Climate-Growth Response Function of the Blue Pine (Pinus Wallichiana) in Galies Forest Division-Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan
Climate-Growth Response Function of the Blue Pine (Pinus Wallichiana) in Galies Forest Division-Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari1*, Ghulam Ali Bajwa2 and S. Shafiqur Rehman1
Landcover map of Galies Forest Division- Abbottabad.
Time function of ring-width of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).
Time function of intra-ring early wood formation (%) of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).
ime function of intra-ring late wood formation (%) of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).
Impact of maximum temperature on ring-width of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).
Impact of minimum temperature on ring-width of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).
Impact of precipitation on ring-width of Blue pine in GFD (1962-2011).