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Eco-friendly management of mealybug and wilt in pineapple

Dhananjoy Mandal

Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection), (Uttar Dinajpur Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Chopra -733 216,
Uttar Dinajpur, India, E-mail:


In an on-farm RBD trial (3 treatments, 8 replicates) in 2006-07 at Chopra, Islampur, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, for eco-friendly pest management of mealy bug, Dysmicoccus brevipes Cockerell in pineapple, the treatments were: T1 [Farmers’ practice: phorate 10 G @ 20 kgha-1 during planting + monocrotophos 36% EC @ 0.03% at 100 DAP + endosulfan 35% EC @ 0.02% during 150-180 DAP]; T2 [Treating planting materials (basal portion) with monocrotophos 36% EC @ 0.02% + phorate 10 G @ 15 kg ha-1at 100 DAP + Neem oil 1500 ppm spray @ 2.5 m/L-1 at 150 DAP]; T3 [Treating planting materials (basal portion) with monocrotophos 36% EC @ 0.02% + phorate 10 G @ 15 kgha-1 at 100 DAP + neem cake @ 1.5 tha-1 at 180 DAP + three times manual weeding]. By yield performance and reduction of percentage of wilted plants and mealy bug population, T3 was the best and T2 ranked second. Percent of wilted plants in T1, T2 and T3 were 11.88, 4.19, 2.62; mean mealy bug population/plant were 9.33, 5.29, 4.20, and yields were 32.5 tha-1, 38.7 tha-1, 41.6 tha-1, respectively. Benefit: Cost ratio was highest in T3 (1.30) followed by T2 (1.24) and T1 (1.09).


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The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences


Vol. 7, Iss. 1-2, Pages 1-18


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