Foliar Application of Phosphorus to Enhance Phosphorus Utilization and Crop Growth: A Hydroponic Study
Foliar Application of Phosphorus to Enhance Phosphorus Utilization and Crop Growth: A Hydroponic Study
Rafiullah*, Muhammad Jamal Khan and Dost Muhammad
Relative plant height (%) of 6 weeks old (after transplantation) wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in phosphorus excluded Hoagland solution (values are averages of two years and calculated as percent of maximum).
Relative shoot dry weight (%) of 6 weeks old wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in phosphorus excluded Hoagland solution (values are averages of two years).
Relative root dry weight (%) of 6 weeks old wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in phosphorus excluded Hoagland solution (values are averages of two years).
Relative P concentration in shoots (%) of 6 weeks old wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in hydroponics (values are averages of two years and calculate as percent of maximum).
Relative P concentration in roots (%) of 6 weeks old wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in hydroponics (values are averages of two years).
Total uptake by wheat crop (%) of 6 weeks old wheat plants at given foliar KH2PO4 application grown in hydroponics.