Effect of Various Edible Coatings in Extending the Storage Life of Apricot Fruit
Effect of Various Edible Coatings in Extending the Storage Life of Apricot Fruit
Muhammad Kefayatullah* and Said Wahab
Effect of various edible coatings on TSS of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on pH of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on acidity of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on reducing sugar of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on non-reducing sugar of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on moisture content of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on total phenols of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on decay index of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on sugar acid ratio of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on weight loss of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on chilling injury of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on overall acceptability of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.
Effect of various edible coatings on ascorbic acid of apricot fruit. Values followed by different letters are significantly (p <0.05) different from each other.