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Evaluation of Tribolium castaneum Infestation against Different Packaging Materials


Research Article

Evaluation of Tribolium castaneum Infestation against Different Packaging Materials

Mahreen Hanif*, Shafqat Saeed, Mudssar Ali, Muqadas Younas, Huda Bilal, Syeda Fatima Bukhari

Institute of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, MNS University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan.

Abstract | Post-harvest storage of chickpea in storage bags is commonly implemented practice, offers a chemical free tactics to control the stored grain pests. Barrier property of different types of packaging viz., polypropylene (green), polypropylene (white), polyethylene (gauge1), polyethylene (gauge 2), cotton, polymer, and china lamination were investigated in storage bag of chickpea against Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) during the controlled condition. Adults of T. castaneum was released on all packaging to evaluate its damage in packaging and data recorded after 15 days interval. A series of laboratory tests were observed over three months to determine the penetration of T. castaneum in different packages. Results showed that the highest population of T. castaneum (larvae and adult) as well as greater weight loss (%) in chickpea was recorded in polypropylene (green) packet in contrast to polyethylene (gauge 2) and china lamination. Significant differences were observed in the overall adult population of T. castaneum (p<0.05) and chickpea percentage weight loss (p<0.05) than its larval population (p>0.05) during the storage period. However, more adult population and weight loss (%) occurred after more time period (after 90 days) as compared to the low time period (after 30 days). These results are important and used for the integrated management of foodstuffs i.e., chickpea to overcome the infestation of T. castaneum during its storage.

Received | June 14, 2021; Accepted | June 10, 2022; Published | June 25, 2022

*Correspondence | Mahreen Hanif, Institute of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, MNS University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Hanif, M., S. Saeed, M. Ali, M. Younas, H. Bilal, S.F. Bukhari. 2022. Evaluation of Tribolium castaneum infestation against different packaging materials. Journal of Innovative Sciences, 8(1): 124-130.


Keywords | Chickpea, Percent weight loss, Package, Storage period, Tribolium castaneum

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1. Introduction

Cicer arietinum (chickpea) is a ranked at 5th and 3rd number among legume, and pulses crops, respectively, (FAO, 2011; Aslam et al., 2002). It is cultivated in both tropical and temperate regions of the world particularly in of Southeast Asia. Major chickpea growing countries are India, Turkey, Pakistan, Myanmar, Australia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Canada, USA and Iran. Chickpea is a major rabi cash crop of Pakistan (Ahmed et al., 1991). Pakistan is at third and fourth rank among pulses growing countries and production of chickpeas, respectively (Statista, 2019).

Chickpea is free of cholesterol and important source of mineral (Duke, 1981; Huisman and Van der Poel, 1994; Wood and Grusak, 2007; Chibbar et al., 2010; Jukanti et al., 2012). It is also source of carbohydrates, ash, oil, fiber and protein (Hulse, 1989). As it is a cheap source of protein, so it fulfils the requirement of the protein of poor people in Pakistan (Ahmed et al., 1991). During out of season, farmers stored pulse and legume for their proper use. During storage, chickpea is suffering both qualitative and quantitative losses. Qualitative damage reduces the nutritional and aesthetic value; while, quantitative loss cause weight loss of seed (Padın et al., 2011). Optimum storage conditions are necessary to retain the quality of the seeds (Muir, 1994). Insect damage can be recognized as an important limitation to the pulse production (Khaire et al., 1992). The choice of this storage method by the farmer was made by local natural means because they are not known the application of improved methods (Hall, 1970). Pest devours 5 to 7% and more than 30 to 50% of the grain during storage (Agrios, 1988).

Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae) is cosmopolitan and international vicious pest. These feed on wide range of plants and animal’s products and stored food such as grains, cereals, nuts, oilseed, dried fruits, pulses, cacao, beans, cottonseed etc. Both adult and larval stages of T. castaneum can feed on embryo of seed, broken kernels, grains dust and prefer floury materials (Arbogast, 1991). Its presence in stored commodity can causes contamination of product, economic damage and also reduce its nutritional value (Burkholder and Faustini, 1991). Its infested flour converted in to moldy and give bad smell in case of sever attack that is unfit for human consumption (Atwal and Dhaliwal, 2002). Food security is important issue that disturb the human activities, their health and nation independence. Losses at each stage of food chain reduced with help of proper packaging.

Protective packaging (Riudavets et al., 2007) is a good practice for insect management as integrated pest management (IPM) programs (Trematerra and Savoldelli, 2014). Packaging material help to give protection against insect pest and contamination. To decrease the infestation level of stored commodity insect pest, selection of the packaging material is necessary (Sanon et al., 2011). Plastic packaging materials such as polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) are often used for management of T. castaneum and R. dominica (Hassan et al., 2016). Polypropylene (PP) is an effective as packaging material of chocolate than polyvinylchloride (PVC) against larvae of Indian meal moth and almond moth (Bowditch, 1997).

