Karyotype Variations among Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Cultivars of Sindh, Pakistan
Karyotype Variations among Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Cultivars of Sindh, Pakistan
Tahira Jatt1, Ghulam Sarwar Markhand1, Lane Rayburn2, Ray Ming3, Mushtaque Ahmed Jatoi1 and Ameer Ahmed Mirbahar1,4*
(i) Seed germination; (ii, iii) harvested primary and secondary roots; (iv) pretreatment of roots; (v) date palm seedlings for cytological studies.
Mitotic metaphase photomicrographs of six date palm cultivars and two wild type date palms: a: Aseel; b: Asul Khurmo; c: Otakin; d: Kupro; e: Kashuwari; f: Karblain; g: Dedhi; h: Wild01; i: Wild02; j: Wild03 and k: Wild04.
A detailed Karyograms of six date palm cultivars and four wild type date palms: a: Aseel; b: Asul Khurmo; c: Otakin; d: Kupro; e: Kashuwari; f: Karblain; g: Dedhi; h: Wild01; i: Wild02; j: Wild03 and k: Wild04.
Ideograms of different varieties and wild date type palm: showing long arm, short arm and centromere position; length in μm (y-axis), haploid (n) number of chromosome (x-axis). a: Aseel; b: Asul Khurmo; c: Otakin; d: Kupro; e: Kashuwari; f: Karblain; g: Dedhi h: Wild01; i: Wild02; j: Wild03 and k: Wild04. (Alphabetic codes have been given in materials and methods section).
Symmetry of a: Aseel; b: Asul Khurmo; c: Otakin; d: Kupro; e: Kashuwari; f: Karblain; g: Dedhi; h: Wild01; i: Wild02; j: Wild03 and k: Wild04.