Management of Citrus Green Mould through the Use of Allelochemicals and Salicylic Acid
Management of Citrus Green Mould through the Use of Allelochemicals and Salicylic Acid
Hafiz Abdullah Akbar, Zafar Iqbal, Waqas Raza*, MuhammadUsman Ghazanfar and Salman Ahmad
Preparation of inoculum
Effect of different plant extracts on lesion diameter (mm) on kinnow fruit.
Comparison of application of different plant extract with control.
Effect of different allelechemicals+Wax on lesion diameter (mm) on kinnow fruit.
Effect of plant extracts on lesion diameter: a) Kortuma+Wax; b) Chabir+Wax; c) Ginger+Wax; d) Pathkanda+Wax; e) Anar+Wax; f) Pathanium+Wax.
Effect of different concentrations of salicylic acid on lesion diameter (mm) on kinnow fruit.
Effect of salicylic acid (SA) concentrations on lesion diameter on kinnow.