In Pakistan, currently, packaging materials used for flour are made of cotton, polypropylene and jute (Nasir et al., 2004). There is need to explore the quality of the package materials for proper long-term storage of pulses to reduce the chances of insect attack. Recent work has been done in Bahawalpur, Pakistan for the management of Tribolium castaneum by using different packaging materials (Qasim et al., 2013; Hassan et al., 2014) but there is limitation that they did not tested packaging with respect to storage period.

After considering the above-mentioned facts, the present study was designed in which preventive and control measure for chickpea were tested to save it from the destructive pest under consideration. The present study was designed to test the effectiveness of commercially available packaging materials on penetration and weight loss in chickpea due to T. castaneum. Also, to evaluate the effect of time period on penetration of T. castaneum as well as weight loss in chickpea seed.

2. Materials and Methods

Research experiments were conducted on storage of black chickpea (NIAB-CH- 2016) for three months in the postgraduate lab, Institute of Plant Protection at Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture using Complete Randomized Design (CRD).

2.1 Collection and rearing of insect

The population of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) was collected from grain market of Multan. The population was reared in the rearing laboratory of Institute of Plant Protection at MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan. Insects were reared on a diet comprising of chickpea and yeast (95: 5 by weight) in plastic jars (1 kg) at 65 ± 5% relative humidity and 30 ± 2 °C. They were reared to F1 generation to get homogeneous population.

2.2 Plastic packaging materials

Seven different types of packaging materials were taken form local market of packaging. Thickness measured with the help of Screwguage (as shown in Table 1). Plastic packaging available in 20-40 kg capacity so micro bags (having 14 × 19 cm dimensions) of some packaging materials such as PPW, PPG, CO, PO and CL of 200 g capacity were prepared with the help of impulse sealer while polyethylene bag are made and sealed by heat sealer. Each small bag was filled with 200 g healthy chickpea without contamination of sand or mud particles. All types of packaging materials were placed in a large plastic jar with random sequence and repeated thrice.

2.3 Penetration test

Hundred homogenous age adult of T. castaneum were released in each jar and kept for storage. After 15 days interval, sample was taken and then package was open. The number of live adult and larvae of T. castaneum per 200 g of chickpea was counted to check the entrance of T. castaneum into each packaging type. Data was observed and recorded.

2.4 Determination of weight loss

Chickpea were weighed 200 g and consider as initial weight (Wi) of chickpea. After 15 days interval, sample (200 g) were taken and sieved with a kitchen sieve (2 mm mesh). After sieving, weight of healthy grain was observed as final weight (Wf) by digital weighing balance. Percentage (%) weight loss was measure by following Equation 1.

Weight loss (%) = (Initial weight-final weight)/initial weight × 100 ...(1)

After data collection of penetration and measurement of weight loss, packets with chickpea again sealed and to note packaging impacts for upcoming data recording till 3 months.

2.5 Statistical analysis

Data were recorded and analysed as per statistical nature of the data. Analysis of variance was carried out using Statistix v.81 and v10 software (Minitab) for analysis the data of packaging. To find out the different variables and their interaction during storage period of plastic packaging, ANOVA was done by using factorial design under CRD. Tuckey test was used to comparison the mean and standard error of packaging and storage period. Linear model of regression was also used to find out main effect of packaging or storage period and the interaction of both factors.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Effect of package

Highest penetration or population growth of adults and larvae of T. castaneum found in PPW packet and lowest found in CL packet across all storage period (Table 1). Result showed that penetration of both adults (F=956.32, DF=6, p=0.00) and larvae (F=31.27, DF=6, p=0.00) in other package followed differently across different storage period but remains significant in relation to all tested packaging material. Similarly, maximum difference was found weight loss (%) among all package and across all storage period (P=0.00; Table 2). Highest weight loss (%) (F=517.61, DF =6, p=0.00) recorded in PPW (Polypropylene White packet) and followed by CO (Cotton packet), PO (Polymer packet), PPG (Polypropylene Green packet), PE1 (Polyethylene Gauge 1 packet), PE2 (Polyethylene Gauge 2 packet) and CL (China Lamination packet) (Table 2).


Table 1: Determination of thickness (mm) of plastic packaging by digimatic caliper.







