Physiological Activity and GC-Mass Analysis of Trigonella strangulata, Trigonella filipes and Trigonella uncinata Against Ethanol-Induced Hepatorenotoxicity in Rats
Physiological Activity and GC-Mass Analysis of Trigonella strangulata, Trigonella filipes and Trigonella uncinata Against Ethanol-Induced Hepatorenotoxicity in Rats
Shahrokh Mojarradgandoukmolla* and Hasan Akan
SEM microphotographs of Trigonella L. seeds. a-b, T. filipes; c-d, T. strangulata; e-f, T. uncinata.
SEM microphotographs of Trigonella L. leaves. a-b, T. filipes; c-d, T. strangulata; e-f, T. uncinata.
Effects of oral administration of Trigonella on histopathological changes in the liver and kidney tissues of treated and control rats.
Hematoxylin/Eosin staining (H and E), 40×. Liver and kidney sections from the control group demonstrating normal hepatic architecture with an intact nucleus and normal sinusoids (a and b); Ethanol showing highly deformed hepatic architecture with fatty lesion due to fatty infiltration and necrosis (c and d); Section of liver and kidney from ethanol + T. strangulata (e and f), ethanol + T. uncinata (g and h) and ethanol + T. filipes (i and j) groups showing improved hepatocellular architecture with the intact nucleus and normal sinusoids.