Actinomycetes (Actinobacteria) are Gram-positive bacteria that grow in a variety of
environments and have a filamentous shape similar to fungi. The actinomycetes distinguish
themselves morphologically by forming a layer of hyphae that carry chains of spores. The aim
of this study was to update the recent developments related to the actinomycetes.
Streptomyces; as an actinomycete, is known for producing a number of bioactive secondary
metabolites, including anti-tumour agents; antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, anti-hypertension
drugs, and immunosuppressives. In order to compete with other microorganisms, including
those of the same genera, Streptomyces species produce several secondary metabolites.
However, despite the discovery of antibiotics, the infectious diseases remain the secondleading
cause of death worldwide. Each year, around 17 million people die from bacterial
infections; mainly children and the elderly. In addition to the overuse of antibiotics, a key
factor contributing to antibiotic resistance is self-medication, which reduces the lifespan of