizers increases efficiency of mineral nutrient and organic fertilizers but their sole application does not affect the crop yield significantly (Halim, 2009). Hence, biofertilizers could be a valuable source for improving the crop yield and fertility of soil on a sustainable basis.

Keeping in view the usefulness and specific benefits of mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizersfor crop and soil, the idea of integrated use of plant nutrient from various sources is being promoted in various croppingsystems.

Materials and Method

The experiment was conducted on a sandy clay loam soil at Agronomic Research Area, Groundnut Research Station Attock, Pakistan, to study the effect of integrated nutrient management in wheat. The climate of the region is semi-arid and subtropical. The experimental area is located at 310 North latitude and 730 East longitude with an altitude of 184 m on the globe. The experiment was conducted on sandy clay loam soil. Soil of the experimental area was quite uniform, so a composite and representative soil sample to a depth of 30cm was obtained with soil auger, prior to sowing of the crop. A soil sample was analyzed for its various physio-chemical properties (Table 1).


Table 1: Physico-chemical analysis of soil.

Determination Unit Value


pH   7.9
Organic matter (%) 0.61
N (%) 0.038
P (ppm) 11.5
K (ppm)



The treatments included two seed inoculants i.e (I1) Azospirillum(I2) Azotobacter and different fertilizer levels i.e. (F1)control, (F2)100% recommended dose of NPK, (F3) 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure(PM), (F4) 75% of recommended dose of NPK +3 t ha-1 farmyard manure (FYM) and(F5) 75% of recommended dose of NPK + 4.5 t ha-1press-mud (PrM). The inoculum (Azospirillum and Azotobacter ) used in this study were taken from department of bacteriology, Ayub Agriculture Research Institute Faisalabad and were pre-isolated and characterized for their best activity from rhizospheric soil of wheat. Experiment was run in three replicates having a net plot size 7 m × 1.3 m.The crop was shown on 1st December 2014 using seed rate of 150 kg ha-1in 22 cm apart rows with the help of a single row hand drill. Recommended dose of NPK @ 105-85-63 kg ha-1 was kept in mind to apply them according to the treatments. According to each treatment, amount of N, P and K dose were fulfilled through Urea, Diammonium Phosphate and Sulphate of potash along with different type of organic manures (PM, FYM and PrM). Whole P and K were applied at the time of sowing and nitrogen from urea was side dressed in two splits (at sowing and first irrigation). Whole calculated amount of poultry manure, FYM and press mud (according to respective treatment) was incorporated in the soil before pre-sowing irrigation (rauni). Seed was treated with inoculants for each plot according to the treatments. All other agronomic practices were kept normal and uniform in the treatments. At the end of the growth period, different parameters number of productive tillers, grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, biological yield, grain yield, seed protein content, benefit cost ratio and nutrients use efficiency were studied using standard procedure. Total number of tillers were counted from 1 m-2 area from each plot at final harvest and number of grains per spike were counted and averaged from twenty spikes taken from each plot randomly. From the seed lot of every plot, five samples, each of 1000- grains were randomly taken, recorded their weight and then mean 1000-grain weight was computed. The biological yield for each experimental unit (7 m × 1.3 m) was noted and converted into kg ha-1 and after threshing grain yield in kg per plot was calculated then it was converted into kg ha-1. While benefit cost ratio was calculated with the following formula.



Physiological nitrogen use efficiency (kg grains kg-1 N)

The physiological nitrogen use efficiency (PHNE) was calculated as the yield obtained from the N (Yn) fertilized plot minus control (Yc), divided by nitrogen uptake in fertilized plot (NUf) minus nitrogen uptake by control (NUc) according to Hashemidezfooli et al. (1998).

PHNE = (Yn – Yc)/(NUf – NUc)

Agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (kg grains kg-1 N)

The agronomic N use efficiency (NUE): The agronomic N use efficiency was calculated as the yield obtained from the N (Yn) fertilized plot minus control (Yc), divided by a unit weight of the applied N fertilizer (Pw) according to Hashemidezfooli et al. (1998).

