Charcoal Rot on Cotton in Ecuador: Symptoms, Etiology and Management with Seaweeds
Charcoal Rot on Cotton in Ecuador: Symptoms, Etiology and Management with Seaweeds
Frank G. Cedeño-Lozano1, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes2 and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos3*
Symptoms and signs associated with charcoal rot in cotton plants. A) Drying and death of plants. B) Root and crown rot and wilting on plants. C) Asymptomatic and symptomatic hypocotyls showing healthy and damaged internal tissues (necrosis in the epidermis, cortex, vascular bundles, and pith), respectively. D-F) Presence of microsclerotia in hypocotyls of symptomatic plants (E), and observation of these assimilative structures under a microscope (F-G). Scale bars = 20 µm.
Emergence (%; A-B) and damping-off (%; C) in seedlings of the varieties COCKER 310 and DP ALCALA 90 grown in infested and uninfested soil. Lodana, Manabí, Ecuador.
Isolates (MP1, MP2, MP3, and MP4) of Macrophomina sp. grown for seven days on Petri dishes containing potato dextrose agar culture medium (A), presence of microsclerotia (B) and COCKER 310 seedlings not inoculated (C) and inoculated with isolate MP2 showing symptoms of death and height reduction (D).