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Effect of Different Rice Varieties and Synthetic Insecticides on the Population Density of Rice Stem Borer Scirpiophag incertulus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)


Research Article

Effect of Different Rice Varieties and Synthetic Insecticides on the Population Density of Rice Stem Borer Scirpiophag incertulus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Hussain Ali1, Shahid Sattar Khan1, Fazal Maula2, Said Hussain Shah3* and Misbah Uddin1

1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Crop Protection Sciences, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan; 2Entomology Section, Agriculture Research Institute Mingora Swat, Pakistan; 3Insect pest Management Program, institute of Plant and Environmental Protection, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Abstract | Rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) infest the plants from seedling to maturity, which is one of the key pests that infest the rice crop at regular intervals. It is pivotal to find out management strategies for this pest for higher production of rice. Research experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of different rice varieties and synthetic insecticides on the population density of rice stem borer. Experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) repeated three times. The results revealed that the minimum population density of dead hearts (3.50%) and white heads (7.08%) were recorded in Fakher Malakand variety, while the maximum population of dead hearts (7.89%) and white heads (13.7%) were observed in JP-5 variety. Yield analysis showed that maximum yield (2780 kg ha -1) was recorded in the Fakher Malakand variety. Data regarding the efficacy of different insecticides showed that maximum percent biological efficacy against rice stem borer (52.21%) was observed in Lambda-cyhalothrin, while minimum percent biological efficacy against rice stem borer (14.91) was recorded in Lufenuron. In case of the insecticides, minimum yield (1790 kg ha-1) was recorded in control plot, while maximum yield (1875 kg ha-1) was obtained from plots treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin. To achieve optimum production, our findings highlighted the importance of properly integrating resistant cultivars and chemical management techniques for rice stem borers.

Received | October 01, 2021; Accepted | February 10, 2022; Published | February 24, 2022

*Correspondence | Said Hussain Shah, Insect pest Management Program, institute of Plant and Environmental Protection, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Ali, H., S.S. Khan, F. Maula, S.H. Shah and M. Uddin. 2022. Effect of different rice varieties and synthetic insecticides on the population density of rice stem borer Scirpiophag incertulus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 35(1): 105-114.


Keywords | Rice varieties, Scirpophaga incertulas, Synthetic insecticides, Rice stem borer


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is important crop from Poaceae family. Rice contains about 7% protein 12% water and 75 to 80% starch (Oko et al., 2012; Hossain et al., 2015). In Pakistan, rice is grown on an area of about 3,034 thousand hectares with a production of 7,410 thousand tons and estimated yield of 2442 kg ha-1. The total area under rice cultivation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is 61.6 thousand hectares with a production of 147.5 thousand tons and yield of 2103 kg ha-1 (MNFSR, 2019-20). The yield of rice per hectare in the province is lower than the country average yield and this may be due to various factors including limited experience of cultivation, environmental stress, improper management of insect pests and diseases etc. Insect pests are the major constraints in reducing the rice productivity, besides diseases and weeds (Behura et al., 2011) and around 21% of the world’s rice yield losses are linked to pest attacks (Yarasi et al., 2008).

In Pakistan 70 different species of insect pest on the paddy have been reported (Hashmi, 1994). Among these insect pests, stem borer of rice namely Scirpophaga innotata and Scirpophaga incertulas in South East Asia has been confirmed to be the pest with the highest rate of outbreaks, resulting in massive crop failure (Chakraborty, 2009). These borers vary in severity of damage and population intensity (Hashmi, 1994). Scirpophaga incertulas is one of the key challenges and yield limiting elements in rice fields which infest the plants from seedling to maturity (Sarwar, 2011). Scirpophaga incertulas is recognized as being one of the key pests that infest the rice crop at regular intervals and it is predicted that 25-30 % crop losses are attributable to this pest in Pakistan early in the season. The larval stages is an important stage in S. incertulas responsible for maximum infestation (Renuka et al., 2017).

The life cycle of stem borers is similar to other harmful insect pest of rice. Stem borer comprises four significant phases of life, including egg which turn into hatchlings, pupa and finally the adult. The female moth lays 50-250 eggs over the surface of plant leaves, generally on the lower side of leaf (Bashir et al., 2004). The eggs after laying are covered with web by female moth to avoid parasitism. At first, the larva start feeding only the tissues of upper phase of leaves but with time they reach the stem of the plant and start taking nutrients. This causes them to transform into pupal stage and most of them form cocoons during this phase but certain species lack this during their life span. The consequences of the assault by rice stem borers in many crops mainly in the rice are labeled and signified by the dead hearts and white heads in first stage and later the panicle get infested (Alvi et al., 2003).

