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New Additions to Pakistan�s Aphididae (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) Damaging Rosa Species





Research Article

New Additions to Pakistan’s Aphididae (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) Damaging Rosa Species

Muhammad Amin1*, Khalid Mahmood2, Imran Bodlah3, Muhammad Rahim Khan2

1Department of Entomology, Balochistan Agriculture College, 87300 Quetta, Pakistan; 2Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, University of Poonch, 12350 Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan; 3Department of Entomology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Abstract | Twelve aphid species, inclusive of 6 new records to Pakistan’s aphidofauna, were found infesting Rosa species in study conducted during 2015-2016 in Poonch division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan. Chaetosiphon (Pentarichopus) fragaefolii (Cockerell), Chaetosiphon (Pentarichopus) thomasi Hille Ris Lambers, Chaetosiphon (Pentarichopus) tetrarhodum (Walker), Metopolophium montanum Hille Ris Lambers, Myzaphis rosarum (Kaltenbach) and Myzaphis turanica Nevsky are new records for the country. New locality records are presented, in the country, for Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), Rhodobium porosum (Sanderson), Myzaphus bucktoni Jacob and Wahlgreneilla nervata (Gillete) on Rosa species. Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) was recorded on new host plant, Rosa species, in Pakistan. Distinguishing characters, morphometric data, biology and distribution of the studied species are provided herewith.

Received | May 20, 2017; Accepted | September 06, 2017; Published | Septembere 26, 2017

*Correspondence | Muhammad Amin, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta, Pakistan; Email: [email protected]

Citation | Amin, M., K. Mahmood, I. Bodlah, M.R. Khan. 2017. New additions to pakistan’s aphididae (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) damaging Rosa species. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 33(4): 511-518.


Keywords | Chaetosiphon, Myzaphis, Rosa species, Poonch division, Kashmir-Pakistan


Species of genus Rosa L. (Rosales: Rosaceae) constitute one of the most important floriculture crops having ornamental, cosmetic and medicinal value (Ercisli, 2007; Ulusoy et al., 2009). Rosa species, however, are mainly cultivated and appreciated for their aesthetic value and therefore pest free blossoms and shrub are highly desirable (Chen et al., 2000). Like many plants, Rosa species are also infested by aphids. Aphids mainly damage hostplant by their feeding on phloem sap, inflicting mechanical injury by their haustellate mouthparts and transmitting viruses, thereby causing both quantitative and qualitative losses to the hostplant (Mart et al., 1997; Saheed et al., 2007; Catangui et al., 2009). Indirect losses due to honeydew excreted by aphids that not only attracts formicids but also promotes black mold which in turn retards photosynthesis (Hatcher, 1995). Besides, presence of aphids along with symbiotically associated ants, sooty mold and sticky honeydew severely degrade aesthetic value of flowers and shrub (Parrella and Jones, 1987). Aphids, therefore, are a serious menace to Rosa spp. and industries associated therewith. Fifty five aphid species world widely infest Rosa spp. (Blackman and Eastop, 2012) of which only 5 species have been reported from Pakistan till to date as against 39 species documented from neighboring India (Chakrabarti and Sarkar, 2001). Naumann-Etienne and Remaudiere (1995) reported 300 aphids from Pakistan that also included rose inhabiting aphids Wahlgreneilla nervata (Gillete) and Myzaphis bucktoni Jacob, both also encountered in the present study. The aphidological studies on rose aphids before and after the preliminary checklist furnished by these two authors have frequently referred Macrosiphum rosae, and/or Macrosiphum euphorbiae as the main aphid pests of Rosa spp. (Ahmed and Aslam, 2000; Irshad, 2001; Hassan et al., 2010; Naeem et al., 2010). Aphid fauna of Pakistan in general is fragmentarily and unevenly studied, with many regions in the country still remaining where even preliminary faunal work has not yet started/fully realized. This study was initiated to explore inter-alia aphid species inhabiting Rosa spp. in Poonch division Azad Jammu and Kashmir, a lush green mountainous region at an average altitude of 2000 feet, in the north east of Pakistan.

Table 1: Surveyed Localities in Poonch Division, AJ&K-Pakistan.

