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Linking Meteorological Parameters and Population Dynamics of Jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) in Cotton


Research Article

Linking Meteorological Parameters and Population Dynamics of Jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) in Cotton

Umair Faheem1*, Qaisar Abbas1, Saghir Ahmad2, Ghayour Ahmad2, Abdul Karim2 and Mussurat Hussain1

1Entomological Research, Sub Station Multan, Pakistan; 2Cotton Research Institute, Multan, Pakistan.

Abstract | Cotton is considered as the back bone of Pakistan’s economy. It is attacked by several sap sucking and chewing insect pests during its growth, which results in the significant reduction of the cotton yield. Among these insect pests, Amrasca biguttula biguttula ‘Jassid’ are the most destructive ones. Beside these insect pests, environmental factors also affect the cotton production as well as population fluctuations of insect pests. The current study was designed to measure the impact of different meteorological limitations i.e. temperature (oC), relative humidity (RH) and rainfall (RF) on population fluctuation or dynamics of the A. biguttula biguttula. It was found that there is a direct relationship between A. biguttula biguttula population and temperature. While, no significant correlation of A. biguttula biguttula population with the RH except two years (2014 and 2016) where, it has shown positive correlation. RF mostly has significantly positive correlation with A. biguttula biguttula population. During the study duration, it has also been found that A. biguttula biguttula population was highest during the month of June and lowest during the month of April. Similarly, during 2015 A. biguttula biguttula population was highest and during 2013 and 2014 it remains the lowest. The study reveals that, these weather factors show a vital role in the population dynamics or fluctuation of Jassid and weather based predictive models are very effective to manage insect pests.

Received | June 02, 2020; Accepted | January 01, 2021; Published | March 08, 2021

*Correspondence | Umair Faheem, Entomological Research Sub Station, Multan, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Faheem, U., Q. Abbas, S. Ahmad, G. Ahmad, A. Karim and M. Hussain. 2021. Linking meteorological parameters and population dynamics of jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) in cotton. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37(1): 302-306.


Keywords | Cotton, Environmental factors, Jassid, Population dynamics, Correlation


In Pakistan, Cotton (Gossipium hirsutum) is considered as one of the most essential cash crop which plays a crucial role in the country’s economy. It is designated as silver fiber and backbone of country’s economy (Tayyib et al., 2005). It contributes 5.2% to the value addition in agriculture and in 1.0% of gross domestic product (Anonymous, 2016).

There were about 148 insect pest species have been recorded during the growth period of cotton crop, among these only 17 species have been found as major insect pests (Abbas, 2001).

Among these major insect pests, Jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) is considered as one of the most significant insect pests of the cotton. It has been observed that the immatures and adults of A. biguttula biguttula suck the cell sap (usually from the underside of the leaves) and during sucking they inject noxious saliva into the plant tissues, which in turn affect leaves into yellowing and curly (Singh et al., 2008).

Environmental factors or parameters play a pivotal role in the cotton production. These factors also affect the life cycle, outbreaks and spread of insect pests at a great magnitude that either force them to acclimatize themselves to these varying climatic factors or escape (Pedigo, 2004). The main cause on insect activity is environmental temperature. Prolonged phases of low or high temperatures and unexpected changes in them badly disturb the insect growth. Similarly, altered levels of rainfall (RF) and relative humidity (RH) also fluctuate the population of certain insect pest species (Prasad and Logiswan, 1997).

Knowledge about the abundance and distribution of insect pests in relative to meteorological parameters is the basic requisite for developing pest management strategy for a particular agro ecosystem. Abiotic factors, influence on insect pest abundance and distribution it is therefore, meteorological parameters or factors produce a fundamental role in the biology of any insect pest (Mathur et al., 2012). Abiotic factors and insect pest activity interaction helps in deriving a predictive model that helps in forecast of pest incidence.

This study was designed to measure the role or impact of environmental factors or parameters i.e. temperature, RH and rainfall on the population dynamics of A. biguttula biguttula.

Materials and Methods

This study was spanned over the period of seven years (year 2011 to 2017) at Experimental Farm Fields (thirty acre) of Cotton Research Institute, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.

Jassid sampling

Jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) population was counted from upper, middle and bottom leaves {ninety (90) leaves} from thirty (30) randomly selected plants of experimental farm Field, on weekly basis from April to October at 8am to 11am and mean population was calculated (Hussain et al., 2014). Different varieties were present in the experimental farm during the studied duration.

