An Antimicrobial Cerebroside from the Liposoluble Constituent of Cervus Nippon Antler Velvet Layer
An Antimicrobial Cerebroside from the Liposoluble Constituent of Cervus Nippon Antler Velvet Layer
Nina Bao1,*, Yongguang Yin2 and Panpan Wang3
Effect of liquid-to-solid ratio on the weight of residue.
Effect of standing time on the cerebroside extraction.
Effect of centrifugation time on the cerebroside extraction.
TLC of cerebroside in the extracts. 1, the crude cerebrosdie; 2 and 3, constituent eluted with chloroform and chloroform-methanol (19:1/v:v), respectively; 4, standard of cholesterol.
IR spectrum of cerebroside.