Survey Locality Latitude Longitude Altitude
Rawalakot 33°51'32.18" N 73° 45'34.93"E 1638 m
Khaigala 33 50' 40'' N 73 49' 50''E 1760 m
Alisojal 33°51'24.9" N 73°50'35.3"E 1705 m
TauliPir 33°50'12 .59" N 73°24'58 .39" E 2690 m
Banjosa 33°48' 20'' N 73°48'59.04" E 1981 m
Hajira 33° 46’ 18.12’’ N 73° 53’ 45.96’’ E 966 m
Abbaspur 33°48'52.092'' N 73° 58' 32.3652'' E 1161 m
Bagh 33°58'23.6604'' N 73° 47' 30.876'' E 1676 m
Haveli 33°51'14.40'' N 73° 6' 11.88'' E 956 m
Sudhnoti 33° 42’ 54’’ N 74° 41'9’’ E

1203 m


Materials and Methods

Aphids were collected from both cultivated as well as wild Rosa spp., from 10 locations of Poonch division, Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan (Table 1). Specimens were transferred into transparent plastic vials containing 70% ethanol by a fine horse hair brush. Infested plant part(s), tender top shoots carrying aphids were cut and put in polyethylene-zipper bag. Samples were brought in the Entomology laboratory, University of Poonch, Rawalakot. Ethanol-preserved adult apterous vivparae, and their mounts prepared following Martin (1983), were used for taxonomic evaluation based on Blackman and Eastop (1994, 2008 and 2012) by Olympus binocular (provided with oculometer) at 10 × 40 magnification. Key morphological characters (Table 2) were used in the diagnostic description referring to (Blackman and Eastop, 1994 and 2012) and morphometric analysis of the studied data. Taxonomic literature given by Remaudiere and Remaudiere (1997) and Nafria (2013) was also referred to in the taxonomic evaluation of data. Voucher specimens of the identified species were deposited in the Entomology laboratory, University of Poonch Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Species new to Pakistan have been marked with asterisk on top right.

Table 2: Abbreviations used for morphological characters in the systematic account of present study. Small-case Roman Numerals in bold denote number related to a character.

Abbreviation Character
Bl Body length (excluding cauda)
Bw Maximum width across body
ATu Antennal tubercles
Ante Antennae; length of antenna
Ant Antennal segment
Antr Ratio of antennal segments’ lengths
Bd iii

Basal diameter of antennal segment iii

Hl iii

Longest hair on antennal segment iii

SRh Secondary rhinaria
Pt Processus terminalis
B vi

Length of base of antennal segment vi

Ros Rostrum
R iv+v Ultimate rostral segment
Ht ii

2nd segment of hind tarsi


Siphunculi, siphuncular
S/Pre Subapical polygonal reticulation
Cd Cauda




Length of cauda

Base of cauda



Results and Discussion

In total 12 species under 6 genera belonging exclusively to subfamily aphidinae and tribe macrosiphini were found infesting Rosa spp. Seven species viz., Metopolophium dirhodum, Metopolophum montanum*, Myzaphis rosarum*, Myzaphis bucktoni, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Macrosiphum rosae, and Rhododium porosum were found on cultivated Rosa spp. while 4 species, Chaetosiphon (P.) fragaefolii*, C. (P.) tetrarhodum*, C. (P.) thomasi*, C. (P.) tetrarhdum* and Wahlgreniella nervata, were found on wild Rosa spp. The genera Chaetosiphum and Myzaphis had 3 species each followed by Macrosiphum and Metopolophium each having 2 species while Rhodobium and Wahlgreniella had monospecific representation. Systematics, morphometric data in mm of genera with more than one

Table 3: Morphometric data (in mm) of C. (P.) fragaefoli*, C. (P.) thomasi* and C. (P.) tetrarhdum*.

