Multivariate Analysis in Determining Morphologically Diverse Sugarcane Genotypes (Saccharum officinarum L.) and their Flowering Response at Arja, Azad Kashmir
Multivariate Analysis in Determining Morphologically Diverse Sugarcane Genotypes (Saccharum officinarum L.) and their Flowering Response at Arja, Azad Kashmir
Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi
Sugarcane genotypes, nativity and their mean performance of morpho-physological attributes from pooled data obtained during the years 2013-14
Plot of (PC1) versus (PC2) for 10 Quantitative traits and 20 Sugarcane genotypes
Cluster Diagram of 20 Sugarcane Genotypes on the bases of 10 morpho physiological traits
Flowering response of sugarcane genotypes at Arja, Bagh AJK. Where (a) represents flowering arrow of variety S-03-US-694, (b), S-08-FSD-23 (c) anthers and stigmas on arrow of S-08-F