NUE = (Yn-Yc)/Nw

Agronomic Phosphorus use efficiency (kg grains kg-1 P)

The agronomic P use efficiency (PUE): The agronomic P use efficiency was calculated as the yield obtained from the P (Yp) fertilized plot minus control (Yc), divided by a unit weight of the applied P fertilizer (Pw) according to Fageria et al. (1977).

PUE = (Yp-Yc)/Pw

Agronomic potassium use efficiency (kg grains kg-1 K)

The agronomic K use efficiency (KUE): The agronomic K use efficiency was calculated as the yield obtained from the K (Yk) fertilized plot minus control (Yc), divided by a unit weight of the applied K fertilizer (Kw) according to Fageria et al. (1977).

KUE = (Yk-Yc)/Kw

The data was analyzed by using Fisher’s analysis of variance technique and the difference among the treatment means were compared by using LSD at 5% probability level (Steel et al., 1997).

Results and Discussion

Production of fertile tillers is an important yield contributing parameter in wheat because more number of productive tillers results in higher yield. It was generally exposed that fertilizer levels and seed inoculants had significant effect on productive tillers. Comparison of individual treatment means (Table 2) indicated that maximum number of productive tillers were recorded in F2(100% recommended dose of NPK) while it was statistically at par with F3 where 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 PM was applied. However, minimum number of productive tillers was observed in F1 (control). In the same way maximum number of productive tillers were recorded with I1 (Azospirillum).The maximum number of fertile tillers may be due to the fact that nutrient management through inorganic sources quickly supplies the essential nutrients to the plants. On the other hand, addition of organic matter through the combination improves the proportion of water stable aggregates of the soil. Similar results were also reported by Sarwar et al. (2008) and Shafi et al. (2012). De Freitas (2000) and Mohamed et al. (2010) also reported the similar trend of increasing number of productive tillers with Azospirillum inoculation. This increase in productive tillers might be due to its ability to produce more auxin as reported formerly.

The productive potential of a spike is measured in terms of number of grains per spike. Results (Table 2) showed that integrated nutrient management (fertilizer levels) and seed inoculants affected the number of grains per spike significantly. Maximum number of grain per spike were obtained with treatment F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) as compared to


Table 2: Effect of different nutrient management approaches and seed inoculants on yield components, yield and quality of wheat.


Productive tillers (m2)

Number of grains per spike 1000-grain wt. (g)

Biological yields (t ha-1)

Grain yield (t ha-1)

Protein contents (%)


198.8c 29.74 c 32.87 c 8.940 c 2.44 d 8.550 c


392.3 a 45.27 a 44.04 a 14.11 a 5.40 a 12.52 a


383.0 a 44.33 a 43.27 a 13.87 a 5.26 a 12.29 a


312.2 b 39.21 b 38.05 b 11.50 b 3.62 b 10.13 b


325.8 b 41.34 b 39.53 b 12.30 b 4.19 c 10.79 b
LSD value 33.03 2.29 2.53 1.03 0.14 1.45


335.7 a 40.77 a 40.36 a 12.54 a 4.45 a



309.2b 39.19 b 38.74b 11.75 b 3.91 b


LSD value 20.892


1.60 0.65


Interaction NS NS NS NS NS


Means not sharing the same letters differ significantly at 5% probability level

F1: control; F2: 100% recommended dose of NPK; F3: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure; F4: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 3 t ha-1 FYM; F5: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 4.5 t ha-1 press-mud; I1: Azospirillum; I2: Azotobacter.


control (F1). Regarding seed inoculants higher value for number of grains per spike was recorded in I1 (Azospirillum) than I2 (Azotobacter). The probable reason could be that mineral fertilizer throughout the growing period did not put the plants in nutrient stress at any stage that attributed towards differences in number of grains spike-1 which resulted in maximum grain production. These results are supported by Iqbal et al. (2002). Microorganisms are involved in the production of indole acetic acid and cytokinins that increases the preserved matter by growing rhizomes and increasing leaf and root weight that result in to increasing number of reproductive organs such as grains. Similar results were also reported by Kandil et al. (2011).