Character C.(P.) fragaefolii

C.(P.) thomasi C.(P.) tetrarhdum
Bl 1.92-2.03 1.61-1.82 1. 87-2.02
Bw 0.98-1.02 0.60-0.70 0.85-0.99
Ante 2.10-2.17 1.38-1.60 1.76-2.20
Ant iii 0.47-0.52 0.47-0.52 0.42-0.52
Ant iv 0.34-0.40 0.34-0.40 0.23-0.36
Ant v 0.78-0.85 0.34-0.40 0.18-0.31
Ant vi (b vi+pt) 0.78-0.85 (0.08-0.098 + 0.70-0.75) 0.2-0.25 (0.065-0.083+ 0.13-0.17) 0.88-0.99 (0.09-0.13 + 0.42-0.52)
Pt/b vi 9-8 2-2 5-4
Siph 0.52-0.58 0.16 0.29-0.41
Cdl 0.104-0.0.156 0.13 0.10-0.18

Cdb 0.156-0.208 0.10 0.05-0.07
R iv+v 0.06-0.07 0.06-0.07 0.09-0.10
Ht ii 0.07-0.08 0.07-0.08


Distinguishing morphological characters are in bold.

Table 4: Morphometric data (in mm) of Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Macrosiphum rosae.

Character M. euphorbiae M. rosae

Bl 2.86-3.12 1.82-2.05
Bw 0.88-0.99 0.86-1.04
Ante 2.80-3.00 1.37-1.89

Ant iii

0.70-0.83 0.42-0.52

Ant iv

0.44-0.62 0.18-0.36

Ant v

0.42-0.54 0.18-0.31

Ant vi

(b vi+Pt)

0.78-0.96(0.078-0.13 + 0.70-0.83) 0.54-0.65(0.10-0.13 + 0.44-0.52)

Pt/b vi

9-6 4-4

0.88-1.00 (Pale)

0.26-0.39 (Black)

Cdl 0.44- 0.52 0.16-0.21
Cdb 0.13-0.18 0.104- 0.15

R iv+v

0.10- 0.13 0.08-0.10

Ht ii

0.10- 0.13



species/genus are tabulated as Table 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively, material examined (distribution in study area), biology, distribution (worldwide) and comments (reference in Pakistan and regional countries) for the identified species on cultivated and wild Rosa spp. are given below:

Family: Aphididae

Subfamily: Aphidinae

Tribe: Macrosiphini

Chaetosiphon Mordvilko, 1914

Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) fragaefolii* (Cockerell, 1901)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Light green to yellowish green and medium sized. Pt more than 2 × b vi. Siph more than 2.5 × Cdl. Ant iii, iv and v with few distinctly capitated hairs. Dorsum having 2-4 longitudinal rows of capitated hairs with one row lateral margins.

Material examined: On wild Rosa sp. (Rosaceae): Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 14-V-2015 and 3 apterae 14-V-2016; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 14-V-2015; Banjosa, 1 aptera, 16-V-2015; Alisojal, 2 apterae, 26-V-2015.

Biology: Mostly anholocyclic on cultivated Fragaria spp. (strawberries) (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Cosmopolitan pest on cultivated Fragaria spp. (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Table 5: Morphometric data (in mm) of Metopolophium dirhodum and Metopolophium montanum*. Distinguishing morphological characters are in bold.

Characters M. dirhodum M. montanum
Bl 2.75-2.86 1.92-2.26
Bw 0.86-0.96 0.81-0.96
Ante 1.71-2.15 1.35-1.85

Ant iii

0.44-0.57 0.47-0.59

Ant iv

0.34-0.46 0.23-0.36

Ant v

0.31-0.40 0.23-0.31

Ant vi

(b vi+Pt)



0.37-0.54(0.08-0.13 + 0.29-0.41)

Pt/b vi

4-4 4-3
Siph 0.44-0.52 0.42-0.52
Cdl 0.23-0.26 0.18- 0.26
Cdb 0.23-0.26 0.05-0.08

R iv+v

0.10-0.13 0.06-0.07

Ht ii



Table 6: Morphometric data (in mm) of Myzaphis rosarum*, Myzaphis turanica* and Myzaphis bucktoni.

