Effects of Supplementing Fresh Garlic on Growth and Meat Production of Minhdu Chicken
Effects of Supplementing Fresh Garlic on Growth and Meat Production of Minhdu Chicken
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang1, Nguyen Thi Thu Hong2,3*
Minh Du chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) in the experimental farm of An Giang university used during the presented research. Each square unit corresponds to one experimental unit (5 male + 5 female chicken for each unit).
Correlation plot with Spearman method of pH values, drip loss, cooking loss and chemicals of breast meat of Minhdu chicken and the treatments given (GARL0, GARL1, GARL2, GARL3). The legend on the side of the plot shows the coefficient values corresponding to the color graduation. The value of correlation is proportional to the size of the inner circle and color intensity (blue = positive, red = negative). Abbreviations: pH0: initial pH; pH24: values of pH after 24 hours; DM (%): dry matter percentage; OM/DM: organic matter/dry matter; CP/DM: crude protein/dry matter; EE/DM: ether extracts/dry matter.