Screening of Elite Coarse Rice Lines for Drought Stress Simulated by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) at Seedling Stage
Screening of Elite Coarse Rice Lines for Drought Stress Simulated by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) at Seedling Stage
Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*
Effect of Drought stress on germination emergence percentage (GE %).
Effect of drought stress on seedling height (cm).
Germination stress tolerance index (GSTI).
Effect of drought stress on the vigor index (VI).
Seedling dry weight under different level of drought stress (SDW).
Seedling fresh weight under different level of drought stress (SFW).
Seedling dry weight stress tolerance index (SDWSTI).
Seedling fresh weight stress tolerance index (SFWSTI).
Scree plot showing variance of each principal component.
Biplot for Treatment Based on PC1 And PC2.