Character M. rosarum M. turanica M. bucktoni
Bl 1.25-1.43 1.58-1.74 1.53-1.66
Bw 0.73-0.91 0.65-0.81 0.60-0.68


0.70-0.92 1.10-1.57 1.27-1.49
Ant iii 0.18-0.26 0.29-0.39 0.34-0.36
Ant iv 0.16-0.21 0.23-0.34 0.23-0.26
Ant v 0.20-0.26 0.18-0.29 0.26-0.28

Ant vi (b vi+pt)

00.10-0.14(0.07-0.10 + 0.3-0.4) 0.35-0.5(0.04-0.08+ 0.31-0.42) 0.039-0.52(0.05-0.08 + 0.34-0.44)
Pt/b vi 4-4 8-5 7-6
Siph 0.38-0.4 0.36-0.47 0.47-0.52
Cdl 0.98-0.10 0.06-0.07 0.10-0.13
Cdb 0.08- 0.10 0.05-0.08 0.10-0.13
R iv+v 0.8-0.13 0.08-0.10 0.21
Ht ii 0.08-0.10 0.07-0.08



Comments: This species is new to Pakistan’s aphidofauna. It was reported from western Himalaya in India by Banerjee et al. (1969).

Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) thomasi* Hille Ris Lambers, 1953

Distinguishing morphological characters: Pale, small sized and rather spindle shaped. Head spinulose. Ante with capitate hairs. Abdomen with 2 lateral rows of capitate hairs. Siph less than 2.5 × longer than Cdl.

Material examined: Wild Rosa sp. (Rosaceae): Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 17-V-2016; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 18-V-2016.

Biology: Monoecious holocyclic both on wild and cultivated Rosa spp. (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: North America; South America (Chile and Argentina) (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: This species is new to Pakistan’s aphidofauna.

Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) tetrarhodum* (Walker, 1849)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Light green to yellowish green and medium sized. Head dorsally smooth. ATu smooth and diverged. Ant iii with few capitated hairs, Pt more than 2 × b vi. Siph less than 2.5 × Cdl.

Material examined: Wild Rosa sp. (Rosaceae): Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 14-V-2015; Khaigala 4 apterae, 14-V-2015; Banjosa, 3 apterae, 15-V-2015; Bagh, 2 apterae, 16-V-2015; Alisojal, 2 apterae, 26-V-2015.

Biology: Monoecious holocyclic on Rosa spp. (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Worldwide except East Asia on Rosa spp. (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: This species is new record to Pakistan’s aphidofauna. Bhagat (2012) reported this species from Kashmir-India.

Macrosiphum Passerini, 1860

Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas, 1878)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Green, reddish brown and pear shaped. Ant iii having 2-3 SRh near its base. Siph pale, long, terminally dark, S/PRe present. Cd pale, long, finger shaped, tapered and with 4-6 hair.

Material examined: On wild Rosa sp.; Hajira, 2 apterae, 10-III-2016; Haveli, 2 apterae, 15-III-2016; Bagh, 2 apterae, 13-IV-2016; Banjosa, 2 apterae, 27-III-2016; Abbaspur, 3 apterae, 25-III-2016; Sudhnoti, 6 apterae, 31-III-2016; Rawalakot, 6 apterae, 16-IV-2016; Khaigala, 4 apterae, 16-IV-2016; Banjosa, 4 apterae, 16-V-2016; Alisojal, 4 apterae, 17-V-2016;

Biology: Heteroeciously holocyclic. Primary host Rosa spp. whereon sexual phase is passed in north-eastern USA, but mainly lives anholocyclically on secondary hosts spreading over more than 20 plant families (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Cosmopolitan (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: Bodlah et al. (2011) reported this species on the same host plant. Present study has added new locality records for this species.

Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus, 1758)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Pink, pinkish green to pinkish brown and pear shaped. SRh on basal part of Ant iii. Siph cylindrical, tapered, entirely dark and S/PRe not distinct. Cd pale, finger shaped and with 6-8 hairs.

Material examined: On cultivated Rosa sp. : Hajira, 2 apterae, 10-III-2016; Haveli, 2 apterae, 15-III-2016; Bagh, 2 apterae, 13-IV-2016; Banjosa, 2 apterae, 27-III-2016; Abbaspur, 3 apterae, 25-III-2016; Sudhnoti, 6 apterae, 31-III-2016; Rawalakot, 6 apterae, 16-IV-2016; Khaigala 4 apterae, 16-IV-2016; Banjosa, 4 apterae, 16-V-2016; Alisojal, 4 apterae, 17-V-2016; Taulipir, 2 apterae, 18-V-2016.

