Germination improvement of Reptonia buxifolia (Falc), A. DC. with various physico-chemical factors
Ihsan Illahi and Farrukh Hussain
Reptonia buxifolia (Falc) A.DC., shows very poor regeneration in subtropical regions of Pakistan. The present study was undertaken to improve its germination under laboratory condition. Non-treated exhibited 26% germination at 20 and 25°C and 54% at 30°C at pH5-7. Seeds treated either alone with warm water, mechanical scarification, or coupled with soaking in water, KNO3, and IAA gave over 90% germination at 20 - 30°C. A 60-80%germination was achieved with acid scarification, IAA, KNO3, sodium hypochlorite and acid scarification coupled with IAA at various temperatures tried. Large sized and surface sown seeds had better germinability at field capacity and in water-logged situation. Storage unto 12 months did not affect the germinability.
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