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Isolation and Characterization of Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV) in Egypt

Isolation and Characterization of Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV) in Egypt

A. A. Kheder1; I. A. M. Ibrahim2; H. M. Mazyadl


Peach rosette mosaic virus (PRMV) was detected from naturally infected commercial peach trees growing under field conditions at El Dakahlia Governorate, using DAS-ELISA. The detected virus is recorded for the first time in Egypt. Virus identification was performed using symptom expression. host range. graft transmission. serological tests i.e., DAS-ELISA, TBIA and DBIA, physical properties, electron microscope (EM) and reverse transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Field survey was carried out in commercial peach orchards during 2001-2003 in four different locations using DAS-ELISA. The average percentages of infection in three seasons were 17.5% and 3.1% in El-Dakahlia and El-Behira respectively. Naturally PRMV-infected trees develop chlorotic spots, rosetting, mosaic, chlorotic mottling, leaf deformation and shortening or the internodes (rosette appearance). The virus causes chlorotic local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa Wild. Ch. amaranticolor Cost&Reyn and N. tabacum L. cv. White Burley. It also causes local infection followed by systemic chlorotic leaf spot on Petunia hybrida. Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castle Rock and Vitis labrusca L. Typical chlorotic spots was expressed on the woody indicator GF305 leaves 30 days after double chip budding. Stability experiments of PRMV showed that the thermal inactivation point was 60- 650C. The dilution end point was 10-3 and the longevity in vitro 15-20 days at room temperature. Using specific antiserum. PRMV was detected in the tissues of infected trees by DAS- ELISA, TBIA and DBIA. RT-PCR was used to amplify fragment of PRMV cDNA using specific primers designed to amplify 200bp of the coat protein gene as a molecular procedure for diagnosis. Electron microscopy of purified preparation of PRMV showed presence of isometric particles 28 nm in diameter. Ultrathin section for electron microscopy examination of infected peach leaves shows virus particles in vacuoles. Tubules structure scattered in the cytoplasm or associated with plasmodesmata was shown. Extensive severe degeneration of chloroplast and mitochondria structure as well as development of cell wall protrusions was observed.

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