Biology: The species can live throughout summer in colonies on Rosa spp. Sexuales appear in autumn. In warm climates overwintering occurs anholocyclically (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Worldwide except east and south East Asia.

Comments: Irshad (2001) reported this species on Dipsacus nermis and Rosa sp. In present study new locality records were added up.

Metopolophium Mordvilko, 1914

Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker, 1849)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Yellow to yellowish green, medium sized and rather spindle shaped. ATu well developed, with smooth inner faces and diverged, R iv+v less than 0.7 × Ht ii. Siph pale and dusky distally. Cd pale, longer than wide and with 6-8 hairs.

Material examined: On cultivated Rosa sp.: Bagh, 2 apterae, 13-IV-2016; Banjosa, 2 apterae, 27-III-2016; Abbaspur, 3 apterae, 25-III-2016; Sudhnoti, 6 apterae, 31-III-2016; Rawalakot, 6 apterae, 16-IV-2015; Khaigala 4 apterae, 16-IV-2015; Banjosa, 4 apterae, 16-V-2015; Alisojal, 4 apterae, 17-V-2015; Taulipir, 2 apterae, 18-V-2015.

Biology: Heteroecious holocyclic. In spring it occurs on wild Rosa spp. and in summer migrates to plants of Poaceae and Cyperaceae (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Cosmopolitan (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: Hassan et al. (2010) reported this species on Triticum sp. from northern areas of Pakistan. Present study gives both, new host plant and locality records. It has also been reported from India (Dutta et al., 2008).

Metopolophium montanum* Hille Ris Lambers, 1966

Distinguishing morphological characters: Yellow to yellowish brown. Siph pale, tapered and less than 2 × Cdl. R iv+v more than 0.8 × Ht ii. Cd pale, finger shaped and with 4-6 hairs.

Material examined: On Cultivated Rosa sp.: Abbaspur, 2 apterae, 25-III-2016; Sudhnoti, 2 apterae, 31-III-2016; Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 25-V-2016; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 16-V-2016; Banjosa, 2 apterae, 16-IV-2015; Alisojal, 1 aptera, 17-V-2015 and Taulipir, 2 apterae, 18-V-2015.

Biology: Heteroecious holocyclic. In spring it occurs on wild Rosa spp. and in summer migrates to plants of Poaceae and Cyperaceae.

Distribution: Cosmopolitan (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: Hassan et al. (2010) reported this species on Triticum sp. from northern areas of Pakistan. Present study gives both, new host plant and locality records.

Myzaphis van der Goot 1913

Myzaphis rosarum* (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Yellow to yellowish green with 2 dark stripes on dorsum, medium sized and rather spindle shaped. Frons squarish with 2 hairs, each hair less than 0.5 × bd iii.

Material examined: On cultivated Rosa sp. : Abbaspur, 2 apterae, 25-III-2015; Banjosa, 1 apterae, 27-III-2015; Sudhnoti, 2 apterae, 31-III-2015; Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 16-IV-2015; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 16-IV-2015; Alisojal, 1 apterae, 17-V-2015 and Taulipir, 2 apterae, 18-V-2015.

Biology: Mainly monoecious holocyclic on Rosaceae. Also anholocyclic population reported in New Zealand (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Worldwide (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: This species is new record to Pakistan’s aphidofauna. This species was reported by Kanakaraj (1970) in India.

Myzaphis turanica* Nevsky 1929

Distinguishing morphological characters: Yellow with light dark irregular dorsal marking, and small to medium sized. Frontal hairs more than ½ as long as bd iii. R iv+v fractionally less than Ht ii. Siph without S/PRe, Cd triangular and as long as broad.

Material examined: On cultivated Rosa sp.: Rawalakot, 4 apterae, 15-V-2016; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 15-V-2016.

Biology: Monoecious holocyclic with male alatae (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Central Asia, Sweden, Israel, Italy, Turkey, India, Mongolia and Brazil (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: This species is a new record for Pakistan and was reported from India by Kanakaraj (1970) and Ghosh (1986) in India.