Insecticides are a practical way to control insects. Insecticide use has a positive effect on rice production (Abro et al., 2013). Such control not only have destructive consequences for natural environment but also make the pests resistant with time. Safe steps to stop these insecticides are, however, the production of crops with their own mechanism of resistance against these pests (Ahmad et al., 2011). The cultivation of herbicide and pest-resistant rice cultivars has proven to be the most cost-efficient, safe, and successful method of controlling weeds, diseases, and pests (Divya et al., 2018). A great number of genes originating from rice and microorganisms with resistance to borers are currently available, making it easier to create and nurture multiresistant rice types to control weeds, pests, and diseases in a more cost-effective, environmentally benign manner (Duke et al., 2008).

The application of pesticides or the development of resistant types are the most effective ways to manage diseases and pests, but excessive pesticide use will definitely contaminate rice products and the environment (Skamnioti et al., 2009). With the production of such resistant genotypes rice crops, the quantity of insecticide use has declined (Catindig et al., 2009). For integrated pest management, recognition of such resistant genotypes is critical. In contrast to many other non-resistant varieties, fewer insect pest attack the crop and also the formulation of pesticide were applied to these crops because of the resistant crops (Khan et al., 2005).

There are numerous plant attributes that are dependable for host plant confrontation. The plant constituents may manipulate negatively as well as positively on herbivore and their natural opponents (Krips et al., 1999). These attributes may be separated into morphological and biochemical where morphological features are most significant in host plant resistance (Parvez et al., 2000). These characteristics are important in the rice crop because they determine a cultivar’s suitability for rice stem borer, development, and oviposition. To lower the presence of stem borer in rice crops, environmentally and economically effective management techniques will be necessary (Daware et al., 2011). The natural varietal resistance in rice, insecticidal treatment for the management of various insect pest assaults is a better alternative if done at the correct time and utilizing scientific techniques. More trials are needed in the investigation on the rice stem borer in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Materials and Methods

Research experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of various rice varieties and synthetic insecticides on the population density of rice stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas in Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Mingora, Swat, during 2020, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The response of different rice cultivars against rice stem borer

The rice cultivars, V1 (Swat –2014), V2 (Basmati - 385), V3 (Dill Rosh-97), V4 (Kashmir Basmati), V5 (Fakher Malakand), V6 (Lawingi), and V7 (JP-5) were collected from the rice section of the Agriculture Research Institute (N), Mingora, Swat. The design used for this experiment Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and each data values were taken in triplicates in order to minimize standard error. Thirty days old nursery was transplanted in the experimental subplots in a plot size of 4 x 6 m2. Each plant was 20 cm distant, and each row was 20 cm off from each other. Agronomic standard practices were used throughout the cropping seasons.

Effect of different insecticides against rice stem

This experiment was conducted to measure the effectiveness of various insecticides against rice stem borer on the JP-5 rice cultivar. The experiment comprised of five treatments i.e. four insecticides and one control. The insecticides and their dose used in the experiment were Lufenuron 5% EC (2ml/1Lt water), Bifenthrin 10% EC (2.5ml/Lt), Chloropyrifos 40% EC (3ml/Lt), and Lambda-cyhalothrin 2.5% EC (3ml/Lt).

The JP-5 rice cultivar was obtained from the rice section and different insecticides were collected from the Entomology section of the ARI Mingora, (Swat). The thirty-day-old nursery was transplanted into the experimental sub-plots in plot size 4 x 6 m2. During the vegetative stage of plant the larva of stem borer bore at the base of the mother plant, while they start bore at upper part of plant and bore towards the base of plant. Knapsack Sprayer was used for the application of the insecticides after reaching the ETL 3 to 5% at Crop, and it was thoroughly washed after application of each treatment. The insecticides were applied three times after transplantation of nursery as per recommended doses and directions (Abhinandan and Gupta, 2020).

Recorded parameters

The data were recorded on weekly basis from each sub-plot when dead hearts (DH) and white heads (WH) symptoms occurred after transplantation of the nursery till the crop harvesting.