Different fertilizer levels and seed inoculants significantly affected the 1000-grain weight (Table 2). Maximum 1000-grain weight was observed in F2(100% recommended dose of NPK) which was statistically at par with F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure). While, the minimum 1000-grain weight was observed in treatment F1 (control). On the other hand maximum value for 1000-grain weight was observed in I1 (Azospirillum) as compared to I2 (Azotobacter). The increase in grain weight might be due to the availability of phosphorus and other micro elements during fertilization period that is vital for healthy spike development that means increase in grains weight as well. Similar results have also been reported by Diacono et al. (2013) who observed higher 1000-grain weight with the use of inorganic fertilizers. Regarding seed inoculants similar results were reported by Zaki et al. (2007).

Biological yield indicates the relative growth rate of plants as considered to net assimilation rate. Data regarding biological yield (Table 2) presented significantly effect of different fertilizer levels and seed inoculants. The mean comparison of treatments showed that highest value of biological yield was recorded where 100% recommended dose of NPK (F2) was applied and it was statistically at par with treatment F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 PM). In the mean time, minimum value for the parameter under study was observed with treatment F1 (control). Similarly, significant improvement in biological yield was observed with seed inoculants. The value observed with the application of I1 (Azospirillum) shows significant difference from I2 (Azotobacter). The reason of increase in biological yield with the application of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers is the acidification of soil which increases the availability of nutrients in early as well as later stages of growth. Our results are supported by the findings of Shafi et al. (2012). Regarding seed inoculants, increase in biological yield might be due to contributing effect of increased plant height, number of tillers and spike length with the same source (Azospirillum). Similar conclusions were also drawn by Kandil et al. (2011).

Grain yield is the end result of many complex morphological and physiological processes occurring during the growth and development of crop. Effect of fertilizer levels and seed inoculants on grain yield showed that both the factors had significant effect on the grain yield (Table 2). Data showed that highest grain yield was observed with the application of F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) that was statistically same with the treatment F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 PM). While, the minimum value of grain yield was observed with control (F1). In the same way maximum grain yield was recorded with I1 (Azospirillum) and minimum grain yield was recorded with I2 (Azotobacter). These results might be due to proper supply of nutrients from inorganic source of fertilizer during the plant development and also due to greater number of productive tillers, number of grains per spike and better grain development with the same treatment. Our results were in conformity of Weini et al. (2012) who also endorsed that increased rate of photosynthesis and utilization of assimilates obtained by the full dose of NPK resulted in heavier grains, thereby increased the grain yield. In case of seed inoculation the reason for increase in the grain yield is might be due to secretion of growth promoting phytohormones like auxins and gibberellins by Azospirillum. These results are in agreement with the findings of Kandil et al. (2011).

Seed protein content is the most important quality parameter affecting the nutritional value of crop. The results regarding the impact of different fertilizer levels and seed inoculants shows that fertilizer levels significantly affected the seed protein content % (Table 2). Highest value of seed protein content was obtained in F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) which was statistically at par with F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1PM). Enhancement in grain protein was due to availability of nitrogen to plant at proper time and in proper proportion. It has also been reported that by increasing N supply through sole application of NPK protein content in seed also increased. This might have lead to accumulation of higher quantities of seed components like calcium carbonate and increased the lipid metabolism which helps in increasing the protein content in seed. These results are akin with findings of Roy and Singh (2006); Liu and Shi (2013).

Data regarding the effect of fertilizer levels on physiological nitrogen use efficiency (kg kg-1) showed significant results (Table 3). Results shows that maximum physiological nitrogen use efficiency was obtained with F4 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 3 t ha-1 FYM) and minimum value was recorded with F1 (control). The combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer reduces the N losses mainly results from denitrification, gaseous plant emission, volatilization, surface runoff and leaching, thus leading higher values of physiological nitrogen use efficiency. These values also confirm the previous study on combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer (Metwally and Khamis, 1998; El-Sirafy et al., 2006; Tanveer et al., 2010).

It is clear from the results that fertilizer levels had significant effect on the agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (Table 3). Maximum increase in agronomic nitrogen use efficiency was observed with the treatment F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) which was statistically at par with F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1poultry manure). The minimum value of agronomic nitrogen use efficiency was recorded in untreated (control). Enhancement in agronomic nitrogen use efficiency was due to availability of nitrogen to plant at proper time and in proper proportion through inorganic source of fertilizer. It has also been reported that N supply through combined use of organic and inorganic sources of fertilizer


Table 3: Effect of different nutrient management approaches and seed inoculants on Nutrients use efficiency of wheat.


