Status of Wheat Production and Associated Nematode Pests in Pakistan
Status of Wheat Production and Associated Nematode Pests in Pakistan
Erum Iqbal*, Firoza Kazi and Saboohi Raza
Ten leading wheat producers worldwide in 2019/2020.
Wheat production during the year 2015/16 to 2019/2020.
Wheat production percentages by province.
Cyst nematodes (A-N): Vulval cone: A and B. Heterodera avenae; C and D. H. mothi; E. H. pakistanensis; F and G. H. schachtii; H and I. H. zeae. Female cyst whole body: J. H. avenae; K. H. mothi; L. H. pakistanensis; M. H. schachtii; N. H. zeae.