Meteorological data

Seven year (2011 to 2017) meteorological data [maximum temperature (max. temp.), minimum temperature (min. temp.), %relative humidity (RH) and rainfall (RF)] was obtained from meteorological section of Cotton Research Institute, Multan.

Statistical analysis

The data was analyzed using statistical software Statistix 8.1. The means were compared by using Least Significant Difference (LSD) test (P≤0.05). The impact of environmental parameters or factors on the adult / nymph population densities of A. biguttula biguttula was elaborated by working out simple correlation (Steel et al., 1990).

Results and Discussion

Impact of environmental factors on Amrasca biguttula biguttula

Impact of temperature: Table 1 showed that A. biguttula biguttula population has significantly (P≤0.05) positive correlation with maximum (max.) and minimum (min.) temperature during most of the studied years. Studies of Bishnoi et al. (1996), Men et al. (1996), Umar et al. (2003), Yadav et al. (2009), Harpreet et al. (2015), Aarwe et al. (2016) and Majeed et al. (2016) had also informed the significantly (P≤0.05) positive correlation of temperature with the A. biguttula biguttula population. Patel et al. (1997) has opposite results to our study, who informed a negative correlation between population of A. biguttula biguttula and environmental temperature.


Table 1: Correlation coefficient of Amrasca bigutella bigutella population with environmental factors during 2011 to 2017.


Environmental factors

Max. temp.

Min. temp.

Relative humidity






































Values are mean of x values, Least Significant Difference (LSD) test (P≤0.05). *Significant, ns: non-significant.


Impact of relative humidity: While, A. biguttula biguttula population has mostly shown non-significant (P≥0.05) correlation with relative humidity (RH) but in 2014 and 2016 it has shown significantly (P≤0.05) negative correlation. Wahla et al. (1996) and Harpreet et al. (2015) also testified that the RH is negatively correlated with A. biguttula biguttula population. Gogoi et al. (2000) established that the RH promotes the A. biguttula biguttula population.


Table 2: Month and year wise comparison of Amrasca bigutella bigutella population (mean±SE) during the year 2011 to 2017.



















1.26 c









1.38 b









1.12 e









1.09 e









2.37 a









1.29 c









1.18 d


0.58 g

1.15 e

2.30 a

1.67 c

1.72 b

1.24 d

1.04 f


LSD value



Impact of rainfall: On the other hand, A. biguttula biguttula population has significantly (P≤0.05) positive correlation with rainfall during 2013, 2014 and 2017. Riaz et al. (1987) and Bashir et al. (2001) has also testified a non significant but positive correlation with A. biguttula biguttula population. But the Yadav et al. (2009) have found negative correlation with rainfall.

Population dynamics of Amrasca biguttula biguttula during different months

Table 2 reveals that the highest mean population 2.30 per leaf of A. biguttula biguttula was observed during June which is significantly (P<0.05) higher from other recorded months. According to Prasad (2008) the peak incidence of A. biguttula biguttula was from mid-September to November. The observations of Shahid et al., 2012 indicates that the highest population of A. biguttula biguttula was witnessed during the month of October. Similarly, min. population 0.58 per leaf was found during April, which was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the other months.


Population dynamics of Amrasca biguttula biguttula during different years

On the other hand, highest population 2.37 per leaf of A. biguttula biguttula was witnessed during the year 2015 which is significantly (P≤0.05) higher as compared to other observed years. While, min. populations 1.09 and 1.12 per leaf were observed during the years 2014 and 2013, respectively. The graphical representation of the population dynamics of A. biguttula biguttula has been shown in Figure 1.

Conclusions and Recommendations

It can be inferred from the study that the environment has a significant impact on A. biguttula biguttula population. A. biguttula biguttula population changes with the change in environmental conditions. A. biguttula biguttula population has positive correlation with the temperature and rainfall. Similarly, max. A. biguttula biguttula population was observed during the months of June. Insect pest predictive models can be formulated through studies like this to manage insect pests in the field and make spray effective at threshold population.

Novelty Statement

Research focused on how environmental factors impacts on the population dynamics of Jassid in cotton.

Author’s Contribution

Umair Faheem: Wrote the manuscript.

Qaisar Abbas, Abdul Karim, Ghayour Ahmad and Mussurat Hussain: Collected the data.

Saghir Ahmad: Analysed the data.

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.


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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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