Myzaphis bucktoni Jacob, 1946

Distinguising morphological characters: Yellowish pale, medium sized and rather elongate. Frontal hairs as long as bd iii. R iv+v reaches CXm, with 4-6 secondary hairs and longer than Ht ii. Siph pale, long, distally clavate. Cd triangular and bears 6-8 hairs.

Material examined: On cultivated Rosa sp.: Rawalakot, 4 apterae; 15-V-2016; Khaigala, 2 apterae, 15-V-2016; Alisojal, 2 apterae, 16-V-1016.

Biology: Mainly monoecious holocyclic (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Europe, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Mongolia and introduced to USA and Argentina (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: This species was reported by Naumann-Etienne and Remaudiere (1995) on Rosa sp. in Pakistan. Present study gives new locality record for the same.

Rhodobium Hille Ris Lambers, 1947

Rhodobium porosum (Sanderson, 1900)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Light green to yellowish green, small to medium sized and rather spindle shaped aphids. ATu with inner scrabous faces almost parallel. Ant iii with about 10 linearly placed SRh.

Measurements (mm): Bl 1.93-2.15; Bw 0.89-1.04; Ante 1.87-2.00; Antr iii: iv: v: vi (b vi + Pt) 0.52-0.62: 0.31-0.42: 0.18-0.31: 0.584-0.65 (0.078-0.13 + 0.42-0.52); R iv+v 0.104-0.156; Ht ii 0.13-0.15; Siph 0.42-0.52; Cdl 0.28-0.29; Cdb 0.21-0.13.

Material examined: On Cultivated Rosa sp.: Hajira, 2 apterae, 10-III-2016; Haveli, 2 apterae, 15-III-2016; Bagh, 3 apterae, 13-III-2016.

Biology: Monoecious holocyclic in North America but anholocyclic in warmer regions (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: Cosmopolitan (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: Bodlah et al. (2011) reported this species on Rosa sp. In present study new locality record has been added up.

Wahlgreniella Hille Ris Lambers, 1949

Wahlgreniella nervata (Gillete, 1908)

Distinguishing morphological characters: Translucently pale or greenish pale and spindle-shaped. The femora without distinctly dark apices. Siph pale, slightly clavate, flanged.

Measurements (mm): Bl 1.30-1.61; Bw 0.44-0.60; Ante 0.35-1.22; Antr iii: iv: v: vi (b vi + Pt) 0.104-0.156: 0.05-0.08: 0.05-0.08: 0.09-0.90 (0.33-0.80 + 0.052 + 0.10); R iv+v 0.05-0.08; Ht ii 0.05-0.08; Cdl 0.10-0.16; Cdb 0.052-0.08.

Material examined: On wild Rosa sp.: Rawalakot 4 apterae 16-V-2016.

Biology: Heteroecious holocyclic between Rosa spp. and Ericaceae in N. America, also anholocyclic in regions (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Distribution: North America, Central and South America, Europe, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India (Blackman and Eastop, 2012).

Comments: Naumann-Etienne and Remaudière (1995) reported this species from Pakistan (Quetta) on Rosa spp. Present study first time gives new locality record for this species in Pakistan. This species was reported on the same host plant by Joshi et al. (2014) from India.


A total of 12 aphid species, including 6 new to Pakistan’s aphidofauna and with all twelve species described for the first time from study area on cultivated and wild Rosa spp. points to tremendous biodiversity of study area. Cultivated Rosa spp. harbored 8 of the 12 encountered aphid species showing greater palatability to aphid species. Macrosiphon rosae and Macrosiphon euphorbiae were recorded in all surveyed localities. Wahlgreniella nervata was found only in the samples collected from wild Rosa sp. from Rawalakot. Results of present study not only signify the importance of faunistic exploration of country’s biodiversity rich remote areas but also reveal potential threat to cultivated Rosa spp. in the study area.

Author’s Contribution

MA collected, identified the specimens, studied the related literature and prepared the manuscript. KM suggested the problem and helped in improvement of manuscript. IB guided and assisted in identification process. MRK reviewed the manuscript and gave input for the improvement of the latter. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The author’s declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding publication of this article.


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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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