Implementation Model of Dryland Rice Business Supporting Food Security Buton Utara, Indonesia
Implementation Model of Dryland Rice Business Supporting Food Security Buton Utara, Indonesia
Sitti Rosmalah1*, Hartati1, Harianti1, Selvi Diliyanti Rizki1, Rustam2, La Ode Muh. Munadi3, Rina Astarika4, La Ode Jabuddin5, Abdul Rizal6, Muh. Obi Kasmin7 and Muhtar Amin7
Buton Utara Regency is known as the centre of dryland rice production in Southeast Sulawesi Province, playing an essential role in meeting the community’s food needs with agricultural potential that continues to grow. This drives the government’s commitment to making Buton Utara Regency an organic district. Dryland rice is one of the local products of Buton Utara Regency and is famous nationally and internationally. However, various phenomena cause the underdevelopment of dryland rice farming in Buton Utara Regency, including the dynamics and multiple problems surrounding the dryland rice agribusiness system in this region. Based on these phenomena, this study aims to build an implementable dryland rice agribusiness model through a systems approach based on strategic variables in each subsystem. Data collection procedures through observation, interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and documentation to collect data related to problems and actors involved in each agribusiness subsystem and to design an agribusiness model for dryland rice farming, Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis is used. The findings of the development of dryland rice agribusiness through the approach of four agribusiness subsystems show the importance of paying attention to the problems of limited government commitment, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, and capital. The main obstacles faced include the lack of development policies, low awareness of healthy food, and minimal support for infrastructure and capital. This study can conclude that there are various problems in each agribusiness subsystem, so the model built for the development of dryland rice agribusiness does not run optimally.
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