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Will Typhoon Cause Great Damage to Juvenile Hybrid Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀) under Indoor Flowing Seawater Aquaculture Model?

Will Typhoon Cause Great Damage to Juvenile Hybrid Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀) under Indoor Flowing Seawater Aquaculture Model?

Jing Hu1,2,3 and Zhenhua Ma1,2,3*

1South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and Key Lab of South China Sea Fishery Resource Exploitation and Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Guangzhou 510300, China
2Tropical Aquaculture Research and Development Center , South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Sanya 572018, China 
3Sanya Tropical Fisheries Research Institute, Sanya, Hainan 572018, China
* Corresponding author: [email protected]

Fig. 1.

Transverse sections showing histopathology of gill(200X), A: Normal appearance (C group, 6 h); B: Hyperplasia in lamellar epithelium leading to lamellar fusion, epithelial lifting, curling of secondary lamellae; C: Hyperplasia in lamellar epithelium leading to lamellar fusion, epithelial lifting and occasional desquamation and disruption (T3 group, 96 h). Note: primary lamellae (PL), secondary lamellae (SL), epithelial hyperplasia (▲), epithelial necrosis and desquamation (↑), curling of secondary lamellae (↑↑), epithelial lifting and oedema (*), lamellar fusion (**).

Fig. 2.

Transverse sections showing histopathology of head kidney(400X), A: Normal appearance (C group, 6 h); B: A small amount of MMCs appeared, tissue vacuoles and ambiguous cell boundaries were occasionally seen (T3 group, 6 h); C: Colloidal enlargement, tissue boundaries were occasionally seen (T2 group, 6h); D: ambiguous cell boundaries and massive necrotic cells (T1 group, 96 h). Note: ambiguous cell boundaries (▲), tissue vacuoles (↑), MMCs distribution (↑↑), necrotic cells (*), colloidal enlargement (**).

Fig. 3.

Changes of serum lipid in hybrid grouper exposed to simulating typhoon seawater for 96 h. A: Triglyceride (TG); B: cholesterol (CHO); C: High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL); D: Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL).

Fig. 4.

Changes of serum ions in hybrid grouper exposed to simulating typhoon seawater for 96 h. A: Na+; B: K+; C: Cl-; D: Ca2+; E: Mg2+; F: Zn2+; G: Fe3+; H: P5+.

Fig. 5.
Changes of serum kidney function indexes in hybrid grouper exposed to simulating typhoon seawater for 96 h. A: Urea nitrogen (UN); B: Creatinine (CR); C: Uric acid (UA).

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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