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Eco-friendly management of root-knot nematodes using acacia compost and bioagents in brinjal

Eco-friendly management of root-knot nematodes using acacia compost and bioagents in brinjal

H. Ravindra†, M. Sehgal*, A.S. Pawan, B.S. Archana, S.A. Shruti and H.B. Narasimhamurty

Department of Plant Pathology, ZARS, Navile, Shimoga, Karnataka
*NCIPM, IARI, New Delhi, India
Corresponding author email: [email protected]


A field experiment was conducted in root-knot nematode infested plot to evaluate the efficacy of acacia compost
individually and in integration with bioagents viz., Pochonia chlamydosporia and Paecilomyces lilacinus. Acacia
compost, poultry manure and carbofuran were also tested. All the treatments were significantly superior over
untreated check. Acasia compost enhanced the growth parameters with drastic reduction in root-knot index.
However, the treatment combinations of acasia compost with different bioagents performed well with highest
growth shoot, root length, root weight, yield and lowest root-knot indices. Among the integrated treatments, P.
lilacinus with acacia compost recorded maximum growth parameters and yield with least root-knot index. In
contrast with other works of combination treatments of two bioagents, P. lilacinus + P. chlamydosporia with acacia
compost registered high root-knot index and decreased growth parameters and yield among the other integrated
treatments. Further, poultry manure and carbofuran were on par with all the parameters studied.

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Pakistan Journal of Nematology


Pakistan Journal of Nematology, Vol. 42, Iss. 2, Pages 88-179


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