Efficiency of Farmyard Manure to Reduce Injurious Impacts of Salt Enriched Irrigation on Chemical Properties of Soil
Efficiency of Farmyard Manure to Reduce Injurious Impacts of Salt Enriched Irrigation on Chemical Properties of Soil
Ghulam Murtaza1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Ashraf Malik2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad3
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil pH having HSD value 0.5114 at probability level 0.05
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil EC (dS m-1) having HSD value 0.1456 at probability level 0.05
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil SAR having HSD value 1.6679 at probability level 0.05
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil organic matter (%) having HSD value 0.1022 at probability level 0.05
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil phosphorous concentration (ppm) having HSD value 0.4762 at probability level 0.05
Canal and saline water impact with and without FYM on soil potassium concentration (meq/L) having HSD value 0.5487 at probability level 0.05