Physiological N use efficiency (kg kg-1)

Agronomic N use efficiency (kg kg-1)

Agronomic P use efficiency (kg kg-1)

Agronomic K use efficiency (kg kg-1)


00.00 b 00.00 d 00.00 d 00.00 d


33.29 a 28.22 a 34.85 a

47.40 a


34.02 a 26.61 a 33.17 a 44.69 a


40.59 a 10.23 c 14.91 c 17.36 c


38.98 a 15.09 b 20.53 b 23.87 b
LSD value 8.90 1.94 2.53


Means not sharing the same letters differ significantly at 5% probability level

F1: control; F2: 100% recommended dose of NPK; F3: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure; F4: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 3 t ha-1 FYM; F5: 75% recommended dose of NPK + 4.5 t ha-1 press-mud.


Table 4: Effect of different nutrient management approaches and seed inoculants on economic analysis of wheat.


Total expenditure (Rs.ha-1)

Gross income (Rs.ha-1)

Net income (Rs.ha-1)


Income from grains Income from straw Total


58018 80100 28815 108915 50897 1.88


96581 170700 34297 204997 108416 2.12


93312 166800 37017 203817 110505 2.18


89112.5 115800 33872 149672 60560 1.68


90462 133800 35020 168820 78357



56608 66000 26435 92435 35827 1.63


94841 153300 33660 186960 92119 1.97


91512 148800 36210 185010 93497 2.02


87642 101100 33107 134207 46565 1.53


88812 117300 33957 151257 62445



gave maximum value of this parameter. While the lowest agronomic nitrogen use efficiency in F1 might be due to unavailability of nitrogen. These values are opposed by the findings of Haase et al. (2007), Pablo et al. (2008) who reported increase in nitrogen use efficiency with decreasing nitrogen levels.

Data about the agronomic phosphorus use efficiency indicates that it was significantly affected with different fertilizer levels (Table 3). The highest value for the parameter under study was observed in F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) which was statistically similar with F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure). While minimum value was recorded in F1 (untreated). However, no significant difference was observed with seed inoculants. Phosphorus play important role in various growth and developmental stages of wheat (root formation, stem formation, tillering capacity and ultimately grain formation) that may result higher agronomic phosphorus use efficiency in the treatment F2. Uexkull and Mutert (1995); Eijk et al. (2006) on the base of their experimental results suggested that application of phosphorus at the initial stage brings forth higher production of a crop.

Data regarding agronomic potassium use efficiency is presented in Table 3. In general, it revealed that fertilizer levels showed a prominent increase in agronomic potassium use efficiency. The maximum increase in potassium use efficiency was obtained in response of F2 (100% recommended dose of NPK) followed by F3 (75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure) as compared to control. More uptake of potassium by plant, energy use efficiency would be more than low uptake of potassium. This increase in efficiency is due to its role in ATP synthesis that is the major component of conserving and transmission of energy. Potassium also play important role in osmotic potential and adjustment of turgor pressure via increasing size of cell (Sarmadnia and Kochaki, 1994).

Economic analysis is the criteria for basic determination of net benefits. It also helps the researcher to make recommendations to the farmers and to plan for further investigation. The cost of wheat production under local field conditions of Faisalabad, Pakistan in detail is given in Table 4. Different treatments of seed inoculants and fertilzer levels resulted in different net income (Rs. ha-1) and benefit cost ratio. Data regarding economic analysis (Table 4) reveals that highest net return and benefit cost ratio were observed in IiF3 (seed inoculation with Azospirillum and 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure).




It can be concluded that application of 75% recommended dose of NPK + 1.5 t ha-1 poultry manure along with Azospirillum seed inoculation would be a better and economical management approach for farming community for sustainable wheat production under pothwar conditions.


Author’s Contribution


Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar conceived the idea, wrote abstract and provided technical input at every step. Manzoor Hussain did overall management and supervised the experiment. Abid Ali and Saadia conducted experiment and collected data. Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar did statistical analysis while Ijaz Ahmad and Sohail Latif wrote the article.




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