The Effects of Plant Age on Phytochemical and Geographical Distribution of Euphorbia helioscopia, (Sun Spurge or Madwoman’s Milk) Euphorbiaceae from Arrang District Bajaur
The Effects of Plant Age on Phytochemical and Geographical Distribution of Euphorbia helioscopia, (Sun Spurge or Madwoman’s Milk) Euphorbiaceae from Arrang District Bajaur
Shakir Ullah1* and Lubna Shakir2
A graph of estimated marginal means of number of compounds observed on a TLC in each part of Euphorbia helioscopia.
A graph of estimated marginal means of number of compounds observed on the TLC in relation to the age of Euphorbia helioscopia.
TLC HSG5 compound profiles; the red fluorescents (a) decreasing with plant age.
A graph of estimated marginal means of number of compounds observed on a TLC in relation to age of Euphorbia helioscopia.
TLC chemical profiles for NSG2 (a) and CSG2 (b) and HSG2 (c) and NSG3 (d) after chemical treatment with vanillin reagent.
A graph of estimated mean number of compounds with effect to geographical location.
The TLC profiling of stem wood compounds for Arrang (a), Ghargu (b), and Bajaur (c) as viewed at UV 365 nm (b and d) and after chemical treatment (a, c).