  1. Dead hearts (%)
  2. White heads (%)
  3. Yield (kg ha-1)
  4. Biological efficacy (for experiment No, 2 only)

Dead hearts:

Data were collected from each sub-plot on 10 randomly selected plants. The collected data were converted into percentage by using the following formula (Islam et al., 2013).

Percentage of dead hearts was calculated after booting stage;

White heads:

The white heads data were recorded from 10 randomly selected plants. The recorded data were converted into percentage by using the following formula (Islam et al., 2013).

The percentage of white heads was determined after the milking stage;


Grains yield (kg ha-1): Grain yields were recorded in each plot from three key rows and then converted into kg ha-1 by using the following formula. (Sagoo et al., 2012).

Calculation of 1000-grains weight (g): Thousand grain weight was determined by counting 1000 grain in each plot, and then weighting with a digital balance.

Biological efficacy:

The biological efficacy of treatments for pest infestation was calculated by the following formula.

A: Total number of dead hearts and white heads in control plot; B: Total number of dead hearts and white heads in treated plot.

Statistical analysis

All the documented data of this experiment was analyzed by using the latest version of the software (STATISTIX 8.1). All means and ANOVA were differentiated using the LSD Test at (P ≤ 0.05), as described by (Steel and Torrie, 1980).

Result and Discussion

Two experiments were performed in order to investigate the effect of different rice varieties and synthetic insecticides on rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) population at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Mingora Swat during summer 2020, illustrated the various results.

Varietal Preference

Percent mean number of dead hearts in different rice varieties: The data (Table 1) showed that mean percent of dead hearts was significantly different from each other in various varieties, where the highest mean percent of dead hearts (7.89%) were observed on JP-5 variety followed by lawingi and Dill Rosh-97 with 5.94% and 5.56% dead hearts respectively and with non-significant difference from each other, whereas lowest percentage of dead hearts (3.50%) was found on Fakher Malakand.


Table 1: Mean percent of dead hearts in various rice varieties recorded at weekly intervals (31 July to 4 September).


Means dead hearts Population
























Dill Rosh-97








Kashmir Basmati








Fakher Malakand































Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05); LSD for Varieties: 0.6455; LSD for Weeks: 0.5976; LSD for Interaction: N.S.


Result for time intervals showed highly significant difference. Maximum number of dead hearts (9.47%) was recorded on week 6 of data collection followed by week 5 (7.42%) while the minimum number of dead hearts were noted on week 1 (1.65%). Interaction (varieties x time intervals) results were non-significant.

Mean Percent of white heads in various rice cultivars

The data (Table 2) showed highly significant variation among the varieties in response to white heads due to rice stem borer. Results showed that maximum mean percent of white heads (13.7%) were observed on JP-5 cultivars followed by variety lawingi and Dill Rosh-97 with 12.58% and 11.29% respectively and however with non-significant difference between them. whereas lowest mean percent of white heads (7.08%), were found in Fakher Malakand.


Table 2: Mean percent of white heads in various rice varieties recorded at weekly intervals (11 September to 2 October).


Means white heads Population


















Dill Rosh-97






Kashmir Basmati






Fakher Malakand




5.83 l



















Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05); LSD for Varieties: 0.5709; LSD for Weeks: 0.4315; LSD for Interaction: 1.1417.


Results regarding the effect of times interval on white heads showed highly significant difference as shown (Table 2). Maximum percent of white heads (12.90%) were noted on week 1 followed by week 2 with (11.47%) while the minimum percent of white heads (7.81%) were recorded on week 4 followed by week 3 with (9.57%). The interaction between varieties and time intervals showed significant variation. Maximum percent of white heads (16.50%) were recorded on week 1 in variety JP-5 followed by variety lawingi on week 1 (15.33%), while (15.33%) are recorded on week 2 respectively. While the minimum percent of white heads (5.83%) were observed in Fakher Malakand on week 4.

Effect of rice stem borer on different rice varieties in terms of 1000-grains weight (g) and grains yield (kg ha-1)

The data revealed the effect of rice stem borer on various rice varieties in number of 1000 grain weight showed statistical variation among the cultivars as shown (Table 3). Mean maximum thousand grains weight were calculated in Fakher Malakand (31.1g) followed by variety Swati-2014 and Kashmir Basmati with 28.03 g and 25.3 g respectively. While the mean minimum (11.1g) thousand grain weight were recorded on JP-5.

Table 3: Effect of rice stem borer on different rice varieties in terms of 1000-grains weight (g) and grains yield (kg ha-1).




