Impact of Dietary Arginine Supplementation on Hemato-Biochmical, Histological, Antioxidant, and Immunity Variables of Geese under Heat Stress Condition in Egypt
Impact of Dietary Arginine Supplementation on Hemato-Biochmical, Histological, Antioxidant, and Immunity Variables of Geese under Heat Stress Condition in Egypt
Eman Said El-Hadad*, Hesham Ahmed Madian, Mahmoud A.E. Hassan, Mohamed Fahmy Saad, Abdelghany M. El-Shhat, Entesar Zakaria Eliraqy
Representative photomicrograph of gander livers in the control group showing: (A) extensive perivascular leukocytes aggregations infiltrating the hepatic parenchyma (arrow), and (B) marked perivascular hepatic necrosis (star) and lymphocytes admixed with few macrophages and fibroblasts (arrow). (H & E, x400).
Representative photomicrograph of gander liver in G2 showing perivascular focal to coalescing mild lymphocytic aggregations admixed with macrophages (arrow). (H & E, x400)
Representative photomicrograph of gander liver in G3 showing normal architecture and intact hepatocyte restoration of most hepatic architecture with few occasional perivascular lymphocytes (arrow). (H&E, x400).
Representative photomicrograph of gander intestine in control group (G1) showing focal of cellular infiltrates (a & b) in the intestinal crypts to multifocal of cellular infiltrates (b) in the intestinal crypts and tunic submucosa. (H & E, x400).
Representative photomicrograph of gander intestine in G2 showing focal of mild cellular infiltrates (a), villus fusion with thickness of villous lamina epithelialis mucosa, extensive numerous intestinal crypt proliferation, and few cellular infiltrates. (H & E, x100).
Representative photomicrograph of gander intestine in G3 showing focal apical villus sloughing (arrow) with mild cellular infiltrates and mild to moderate crypt proliferation (a) and intactness of most intestinal architecture (b). (H & E, x100).
Effect of dietary arginine supplementation on lipid peroxidation biomarkers, activity of antioxidant enzymes, immunoglobulins, and cortisol in blood plasma of geese at the end of experiment.