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Technology Mitigation of Pigs Parasites Contamination Using Laleken and Free-Range Systems Applied by Highland Farmers

Technology Mitigation of Pigs Parasites Contamination Using Laleken and Free-Range Systems Applied by Highland Farmers

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati1*, Aris Triyono Syahputra2, Andoyo Supriyantono1, Onesimus Yoku1, Deny Anjelus Iyai1, Priyo Sambodo1, Iriani Sumpe1 

1Department of Animal Science Papua University, Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Papua Barat, 98314, Indonesia; 2Program of Post-graduate Papua University, Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Papua Barat, 98314, Indonesia.

*Correspondence | Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati, Department of Animal Science Papua University, Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban, Manokwari Papua Barat, 98314, Indonesia; Email: [email protected] 

Figure 2

The logon design with 4 large Laleken. 

Figure 1

Pegunungan Arfak Regency.  

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 2,


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