1000 (g)

(kg ha-1)


28.03 ab

2338.02 b


21.80 c

2069.09 c

Dill Rosh-97

16.81 d

1907.02 d

Kashmir Basmati

25.31 b

2295.07 b

Fakher Malakand

31.10 a

2780.04 a


13.61 de

1829.03 de


11.10 e

1746.08 e




Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05).


The data revealed that the effect of rice stem borer on various rice cultivars in grains yield (kg ha-1) showed statistically significant difference from each other (Table 3). Mean maximum grain yield (kg ha-1) were found in Fakher Malakand (2780.4 kg ha-1) followed by variety Swati-2014 and Kashmir Basmati with 2338.2 kg ha-1 and 2295.7 kg-1 respectively, and with non-significant difference between them, whereas minimum (1746.8 kg-1) grains yield were observed in JP-5.

Effectiveness of different insecticides against rice stem borer

Mean percent of dead hearts after 1st spray: The data (Table 4) showed that mean percent of dead hearts was significantly different from each other after 1st application of treatments in rice crop. Mean maximum percent of dead hearts (4.55%) were recorded on control plot followed by Chloropyrifos with 3.44% dead hearts. While mean minimum percent of dead hearts were recorded on Lambda-cyhalothrin with 1.44% dead hearts.

Results for time intervals showed highly significant variation where highest percent of dead hearts (3.96%) were calculated on week 3 followed by week 2 (2.80%) while lowest percent of dead hearts (1.63%) were notated on week 1. Moreover, interaction (treatments x time intervals) results were non-significant.


Table 4: Mean stem borer infestation, dead hearts (DH) after 1st spray application of different insecticides, in JP-5 rice cultivar during summer (31 July, 2020).


Weekly intervals





Lufenuron 5% EC





Bifenthrin 10% EC





Chloropyrifos 40% EC





Lamda-cyhalothrin 2.5% EC














Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05); LSD for Insecticides = 0.5615; LSD for weeks: 0.4349; LSD for Interaction: N.S.


Table 5: Mean stem borer infestation, dead hearts (DH) after 2ndspray application of different insecticides, in JP-5 rice cultivar during summer (13 August, 2020).


Weekly intervals





Lufenuron 5% EC





Bifenthrin 10% EC




4.05 d

Chloropyrifos 40% EC





Lamda-cyhalothrin 2.5% EC














Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05); LSD for Insecticides: 0.4090; LSD for week: 0.3168; LSD for Interaction: 0.7083.


Percent number of dead hearts after 2nd spray: The data (Table 5) revealed that mean percent of dead hearts were highly significant among the treatments. Results showed that the lowest number of dead hearts (2.72%) were found in the plot treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin followed by Bifenthrin and Lufenuron with 4.05%, and 4.96%, dead hearts. While the highest number of dead hearts (8.05%) were calculated in control plot followed by Chloropyrifos (6.72%).

The results regarding the effect of times interval on the effectiveness of the treatments showed significant difference. Maximum percent of dead hearts (5.70%) were recorded on week three while the percent of dead hearts (5.10%) were calculated on week one and two with non-significant difference between their mean values. The interaction between treatments and times intervals were significant different from each other, (Table 5) showed maximum percent of dead hearts (8.83%) were observed on week Three in Control plot followed by week Two (8.01%) while minimum percent of dead hearts (2.32% and 2.50%) were found in Lambda-cyhalothrin on week One and two respectively, both with non-significant difference.

Percent number of white heads after 3rd spray: The data showed (Table 6) that mean percent of white heads were significantly different from each other in various insecticides after 3rd treatment application on rice crop. The maximum percent of white heads (11.8%) were recorded in control plot, followed by Chloropyrifos (10.6%) with slight difference from Lufenuron (9.8%), while minimum number of white heads (7.5%) were found in plots treated with Bifenthrin (9%).


Table 6: Mean percent stem borer infestation, white heads (WH) after 3rd spray application of different insecticides, in JP-5 rice cultivar during summer (4 September, 2020).


Weekly intervals






Lufenuron 5% EC





9.81 bc

Bifenthrin 10% EC





9.00 d

Chloropyrifos 40% EC





10.61 b

Lamda-cyhalothrin 2.5% EC





7.50 c












Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05); LSD for Insecticides: 1.0534; LSD for week; 0.8690; LSD for Interaction: N.S.


