Some New Remains of Gazella (Bovidae) Discovered from the Dhok Pathan Formation of the Siwaliks, Northern Pakistan
Some New Remains of Gazella (Bovidae) Discovered from the Dhok Pathan Formation of the Siwaliks, Northern Pakistan
Zainab Saeed, Abdul Majid Khan*, Ayesha Iqbal, Muhammad Amin
Map showing various Siwalik localities in the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan, with the temporal range of the study shaded (Behrensmeyer and Barry, 2005).
A, upper second molar (PUPC 13/59); B, upper third premolar (PUPC 13/57); C, lower third molar (PUPC 09/105); D, lower fourth premolar (PUPC 13/61). Terminology of dental remains of ruminants followed by Janis and Scott (1987) and Gentry (1994).
Gazella lydekkeri: 1, PUPC 13/57 – right P3-P4; 2, PUPC 09/111 – right M1; 3, PUPC 13/59 – right M2; 4, PUPC 13/58 – right M3; 5, PUPC 13/61 – right p4; 6, PUPC 09/105 – right m1-m3; 7, PUPC 13/60 – right m2. a, occlusal view; b, lingual view; c, labial view. Scale Bar=10 mm.