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Pathological and antiviral studies on Broad bean mottle virusaffecting Faba bean plants in Ismailia Governorate

Pathological and antiviral studies on Broad bean mottle virusaffecting Faba bean plants in Ismailia Governorate

Sallam A.A.A.1, Hoda M.A.Waziri2,E. K .F. Elbeshehy1, SamiaI.Massoud,1 and Abeer M. Abo El-Wafa2.

1Plant pathology , Agricultural Botany Department , Faculty of Agriculture , Suez CanalUniversity
2 Plant Virus and Phytoplasma Research Department , Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural ResearchCenter.


Broad bean mottleBromovirus (BBMV) was obtained from naturally infected faba
bean plants exhibiting blotchy mottle,vein-clearing and deformation. BBMV was able
to infect limited host range ten out of thirty three tested plant species, and
cultivarsbelonging to six different families. It was transmitted mechanically and not
transmitted by seeds or aphids. The isolated virus was inactivated by 10 min exposure
to 95°C, but not at 97°C, at a dilution of 10ˉ3,and at3 weeks storage at room
temperature. The BBMV was tested serologically against antibodies of Broad bean
stain virus (BBSV) and (BBMV) using indirect ELISA. Positive reactions was
obtained only with BBMV antiserum.The BBMV induced amorphous cytoplasmic
inclusion bodies in infected cells .The Susceptibilityof some faba bean cultivars and
genotype was also studied forvirus infection.The effectiveness of extracts from garlic
cloves (GE) and onion (OE) as an antiviral against BBMV infection in vivo has been
evaluated. The percentage of virus inhibition induced by GE and OE varied according
to the time of treatment (1, 2 and 3 days).GE was more effective in reducing the
percentage of infection produced by BBMV on faba bean plantsthan did OE.

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