Results revealed that the effectiveness of treatments on white heads had significant difference in different time intervals (Table 6). Maximum percent of white heads (13.6%), were calculated on week One, followed by week Two (11%), while the minimum percent of white heads were observed in week Four (5.2%).

Effect of different insecticides on 1000-grain weight (g) and grain yield (kg ha-1)

The data (Table 7) showed effect of various insecticides against rice stem borer in number of 1000 grain weight showed statistically variation among the cultivars. Mean maximum Thousand grains weight were calculated in Lambda-cyhalothrin (12.53g) followed by Bifenthrin (12.15g), Lufenuron (11.98g) and Chloropyrifos (11.79g) respectively, where’s the minimum Thousand grains weight (g) were found in control plot (11.2).

The data (Table 7) showed the effect of various insecticides against rice stem borer in grains yield (kg ha-1) where observed statistically significant difference from each other in various treatments. The mean maximum grains yield was found in Lambda-cyhalothrin (1875.3kg ha-1) followed by Bifenthrin and Lufenuron with 1809.5 and 1806.6 kg ha-1 respectively, while the minimum grains yield (kg ha-1) were noticed in checked plot (1789.7 kg ha-1).


Table 7: Effect of different insecticides on 1000-grains weight (g) and Grains yield (kg ha-1).



1000 (g)

(kg ha-1)

Lufenuron 5% EC



Bifenthrin 10% EC



Chloropyrifos 40% EC



Lamda-cyhalothrin 2.5% EC









Means followed by different letter (S) are significantly different from each other (p≤0.05).


Table 8: Biological efficacy of various insecticides on the population density of Rice stem borer in JP-5 rice cultivar during summer 2020.


Mean Infestation

1st, 2nd, & 3rd

Biological efficacy (%)
















Biological efficacy of various insecticides on the population density of Rice stem borer in JP-5 rice cultivar during summer 2020

The data (Table 8) showed the percent biological efficacy of various insecticides (including Lufenuron, Bifenthrin, Chloropyrifos, and Lambda-cyhalothrin) used against rice stem borer. Maximum biological efficacy was observed in plots treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin (52.21%) followed by Bifenthrin (38.07%) while minimum Biological efficacy (14.91%) was recorded in Chloropyrifos.

Yellow stem borer (YSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), is one of most damaging pests, causes significant loss rice crops. (Kola et al., 2019). Rice stem borers have acquired the status of regular insect pests of rice in most of the rice grown area in the state. Scirpophaga incertulas, is a monophagous pest, is regarded as the most serious threat to rice ecosystems in rainfed, low-land, and flood-prone areas (Deka et al., 2010). Yellow rice stem borer alone produces a yield loss of 10 million tonnes globally, and pesticides account for half of all insecticides used in rice fields (Huesing, 2004).

Among our tested rice varieties, we found equal number of similar insect pests; this could indicate the ability of the tested plants’ varieties to support a pest population. In the reduction and management, pest resistant varieties have significant role. Resistant cultivars are also effective in the management of insect pests that cause production losses. In the current experiments we studied various rice varieties such as Swati-2014, Basmati-385, Dill Rosh-97, Kashmir Basmati, Fakher Malakand, Lawingi and JP-5. The maximum dead hearts were observed in variety JP5 followed by Lawingi and Dill Rosh-97, which were found to be susceptible varieties. These results were in consistent with the results of Khan et al. (2003); and Shah et al. (2008) stated that the most susceptible rice varieties against rice stem borers are JP-5 and Lawingi under field conditions at DI Khan, also Fakher Malakand was found to have the least dead hearts and white heads. Additionally, Zhu et al. (2002) further supported these results by exploring that used resistant varieties of rice made hindrance to the spreading of rice stem borers and that resistance was due to the two factors i.e. the larger leaf blade size and smaller vascular bundles of these varieties. Furthermore, the findings of Padhi and Sen (2002) were quietly matched, they found that slender, tough and hard stems with narrow piths are the attributes of non-preference wild type of rice varieties. Like that, Padhi (2004) who compared the resistant with susceptible varieties and found that the characteristics like lower borer infestation, the survival of larva, with the increase sugar and phenol content are of tolerant varieties.

