Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Oxalis pes-caprae L. (Family Oxalidaceae)
Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Oxalis pes-caprae L. (Family Oxalidaceae)
Syeda Naila, Muhammad Ibrar, Fazal Hadi* and Muhammad Nauman Khan
A, Oxalis pes-caprae; B, Adxial surface of leaf; C, Abaxial surface of leaf.
Showing root and bulb of O. pes-caprae.
Tranverse section of Oxalis pes-caprae leaf through midrib.
Tranverse section of Oxalis pes-caprae root.
A, Epidermal cells with underlying plisade cells; B, Vein islets and vein terminations.
Powder drug microscopy of Oxalis pes-caprae (Microphotography).
Key: a, b, c, unicellular and multicellular trichomes; d, calcium oxalate crystals; e, columnar palisade cells; f, epidermis with palisade cells; g, fragment of epidermal cells; h, fragment of ground tissue; I, fragment of leave showing vein islet; j, needle shape crystals; k, parenchyma cells; l, phloem fibers; m, starch grains; n, vessels with annular thickening; o, xylary trachieds; p, xylem vessels.
Stoamata on abaxial surface of leaf.