Efficacy of botanical pesticides against Plecoptera reflexa Guen. (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera), Shisham Defoliator
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
Botanical pesticides are becoming more important for
pest control due to hazardous effect of toxic chemicals.
In the present study water extracts of different parts
of four drug plants Azadirachata indica, Dhatoora alba,
Melia azedarach and Calotropis procera were used to
determine their efficacy against Plecoptera reflexa
larvae, an important defoliator of shisham plantations.
In case of A. indica and M. azedarach seed powder was
used for making 10% water extract and for D. alba and C.
procera leaves, branches and stem were boiled in water
for making 15% and 21% decocations, respectively. The
experiment was laid out in randomized complete block
design. All test materials gave significant control over
control with maximum by Dhatoora (90%) followed by neem
(73.3%), Calotropis (66.7%), Bakian (60%) and control
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