Terminalia muelleri Attenuates the Accumulation of Excess Iron, Inhibition of Topoisomerase 2ß and Oxidative Cardiac Damage in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Rats
Terminalia muelleri Attenuates the Accumulation of Excess Iron, Inhibition of Topoisomerase 2ß and Oxidative Cardiac Damage in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Rats
Nadia A Eltablawy1, Ibrahim El Tantawy El Sayed2, Hamed Mohamed Abdel Barry2, Marwa A. Ibrahim3*, Maha Nageib Ahmed Serag ElDein2
Reducing power of TME extract
Serum iron (mg/L) of rats in control group and under the influence of different treatments. Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups
MDA in Cardiac tissue (nM/mg protein ) of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. . Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups
GSH in Cardiac tissue (mM/mg protein) ) of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. . Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups
NO content in Cardiac tissue (µM/mg protein) ) of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. . Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups
The mRNA expression level of iNOS in Cardiac tissue of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. The steady-state level of Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups of mRNA in the heart were analyzed by RT-PCR assay. Beta actin was used as an invariant internal control for calculating mRNA fold changes. Each bar represents mean value ±SE (n=6). Mean values with different superscript letters are signinifcantly different.
The mRNA expression level of eNOS in Cardiac tissue of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. The steady-state level of Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups of mRNA in the heart were analyzed by RT-PCR assay. Beta actin was used as an invariant internal control for calculating mRNA fold changes. Each bar represents mean value ±SE (n=6). Mean values with different superscript letters are signinifcantly different.
The mRNA expression level of Topoisomerase 2β in Cardiac tissue of rats in control group and under influence of different treatments. The steady-state level of Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups of mRNA in the heart were analyzed by RT-PCR assay. Beta actin was used as an invariant internal control for calculating mRNA fold changes. Each bar represents mean value ±SE (n=6). Mean values with different superscript letters are signinifcantly different
Serum iron (mg/L) of rats in control group and under the influence of different treatments. Each bar represents a mean value ±SE and the presence of different letter on the bar means a significant difference between groups