Weed Density, Phenology, Tillers and Flag Leaf Area of Wheat Affected by Sorghum Extract Concentration in Combination with Herbicides and Application Time
Weed Density, Phenology, Tillers and Flag Leaf Area of Wheat Affected by Sorghum Extract Concentration in Combination with Herbicides and Application Time
Misbahullah, Shad Khan Khalil, Asim Muhammad*, Afza Tabassum and Shah Fahad
Number of tillers m-2 of wheat as affected by sorghum concentration and weedicide interaction.
Number of tillers m-2 of wheat as affected by sorghum concentration and application time interaction.
Number of tillers m-2 of wheat as affected by application time and weedicide interaction.
Number of tillers m-2 of wheat as affected by sorghum concentration, weedicide and application time interaction.
Spikelet’s spike-1 of wheat as affected by sorghum concentration, weedicide and application time interaction.
Days to heading of wheat as affected by sorghum concentration and weedicide interaction.