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The Effectiveness of the New Complex Bactericidal-Anthelmintic Composition Azitroprazifen in Echinococcosis of Dogs Complicated of by Streptococcal Infection

The Effectiveness of the New Complex Bactericidal-Anthelmintic Composition Azitroprazifen in Echinococcosis of Dogs Complicated of by Streptococcal Infection

Khasan Khamidovich Shakhbiev1*, Saidkhamzat Saidmagomedovich Abumuslimov1, Larisa. Vakhaevna Taramova1, Islam Khasanovich Shakhbiev1, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova2 

1Department of Physiology and Anatomy of Man and Animals, Veterinary Medicine and Zoo engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chechen State University”, Grozny, Russia; 2Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, Moscow, Russia.

Correspondence | Khasan Khamidovich Shakhbiev, Department of Physiology and Anatomy of Man and Animals, Veterinary Medicine and Zoo engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Chechen State University”, Grozny, Russia; Email: 


Echinococcosis complicated by streptococcosis, especially in of young dogs has an epizootic manifestation. The research results showed that the spread of echinococcosis complicated by streptococcosis depends on the age of the dogs. As you can see, this pathology occurs in puppies within 55.5%,of in one-year-old young animals - 30.0%, in adult males and females - 15.0% of the number cases, which indicates of the dominant prevalence of echinococcosis complicated of by streptococcosis among young dogs. The effectiveness of the new bactericidal-anthelmintic composition azitroprazifen at a dose of 20 mg / kg body weight with ground beef of in echinococcosis young of dogs complicated by streptococcosis was high in our experience. In all 100% of the experimental dogs, on the 7th day after treatment, there was a complete absence in feces of eggs of E. granulosus and bacteria of the genus Streptococcus and an improvement in the physiological state of the body. In the experiments, a new complex bactericidal-anthelmintic composition azitroprazifen, including of 1 g per praziquantel 250 mg, azithromycin 150 mg, fenbendazole 250 mg, copper chelate 100 mg, cobalt chloride 100 mg and zeolite 150 mg, at a dose of 20 mg / kg dog body weight which the is a biologically safe, effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent for echinococcosis of young of dogs complicated by streptococcosis. For the first time, results have been obtained confirming that the components of azithroprazifene (praziquantel, azithromycin, fenbendazole, copper chelate, cobalt chloride and zeolite) not only had an etiotropic and pathogenetic effect against causative agents of echinococcosis and streptococcosis, of but also of synergism in the interaction 

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