The result showed significant effect on rice stem borer in different rice varieties in grain yield. The maximum grain yield was detected in a variety Fakher Malakand whereas the lowest grain yield was recorded in JP-5 followed by Lawingi and Dill Rosh-97. The experimental outputs were parallel with the research work of Rajput et al. (2004) who found that compare to susceptible cultivars some resistant cultivars have high production of rice. Similar findings were also observed by Mamoon-ur-Rashid et al. (2013) described that in fine variety (Basmati-283) they found more unfilled grains. Further evidence of these results were given by Shafique et al. (2000) who concluded that the varieties of rice like IR6-20, IR8-151, IR6-25-1, B/94 and IR6-25 were significantly stable against the infestation of rice stem borers and have high production per hectare. These outcomes are in conformity with Soundarrajan (2020) who documented that the stem borer causes considerable damage and decreases yield in both Rabi and Kharif crops of rice. The host plant resistance and development of the durable resistant cultivars can deliver the best alternative to other management approaches. Results of our experiments showed that Fakher Malakand could be the best variety in combating against the rice stem borer infestation.

In Pakistan rice stem borer is mainly controlled through different chemicals, also with the mean of other alternative source likely through the microbial and plant based extraction. However, as per the findings of Islam et al. (2013) stated that among all types of control measures against rice stem borers, the use of chemicals showed considerably satisfactory results. but the use of such chemicals with other bioactive compounds could produce significant results in order to mitigate the devastation produce by rice stem borers.

The population density of rice stem borer showed significant variation among the synthetic insecticides. Results revealed that compare to other insecticides, Lambda-cyhalothrin showed better effectiveness against rice stem borer. Similar findings are confirmed with Shyamrao and Raghuraman (2019) who investigated that Lamda cyhalothrin 5% EC was proved to be the best effective insecticide against stem borer. These findings are also in line with Hassan (2017) who concluded that the chemical insecticide Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC showed the best efficacy to control the population of rice stem borer. This finding was further supported by Seni and Naik (2017) who observed that the Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC was significantly effective in reducing the infestation of S. incertulus and thus.

Minimizing the onset of white heads and dead heads considerably than by other treatments. These outcomes are in consistent with Chakraborty and Deb (2011) who revealed that Lambda-cyhalothrin reduced the population density of rice stem borer.

Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC was followed by Chloropyrifos 40% EC insecticide. The results revealed that Chloropyrifos 40% EC showed better efficacy as compared to Bifenthrin10% EC and Lufenuron 5% EC. The findings are Similar to Prasad et al. (2010) who investigated that the Chloropyrifos 40% EC was the best insecticide to reduce the onset of dead heads and white heads during the panicle formation stage caused by a stem borer, similarly Khan et al. (2005) who conducted a study and conclude that Chloropyrifos 40% EC is effective against rice stem borer.

Plot treated with Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC gives the highest yield compared with other insecticides. This result is parallel with the research study of Sachan et al. (2018) who described that Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC is a useful insecticide and reducing the infestation of stem borer and increasing the yield compared with other treatments. Similar results were also obtained by Seni and Bhima (2017) who reported that the Lambda-cyhalothrin5% EC gives high grain yield, which is due to low infestation of rice stem borer and healthier stems. Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC was followed by Chloropyrifos 40% EC insecticide. The results revealed that Chloropyrifos 40% EC showed better grain yield as compared to Bifenthrin 10% EC and Lufenuron 5% EC The findings are Similar to Firake et al. (2010) who found that the Chloropyrifos 40% EC was the best insecticide to reduce rice stem borer to get maximum paddy yield; Similarly, Khan et al. (2005) who observed that the Chloropyrifos 40% EC was an effective chemical to control the attack of stem borer for better yield per acre.

Conclusion and Recommendation

From the current experiments the following conclusions were made. Fakher Malakand variety showed significant resistance to rice stem borer and give high grains yield among the other varieties. Maximum infestation of rice stem borer was recorded in JP-5 variety. Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC was recorded as the most prominent to reduce the rice stem borer population Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC has a positive effect on the yield of rice crops.

For higher yield and lowest stem borer infestation, the Fakher Malakand variety is recommended for cultivation in Swat area. Lamda Cyhalothrin 5% EC should have applied to rice varieties for effective management of rice pest infestation especially rice stem borer.


We acknowledge staff of Agricultural research Institute Mingora Swat, for providing sufficient space and resources to undertake the research activities.

Author’s Contributions

Hussain Ali: Conduct the experiment.

Shahid Sattar Khan and Fazal Maula: Designed the experiment, technical and language checked.

Said Hussain Shah: Analyzed data and wrote the manuscript.

Misbah Uddin: Revised the manuscript.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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