Polypropylene (Green colour)

0.18 mm



Polypropylene (White colour)

0.22 mm



Polyethylene Gauge 1

0.05 mm



Polyethylene Gauge 2

0.10 mm




0.25 mm




0.27 mm



China lamination

0.28 mm


3.2 Effect of duration

Weight loss (%) were significantly highest in all treatments after 90 days than 65, 60, 45, 30, 15 days (F=192.17, DF =6, p=0.00), respectively) in Table 3. While population of T. castaneum larvae remain non-significant (F=1.01, DF =6, p=0.42) and adult remain significant (F=75.67, DF =6, p=0.00) across all storage period of three months but not increases with increase of storage period. Test statistics of package shows that high weight loss (02.01 mean ranks) and occur after 90 days (Table 3) and minimum observe after 15 days (00.30 mean rank). However, population of T. castaneum adult found more after 15 days (09.57 mean rank) and less after 90 days (04.60 mean rank). Similarly, population of T. castaneum larvae was less after 90 days (01.28 mean rank) and greater after 30 days (01.80 mean rank).


Table 2: Population (numbers per 200 g sample) of live adult and larvae of T. castaneum in different packaging during chickpea storage.


Storage perioda

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days

75 days

90 days



03.00 ± 00.57cb

05.66 ± 00.33c

6.667 ± 00.15d

06.00 ± 00.00d

02.66 ± 00.33d

04.66 ± 00.88bc


30.00 ± 01.15 a

16.33 ± 00.33a

21.00 ± 00.57a

18.33 ± 00.66a

14.00 ± 01.15a

14.00 ± 01.15a


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00d

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00e

01.33 ± 00.33de

02.33 ± 00.33cd


0.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00d

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00d


17.00 ± 01.15b

15.00 ± 00.57a

17.66 ± 00.88b

15.33 ± 00.88b

09.66 ± 00.33b

07.00 ± 00.57b


17.00 ± 01.15b

10.33 ± 00.08b

13.66 ± 00.88c

11.33 ± 00.66c

06.66 ± 00.33c

04.33 ± 00.33bc


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00d

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00e

00.00 ± 00.00d



00.66 ± 00.66c

02.66 ± 00.88ab

01.33 ± 00.33ab

02.00 ± 00.57ab

01.00 ± 00.57ab

01.67 ± 00.33ab


03.00 ± 01.52ab

04.00 ± 01.15a

03.66 ± 01.4ab

03.33 ± 01.45a

03.00 ± 00.57a

03.33 ± 00.88a


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.33 ± 00.33b

01.00 ± 00.57a


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b


04.00 ± 00.05a

02.00 ± 00.57ab

05.00 ± 01.52a

02.33 ± 00.66ab

02.66 ± 0.66a

02.00 ± 00.57ab


01.33 ± 00.03ab

04.00 ± 01.15a

00.66 ± 00.33b

01.33 ± 00.33ab

02.00 ± 00.57ab

01.00 ± 00.57ab


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b

00.00 ± 00.00b


aStorage was conducted from August to October. bEntries in the same column, for adult and larvae of T. castaneum, followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05). Means were separated using Tuckey test. Data shown are means of three replications; values are means ± standard errors.


Table 3: Weight loss (%) by T. castaneum in chickpea stored in different packaging.


Storage perioda

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days

75 days

90 days


00.12 ± 00.07cb

00.64 ± 00.08b

00.89 ± 00.06b

01.50 ± 00.15b

02.00 ± 00.17b

02.84 ± 00.04b


00.93 ± 00.03a

01.66 ± 00.22a

02.87 ± 00.15a

03.89 ± 00.27a

04.90 ± 00.18a

06. 11 ± 00.34a


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.22 ± 00.06c

00.49 ± 00.07c


00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c


00.52 ± 00.03b

00.71 ± 00.02b

00.81 ± 00.03b

01.39 ± 00.31b

01.67 ± 00.33b

02.46 ± 00.29b


00.54 ± 00.03b

00.56 ± 00.06b

00.71 ± 00.03b

01.16 ± 00.09b

01.45 ± 00.12b

02.16 ± 00.17b


00.00 ± 0.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 00.00c

00.00 ± 0.00c


a Storage was conducted from August to October. b Entries in the same column, for weight loss (%), followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) and same letter show not significantly different (P > 0.05). Means were separated using Tuckey test. Data shown are means of three replications; values are means ± standard errors.


3.3 Interaction between treatments and duration

Highest significant interaction of treatment and package (D*T) was found in data of weight loss (%) (F=26.06, DF =36, p=0.000) and penetration of adults (F=25.19, DF =36, p=0.000) as compared to data of population of larvae (F=1.43, DF =36, p=0.0880) of T. castaneum.

Infestation in packaging was detected in the form of population growth of T. castaneum and percentage weight loss in chickpea with respect to different packaging type and storage time period intervals. In our study, maximum penetration of T. castaneum was observed in polypropylene package (white) while it was minimum in China lamination packet and polyethylene 2 (PE2). Similarly, Chung et al. (2011) tested that more damage assessed in linear low-density polyethylene (40 and 50 mm) and casted polypropylene (20 and 25mm) as compared to oriented polypropylene (20 and 30mm) and polyethylene terephthalate (12 and 16 mm). Contrarily, some previous studies (Yar et al., 2017; Hassan et al., 2014, 2016) have reported higher insect infestation of T. castaneum in polyethylene package as compared to the polypropylene package. Similarly, Riudavets et al. (2007) also reported higher protection of polypropylene package against three stored grain pests (R. dominica, S. oryzae and Lasioderma serricorne) as compared to the polyethylene.


Table 4: Overall comparisons of weight loss (%) and adult population by T. castaneum in stored chickpea during 3 months.

Storage period

Weight loss (%)



15 days

00.30 ± 00.07ea

09.57 ± 02.47a

01.28 ± 00.39ab

30 days

00.51 ± 00.12de

06.76 ± 01.49c

01.80 ± 00.44a

45 days

00.75 ± 00.21d

08.42 ± 01.87b

01.52 ± 00.49ab

60 days

01.13 ± 00.29c

07.28 ± 01.62c

01.33 ± 00.35ab

75 days

01.46 ± 00.36b

04.90 ± 01.12d

01.28 ± 00.30ab

90 days

02.01 ± 00.45a

04.60 ± 01.02d

01.28 ± 00.29ab


a Entries in the same column, for weight loss (%), followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) and same letter show not significantly different (P > 0.05). Means were separated using Tuckey test. Data shown are means ± standard errors.


Mullen et al. (2012) also revealed that polyethylene is a susceptible against T. castaneum beetles among different testing packing types. Beetles, T. castaneum, entered by holes in polyethylene bag filled with wheat flour. These studies are in disagreement with our finding that showed that polypropylene packaging found susceptible as compared to polyethylene. It may be due to porous surface of polypropylene packaging as well as sealing by machine while polyethylene package has plane sheet and sealing by heat sealer. It also depends on thickness of polyethylene as it is 0.02 mm (Yar et al., 2017) and 0.02 mm to 0.04 mm (Hassan et al., 2016). Previous study described that insect penetration depend on thickness of packaging (Chung et al., 2011). Their results assessed that more penetration of T. castaneum adult and Plodia interpunctella larvae found in package of less thickness and vice versa. Similarly, it was also observed that P. interpunctella larvae penetration affected by packaging thickness (Lee et al., 2014) and if packaging was used alone then more insect penetration happens than double packaging (have extra cover) (Stejskal et al., 2017).

Weight loss (%) was determined from initial amount packed. Significant difference was found among weight loss (%) of all packaging materials and across all storage period in our experiment. More weight loss (%) detected in PPW and CO packet but minimum in CL packet as well as PE2. Population of T. castaneum was noted zero in CL packet as well as PE2. Similarly, Atta et al. (2020) reported more T. castaneum population and more percent weight loss recorded in cloth packet followed by the trend of Jute bag > Plastic bag > Polypropylene bag > Hermetic Bag. Contrarily, more percentage weight loss reported in polyethylene package (Yar et al., 2017).

With respect to storage bag, storage period can affect the insect penetration and percent weight loss. In present study, it was observed that weight loss (%) increased with increase in time period of storage (Table 3). Hell et al. (2010) also reported higher weight loss (0.3%) after 6-months of storage as compared to the lower infestation at the onset of storage period. Similarly, Ognakossan et al. (2013) also found higher weight loss of up to 6% at 5 months of storage due to infestation of P. truncates since it has the ability to puncture the bags during storage. Moreover, Yar et al. (2017) also reported that weight loss was found higher (due to infestation of T. castaneum) after 90 days of storage followed by 60 and 30 days because of multiplication of beetles over time. In another study, it is perceived that damage by T. castaneum increased with increasing storage period with trend of 150 d > 120 d > 90 d > 60 d > 30 d (Atta et al., 2020).

Conclusions and Recommendations

Present study determines that China lamination may be an effective technique for safe post-harvest management of chickpea against T. castaneum and also for improving the food security. Results also showed that qualitative and quantitative losses of chickpea not alone depend on type of packaging, but also on storage periods. Moreover, further research is required to evaluate the multilayer films packing type for chickpea post-harvest management.


The authors are grateful to our parents and respected teachers for their help during the research.

Novelty Statement

In Pakistan, no work done on testing commercialized packages against this pest. This work is essential for the farmer community to secure food commodities.

Author’s Contribuion

Shafqat Saeed plan and supervise all the research. he also provide facility to conduct this study. Mudssar Ali analysis the data and also supervise the procedure. Muqadas Younas, Huda Bilal help and Syeda Fatima Bukhari helps in conducting trial and data recording.

Ethical approval

This manuscript does not contain any studies involving human participants and/or animals.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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